I can’t say if patriotism (in theory) can be bad at all. It is just a sense of loyalty and pride. But, acts of patriotism can be bad. If somebody’s acts of patriotism infringes upon another person’s rights, then that act of patriotism is obviously “bad.”
The Nazi’s were driven by envy and resentment of their neighbor’s land and wealth, not patriotism. Patriotism is bad when it’s not really patriotism but envy hijacking a respectable false front for cover. Similarly charity is bad when it is used as a false front to take wealth from others.
Easy one, Benedict Arnold comes to mind. Patriot for America and then switched sides.
Is that Patriotism gone wrong?
Patriotism places a demand on a person. So a bad form of patriotism is not being able to balance it with the other demands in your life.
This begins with the question, “Do you love your country more than you love your...”
It could be many things. Is patriotism more important than religion? If your beloved spouse wanted to emigrate, would you? If your country became abhorrent and oppressive, led by evil men, would it still deserve patriotism?
Is patriotism love of a place, a people, or a philosophy? A place may have been beautiful, but is now ruined. And as they say about people, “Every one-hundred years, all new people.” And philosophy changes, as does what people think of as their freedoms and liberties.
The obvious example were loyal Germans and Japanese.
Pick any of his books, or the ones he wrote for Obama.
“Mumbly Joe” Biden said during the campaign that it’s patriotic to pay higher taxes.
“Mumbly Joe” Biden said during the campaign that it’s patriotic to pay higher taxes.
Hitler and the Germans is a great example of love of country mixed with pure messianic evil.Charismatic leaders are to be watched - closely.
Well, most everyone in the Democrat Party can be safely said to be prime examples of bad patriotism. Of course, their version of patriotism would be perfectly natural and laudable if they lived in Russia, China, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, etc., etc., etc.
I would agree with your distinction between patriotism and hyper-nationalism. I would feature that comparison in your assignment.
G.K. Chesterton said, “’My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no patriot would think of saying. It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober.’”
When increases in our already confiscatory tax rates are couched by unscrupulous politicians as “patriotic”.
A good bad example would be DemonRats peeing on the country and claiming it’s patriotism. It is obvious that by the very nature of the assignment that the instructor has no ethics.
Nazi Germany. Imperial Japan.
I don’t know if German patriotism in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, or Soviet patriotism from 1917 through 1992 was such a good thing.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I love America, because it is eminently lovable. IOW, there are very good reasons for being patriotic in America, they are real, and they are irrational, and anyone who is anti-patriotic in America is irrational, or misinformed.
Think Nazi Germany as patriotism gone bad.
Two classic examples of “patriotism gone wrong”: Imperial Japan, Germany .....of the 1930’s-mid 1940’s. In each case, whole populations were whipped into a frenzy of bloodlust by pseudo-patriotic propaganda perpetrated by governments with horrific agendas. Delve into those for your paper.
History, since the time nations were formed, is replete with malevolent acts done behind the guise of patriotism.