If Obama nominates her she just resigns her senate position before she’s sworn in think.....
She could resign, yes, but that will not mean she wasn’t Senator prior.
If she was in the Senate when the pay was raised for Sec of State, then she is not eligible, at least according to that pesky, flawed, useless, outdated document.
How ‘bout she resigns her seat, then Obama says, “Oh that’s right, you’re ineligible.” and yanks the Sec of State from her.
Now where the f#ck is she?
You miss the point, she was in a position to vote herself what would now be a raise. Hence the Constitutional obstacle.
I suggest we don’t just let these things slide, the weight will pile up.
Nope. Doesn't work. Resignation doesn't cover
No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected,That time runs out in 2013.
The wording declares ‘for the time he was elected’ which I would intrepret to mean for the entire elected term whether or not he/she resigns. He/she is still not eligible for the original elected term.
I believe that this is to prevent any state senator/erpersentative allegience being transferred from their state to the federal union.
I believe it is to protect ‘states rights’.