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Coast-to-Coast Predictions shows (12/30-1/1)
Coast-2-Coast AM ^
Posted on 12/28/2009 10:52:53 AM PST by Perdogg
Date: 12-30-09
Host: Art Bell
Art Bell hosts Part I of his Annual Predictions Show, with callers invited to share one event they see coming in 2010.
Date: 12-31-09
Host: Art Bell
Art Bell hosts Part II of his Annual Predictions Show, with callers invited to share one event they see coming in 2010.
Predictions Special 2010 Date: 01-01-10
Host: Ian Punnett
Ian Punnett hosts Coast to Coast AM's annual prediction show featuring psychics and futurists on what they see looming for the new year, 2010.
TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Miscellaneous; Music/Entertainment; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: 2009review; 2010; artbell; bho44; callingartbell; coast2coast; coast2coastam; coasttocoast; coasttocoastam; predictions; talkradio
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To: SunkenCiv
Predictions for 2010, Part II:
Here are some of the predictions Coast listeners made for the new year:
Discovery of life outside planet Earth announced.
Dan from Tampa suggested that a tsunami off the California coast will reveal a new underwater species.
A major celebrity admits to being abducted by aliens predicted Dusty in Virginia.
JJ from Minnesota foresees the US adding a 51st state, probably Puerto Rico.
Fish will disappear and many seafood restaurants will close by summer, said Jennifer from Albuquerque.
It will be realized that in addition to humans, animals contribute to Random Energy Generators (REGs).
An 8+ earthquake will hit the Mendocino area of Northern California.
A caller from Mesa, AZ foresees a breakdown of the World Wide Web.
Janis from upstate NY predicts big medical breakthroughs for MS and vision problems such as glaucoma or Macular Degeneration.
Plans for a multinational venture to Mars will be announced, said Mike in Las Vegas.
Carl from Milwaukee envisions wars over fresh water.
A celebrity will be exposed as a cannibal, declared Karl from Indianapolis.
Blair from Sedona suggested that gas from the ocean will replenish ozone in the atmosphere.
There will be an unprecedented rise in religious fervor, including a worldwide circle of hand holding, said Chris from Macon.
A coup d’etat will occur in Mexico, and the US will be drawn in.
A nuclear device will be found in a container at a coastal port before it goes off.
Google will be involved in a scandal, said Daniel.
John predicted that a newly discovered comet will be visible to the naked eye.
Notorious caller JC will find inner peace and hope for humanity, said a female listener.
posted on
01/01/2010 10:55:14 AM PST
("Is that a bomb in your pants, or you excited to come to America?")
To: grellis
- Scott from Charlottesville, VA believes a specific reason for the bee die-off will be announced.
It'll turn out that the hives were contaminated with BPP (this one is probably only amusing to Michiganders).
posted on
01/01/2010 11:11:41 AM PST
(Happy New Year!)
- The headline "Obama Gets Osama" will appear in American newspapers.
The only way "Obama Gets Osama" will appear in American newspapers is if Zero dumps his wife and family and becomes the next Missus bin Laden.
- A caller from Pahrump, NV foresees the rediscovery of the Hollow Earth/North Pole entrance.
- A caller from Salinas, CA said Obama will appear on national TV announcing that aliens exist, and then one of the ETs will talk on camera.
- California will see a 7.3 earthquake.
- Orion from Indiana said Planet X will become visible for all to see.
- Steve declared that the Hall of Records will be found in the Grand Canyon.
- There will be an interracial double hand transplant, stated one caller.
There is no Hollow Earth/North Pole entrance.
Obama won't announce that aliens exist, except as part of another proposal for amnesty for illegals.
I'll "predict" right now that California won't experience a 2010 quake higher than 6.4.
Planet X (in the Sitchin-derivative sense) doesn't exist.
The "Hall of Records" thing appears to be loosely based on a century-old April Fools' joke regarding Egyptians in the Grand Canyon.
