"I continue to believe the administration's problem is not that the base lately doesn't like it, but that the White House has decided it actually doesn't like the base. That's a worse problem. It's hard to fire a base. Hard to get a new one."
Wow, touche ... even Noonan is soured on Bush.
And here am I, I stoutly defended Bush through many a deal-breaks against the conservative grain, from medicare drugs to Miers (although I opposed both decisions, I supported the President). But at this point, why bother?
he's going out of his way to promulgate the most libral policy decision and the largest expansion in welfare in the past 2 decades.
If it passes, we can definitely say that Bush is more liberal than Clinton on domestic policy.
She's been sour on Bush for at least two years, and maybe longer. She thinks she should be writing his speeches, thus her biting critiques of every one of them.
Yeah, Bush has increased taxes and looked for every opportunity to promote abortion. (/sarc)
This is a pretty big stretch. The "first generation" illegals made into citizens will vote 99% for the communist (read: RAT party) ticket. Most of these people would vote for the socialist candidate in Mexico if they thought their vote would mean anything. Part of the reason they come here is that Mexican politics is hopelessly corrupt. (no, its not an excuse in my book; I want them deported - to the man.) Come to think of it, US politics is pretty corrupt, too.
Peggy Noonan has been sour on Pres. Bush for quite some time now. She's been putting the worst possible spin on everything he says or does, including that idiotic column on how he had "too much God" in the SOTU. She no longer has any credibility with me.
She can't ever find very much good to say about President Bush, but considers that leftist West Wing writer a "good friend."
yeah, right. Whatever... more liberal than Clinton, I don't think so.