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Numerous evidence of Pre-Historic Nuclear War exists ^
| Tuesday 6. Oct 2009
| Brad Steiger
Posted on 10/06/2009 7:13:37 AM PDT by Nikas777
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posted on
10/06/2009 7:13:37 AM PDT
To: Quix; SunkenCiv
For your ping list consideration. I don’t generally believe this stuff but I keep an open mind about it and it is much fun to read about and speculate on.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:14:48 AM PDT
(En touto nika, "In this, be victorious")
To: Nikas777
Scientists found that the ore of this mine contained abnormally low proportions of U235 such as found only in depleted uranium fuel taken from atomic reactors.So please tell us how an ancient civilization mined uranium, enriched it, and then put back the depleted uranium as ore again.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:18:29 AM PDT
To: Nikas777
posted on
10/06/2009 7:18:39 AM PDT
AD from SpringBay
(We deserve the government we allow.)
To: dirtboy
Maybe they buried it in a salt mine...hehe
posted on
10/06/2009 7:19:30 AM PDT
(A nation cannot stand in the absence of religious principle.)
To: Nikas777
“This has all happened before... and it will happen again.”
posted on
10/06/2009 7:21:45 AM PDT
(For Neda. May God bless those fighting for freedom.)
To: Nikas777
Albion W. Hart, one of the first engineers to graduate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was assigned a project in the interior of Africa. While he and his men were traveling to an almost inaccessible region, they had first to cross a great expanse of desert. At the time, he was puzzled and quite unable to explain a large area of greenish glass which covered the sands as far as he could see. "Later on during his life," wrote Margarethe Casson in Rocks and Minerals (No. 396, 1972), "he passed by the White Sands area after the first atomic explosion there, and he recognized the same type of silica fusion which he had seen fifty years earlier in the African desert."
MIT was founded in 1861. Let's say that Hart graduated in 1870 at the age of 22 (I'm being generous here).
Trinity happened in 1945. That's seventy-five years. Hart would have been 92 at the time of the explosion. And I doubt he would have been able to go anywhere near the site until after he was 100.
The only references I could find to Albion W. Hart were circular - the same reference recycled across mutiple website entries interested in this subject. I call bogus.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:26:56 AM PDT
To: Nikas777
Maybe the Apocalypse already happened, and the promise God made that the next devastation would be fire and not flood has already occured. Maybe the whole story is racial memory, and we’re just building a palimpsest civilization on the ruins of the true world.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:27:26 AM PDT
Little Pig
(Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.)
To: dirtboy
posted on
10/06/2009 7:28:00 AM PDT
(Seniors, the new shovel ready project under socialized medicine.)
To: Nikas777
The Book of Geniuses starts out with the Earth that was - and it was null and void. Each seed grew after it's own kind, as if the seed was already here. That means the Earth was already here and renovated. There very well could have been other life forms before us.
In many different Religions, there have been "ages" before ours. I think it was the Aztec's (?) that claimed there have been 6 ages, or Earths, before ours. This one is suppose to be the last chance.
Yeah. I can believe the Earth was used before. Why not?
To: Nikas777
Interesting article, but it begs one enormous question: Nowhere in the article does it mention radioactivity - certainly even thousands of years later, there should be some residue detectable by Geiger counter.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:32:34 AM PDT
(`Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.')
To: cripplecreek
I know the truth is hard for your Neo, but we have destroyed Zion many times before, and we will do so again ...
posted on
10/06/2009 7:32:35 AM PDT
To: Nikas777
posted on
10/06/2009 7:35:14 AM PDT
Joe 6-pack
(Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
To: cripplecreek
To: concerned about politics
No doubt everyone knows that the Moon used to be part of the Earth but was blown off when Earth smacked into a third Mars-sized body.
Stuff happens.
BTW, the green glass in Arabia's desert (the empty quarter) and the Western Desert in Egypt is readily explained ~ it's simply more visible than green glass elsewhere because these are desert regions.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:41:49 AM PDT
To: mkleesma
Anti-matter bombs rather than A-bombs?
posted on
10/06/2009 7:42:23 AM PDT
(En touto nika, "In this, be victorious")
To: dirtboy
Trinity happened in 1945. That's seventy-five years. Hart would have been 92 at the time of the explosion. And I doubt he would have been able to go anywhere near the site until after he was 100.
It fits the rest of the writing. And it holds for more conspiracy stuff. You start with traces of actual facts. Throw in a slight dose of rumor and conjecture and then slap in some unsupported conclusions. For example they don't mention that thousands of years old ruins can look 'melted' due to acid rain and other erosion. And they don't mention that volcanoes can throw out glassy bits.
A good example is the part about the Sahara. They start off with facts about how it was once greener, and that there is recent evidence of that, and then the author jumps right to a claim that it was obliterated all at once, without any intervening steps of logic or evidence.
I think there is lots of stuff out there not explained, or totally misunderstood. But the way most 'conspiracy theory' type stuff is so lacking in credibility or logic that it is kind of disappointing. Nazi UFOs or ancient nuclear war would be nifty stuff if there was anything to back it up that had a continous thread of reasoning.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:42:53 AM PDT
To: dirtboy
I call bogus. Probably - but it is still a 'blast' to read.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:43:54 AM PDT
(En touto nika, "In this, be victorious")
To: mkleesma
Advanced atomic weapons should have a tremendous yield in heat energy and a tiny yield in what we term radioactivity.
That is, they would have to be tuned better than we can do today.
posted on
10/06/2009 7:47:12 AM PDT
To: Nikas777
The problem with the Ancients were as technically advanced as us hypothesis is plastic & aluminum
If the ancients were able to make nuclear bombs than they most certainly would have been able to make plastic and being that plastic last forever, where are the plastics artifacts?
If Obama drives to world into a Mad Max scenario and/or the ice age comes back, 100000 years from now, some future archaeologist will still find my Styrofoam clam shell that my Big Mac came in back in 1975.
Same with Aluminum, up until modern smeltering techniques 75 years ago, Aluminum was rarer than gold. Where are the Aluminum artifacts?
posted on
10/06/2009 7:49:02 AM PDT
(There's been a huge party. All plates and the bottles are empty, all that's left is the bill to pay)
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