Posted on 02/01/2010 2:35:11 PM PST by opentalk
Private investigator Neil Sankey, using Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and other public records, found around 25 Social Security numbers connected with Barack Obamas name.
However, it may not be as many as 25, since Sankey also searched using closely related names such as: "Barak Obama," "Batock Obama," "Barok Obama," and "Barrack Obama." There may very well be some Kenyans living in America with the same last name and a similar first name. In any case, I will exclude these records for the purpose of this research and focus only on names spelled exactly like his name.
Moreover, we can verify many of the Social Security numbers as valid since theyre connected to addresses at which we know Obama resided. Needless to say, there are also a slew of address and social security numbers connected to addresses in states that Obama has no known connection to.
In Obamas home state, Illinois, Sankey tracked down 16 different addresses for a Barack Obama or a Barack H. Obama, of which all are addresses he was known to have lived at. Two Social Security numbers appear for these addresses, one beginning with 042, and one starting 364.
In California, where Obama attended Occidental College, there are six addresses listed for him, all within easy driving distance of the college. However, there are three Social Security numbers connected to these addresses, 537 and two others, each beginning with 999, which are not valid SSNs.
There are no addresses listed in New York where he attended Columbia University, but there is one listed for him in nearby Jackson, NJ, with a Social Security number beginning with 485.
In Massachusetts -- where Obama attended Harvard Law School -- we find three addresses, all using the 042 Social Security number. After Obama was elected to the United States Senate in 2005, he moved into an apartment at 300 Massachusetts Ave NW; the Social Security number attached to that address is the 042 one. Yet, three years later, Obama used a different Social Security number for an address listed as: 713 Hart Senate Office Building. This was the address of his United States Senate office. This Social Security number began with 282 and was verified by the government in 2008.
This mystery grows even stranger as other addresses and Social Security numbers for Barack Obama appear in a dozen other states not known to be connected to him. Again, I am excluding those records names not spelled exactly like his name.
Tennessee, one address with a Social Security number beginning with 427
Colorado, one address, with a Social Security number beginning with 456.
Utah, two addresses, with two Social Security numbers beginning with 901 and 799.
Missouri has one address and one Social Security number beginning with 999.
Florida has two addresses listed for his him, three if you count one listed as "Barry Obama." One is connected to a Social Security number beginning with 762.
In Georgia there are three addresses listed for him, all with different Social Security numbers: 579, 420, and 423.
In Texas there are four different addresses listed for him, one is connected to Social Security number 675.
There are two addresses listed for Barack Obama in Oregon and one address listed for him in the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
All told, there are 49 addresses and 16 different Social Security numbers listed for a person whose name is spelled "Barack Obama." In some cases, the middle initial "H" is listed. If you were to expand the search to include closely related names such as: "Barac," "Barak," and "Barrack" Obama, you would find more than a dozen additional addresses and Social Security numbers.
Finally, the one Social Security number Obama most frequently used, the one beginning with 042, is a number issued in Connecticut sometime during 1976-1977, yet there is no record of Obama ever living or working in Connecticut. Indeed, during this time period Obama would have been 15-16 years old and living in Hawaii at the time.
Extracted from an article by Steve Baldwin. Read the whole thing here . . .
Susan Daniels, a second investigator filed an affidavit, with true and correct copies here, in the Barnett v. Obama case. Susan Daniels is a private investigator, licensed by the State of Ohio.
In her affidavit, Daniels states that she has located Barack Obama's Social Security Number. She states it was issued between 1977 and 1979 in the State of Connecticut. She states that it is the only Social Security Number Barack Obama ever used.
The number assigned to Barack Obama "appears to be associated with someone born in the year 1890."
Merry month of May bump
Bump, given the current interest in this.
But Holder is Attorney General and these thugs were prosecuted, weren’t they?
How many years did each of them get for this clear violaton of election laws?
are you saying that he is The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit?
What do you mean that he isn greater than Jesus? No one is greater than God or His son. you cannot compare man to the Holy One
This is proof of the FReeper maxim that there is no such thing as sarcasm so broad or so obvious that at least one poster will fail to get it.
Come on man, don’t you see the idiocy in your statement “You don’t really think the Secret Service would make it easy for people to get the president’s social security number, do you?”?
This SS thing got to be public record LONG before Obama became POTUS! Are you really that ignorant? How could the Secret Service stop anyone for getting public records that has been available for 30 years?
WOW, try another tactic, that one just doesn’t wash.
Since this is on Google it is worth another bump.
There have been a few events in the past 15 years that indicate deep corruption in the federal government.
There are missing WH tapes on days of specific importance that indicate the secret service an FBI are compromised. They make Nixon’s 18 minutes look like child’s play.
All your SSN are belong to the won.
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