The interracial double hand transplant is a misprognostication that really indicates more hands up the Sock Puppet's ass.
posted on
01/01/2010 11:12:48 AM PST
(Happy New Year!)
- A Detroit "prophetess" foresees a terrorist attack on the New York subway, possibly in March.
- Because of terrorism, the government will reveal a top secret form of transportation that will eliminate the need for air travel said Bakker in Toronto.
The secret form of transportation? Trains. And what do subways use? ...
- A man from North Carolina predicted that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear capability.
- An international military force will stage an attack on Somali pirates.
Disqualification -- neither of those would be particularly surprising, and the latter has happened continually for over a year anyway.
- A new group of "honest" politicians will volunteer to take lie detector tests, and be elected into office, said Richard in Santa Barbara.
At least 'honest' was in quotes. I mean, other than the lie detector test offer, that is exactly what happened in 2008.
- Pete in North Carolina predicts the stock market will rise to a new high, 14,500.
- The biggest one-year drop in the finance market will be caused by state defaults.
One or the other, but not both, and the first is much more likely than the second.
- A major power blackout will occur in the Southwest, possibly Las Vegas.
- Developments in nanotechnology will improve the lives of paralysis victims said Steve in Kentucky.
- Marsha suggested a new living species will be discovered that will cause a lot of excitement.
The second of these actually looks falsifiable; the first one is too vague, the third is something that happens all the time. If "Marsha" had said, "bigfoot" instead of "a new living species", well then, it would be *on*. ;')
- Boston will be hit by a big hurricane predicted Simon.
- During the Spring, a tornado outbreak in the US will surpass the super outbreak of 1974, said Bill in upstate New York.
- Lori foresees a huge tidal wave/tsunami hitting the entire West Coast.
- The River Ganges will slow to a trickle, and there will be a high amount of sterility in India predicted Jenessa in Modesto.
- Volcanoes will erupt in the Mojave Desert in the fall predicted a caller from Costa Mesa.
Down by the banks of the river Charles...
It'll be really windy in spots in 2010.
Lori's west coast tsunami, as well as the Costa Mesa caller's Mojave volcanoes, could be related to the 7.3 Cali quake prediction. And by related, I mean, medical marijuana.
High amount of sterility in India, the world's largest country (possibly after China), would definitely make the papers. I'm thinkin', not gonna happen.
posted on
01/01/2010 11:17:21 AM PST
(Happy New Year!)
To: Perdogg; AdmSmith; Berosus; bigheadfred; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; ...
Thanks Perdogg!
- A caller from Mesa, AZ foresees a breakdown of the World Wide Web.
That happens on FR a few times a year. ;')
- A coup d'etat will occur in Mexico, and the US will be drawn in.
No chance the US would intervene in Mexico. And with the current US regime, no chance we'll have a border barrier. The complete breakdown of law and order in Mexico doesn't qualify as evidence for a working government anyway, i.e., the name on the official stationery doesn't reflect who's in charge.
- A celebrity will be exposed as a cannibal, declared Karl from Indianapolis.
A.K.A., your next Democratic President of the United States.
- Janis from upstate NY predicts big medical breakthroughs for MS and vision problems such as glaucoma or Macular Degeneration.
- A major celebrity admits to being abducted by aliens predicted Dusty in Virginia.
Medical marijuana.
- A nuclear device will be found in a container at a coastal port before it goes off.
Unfortunately, it will still explode. Then Napolitano will announce, "the system works."
- An 8+ earthquake will hit the Mendocino area of Northern California.
- Dan from Tampa suggested that a tsunami off the California coast will reveal a new underwater species.
- Fish will disappear and many seafood restaurants will close by summer, said Jennifer from Albuquerque.
Luckily, restaurants will be able to start serving the new underwater species.
- Blair from Sedona suggested that gas from the ocean will replenish ozone in the atmosphere.
This will be due to a top secret gov't project to repopulate the whale species by feeding them tacos.
- Carl from Milwaukee envisions wars over fresh water.
He's not worried about it, but if it led somehow to a beer shortage...
- Discovery of life outside planet Earth announced.
Gotta be a reference to Mars. Such a discovery will be saddled on by the gee-whiz cheerleaders, and rejected by everyone else (including most scientists).
- Plans for a multinational venture to Mars will be announced, said Mike in Las Vegas.
I think that's already happened, once a year or more, for a while now.
- Google will be involved in a scandal, said Daniel.
Google has chunks of scandals in their crap.
- It will be realized that in addition to humans, animals contribute to Random Energy Generators (REGs).
- JJ from Minnesota foresees the US adding a 51st state, probably Puerto Rico.
Mexico will be part of the United States before Puerto Rico is. :')
- John predicted that a newly discovered comet will be visible to the naked eye.
Disqualification, this happens pretty regularly. If John is talking about Nibiru, then no, it isn't going to happen.
- Notorious caller JC will find inner peace and hope for humanity, said a female listener.
Luckily, I don't listen to the show and don't know what this means.
- There will be an unprecedented rise in religious fervor, including a worldwide circle of hand holding, said Chris from Macon.
Foggy crystal ball again -- there will be a huge spike of popularity for Beatles imitator groups, and all of them will perform "I Wanna Hold Your Hand".
posted on
01/01/2010 12:10:08 PM PST
(Happy New Year!)
To: Darkwolf377; Perdogg; SunkenCiv; djf; SilvieWaldorfMD; BigSkyFreeper; hennie pennie; ...
In every picture I've seen of him, Bell looks downright creepy.LOL! Btw more 2010 predictions tonight w/ Punnett
To: Darkwolf377
In every picture I've seen of him, Bell looks downright creepy. I'm talking...well, I don't want to smear the guy's name so I won't say what I think he looks like.He looks like my high school history teacher who was creepy in his own right. I like George Noory better.
posted on
01/01/2010 7:30:06 PM PST
("Ked Tennedy would have been plowed... I mean, proud today..." - Senator Max Baucus (Drunk-MT))
To: whatisthetruth; Perdogg
To: Darkwolf377; SunkenCiv
I heard approximately 90 seconds of the Ron Reagan
AIR AMERICA talk show -- Ron Jr. had asked his audience to call in with a 'Grade' for The.Prez.Although he is really nicey nicey to his callers, super concilliatory, almost obsequious, he was surprised, you could hear it in his voice that 2 of the people who called in tried to give BHO an F-MINUS, LOLOL -- and he got 4 Ds, and a C-MINUS and a plain 'F.'
I didn't have time to listen further, but obviously Ron Reagan's audience of far lefty liberal progressives are no longer enamored with Barack.
To: Perdogg
To: hennie pennie
To: whatisthetruth
I don’t know, but one other time I listened to more of his show and he did mention a wife.
To: hennie pennie
To: John W
posted on
01/01/2010 8:53:04 PM PST
(Happy New Year!)
To: hennie pennie
Probably Zero has been a disappointment because he hasn’t started the Stalin-style show trials the left had been counting on.
posted on
01/01/2010 8:56:22 PM PST
(Happy New Year!)
To: whatisthetruth
posted on
01/01/2010 8:59:42 PM PST
(Happy New Year!)
To: whatisthetruth
In every picture I've seen of him, Bell looks downright creepy.
LOL.. Ain't the the Truth!
I'll be tuning in tonight. Hoping I can stay awake this time! Heh.
To: SunkenCiv
They first started getting riled up over the Afghanistan Surge - they want him to bring ALL the troops home; before they calmed down about that, they realized that there would be NO single payer healthcare plan, NO public option, NO medicare for all, that socialized medicine was not going to fly.
They have been furious ever since. REALLY furious.
To: hennie pennie
:’) Yeah, I’m really concerned about their needs too. ;’)
posted on
01/01/2010 9:27:34 PM PST
(Happy New Year!)
To: divine_moment_of_facts
Hoping I can stay awake this time
You must be kidding.....
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