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There is no reason - in my opinion - to glorify any promilitaric politics...
1 posted on 03/09/2004 1:36:43 AM PST by noyce
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To: noyce
Not even high intensity electric lightning bolts hurled with great precision by a person named MOD?
2 posted on 03/09/2004 2:54:01 AM PST by zygoat
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To: noyce; hellinahandcart; trussell; MEG33; MeekOneGOP; Toto27; Hillarys nightmare; EggsAckley; ...
An early morning ZOT awaits!

3 posted on 03/09/2004 4:00:46 AM PST by JoJo Gunn (Intellectuals exist only if you believe they do. ©)
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To: noyce
High principles are admirable. Post a sign in your window,

"I am a pacifist. There are no guns in this household."

We'll see you later. If you survive.

There are people who want what you want, and there are people who want what you have. They will take your property, your children, your life. They have no attachment to what you think it is worth, and will use any of it to their own purpose, and then cast it aside like a used tissue. You have a duty, to yourself and your children, to prevent this from happening.

Not everyone is like that. There are also people who are willing to defend you, and prevent others from taking what is not theirs to take. We call them neighbors, policemen, and soldiers.

The best way to prevent the need for war, or theft, is to see to it that your neighbors, and those in neighboring countries, have access to the things they want, at a price lower than that which they would have to pay to take it from you.

The next best way is to make sure that the price they would have to pay for stealing, or invading, is very, very high. You may not think that anyone would invade your country, and take things from you that you hold dear, but it has happened many times before, and it is happening even as we speak.
4 posted on 03/09/2004 4:02:28 AM PST by NicknamedBob ("When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." -- Dr. Wayne Dyer)
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To: noyce
Your opinion matters less to me than my neighbor's cat's.

5 posted on 03/09/2004 4:06:43 AM PST by hellinahandcart
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To: noyce
well the obvious answers arise here. tell that to holocaust survivors, tell that to rebels of oppresive governmants all over the world. tell that to our Founding Fathers who formed AND protected our way of life through their blood!

ever heard of a "Warrior-Poet"? they see the honour and duty of protecting one's lifestyle and freedoms as a GOOD thing. your poem suggests that we are all apparently evil, and only put up with peace so that we can endure the horrors of war.

"Do not go gently into that good night." i think that is more well placed than your garbage you just posted.

and before it gets away from me, yes, i noticed you signed up TODAY to share your piece of "wisdom." you DO realize that nothing gets accomplished in time of peace as well, right? you like your computer, your canned food, your way of life as you know it? thank the Cold War, thank World War I, thank The Revolutionary War. major change and improvement only comes in time of need.

so you may be a "poet" all you wish, but as for myself, im going to try using logic and living in the real world until my time is up, instead of sitting in my room writing things that my girlfriend tells me is good but i cant believe her because she likes Carrot Top.
6 posted on 03/09/2004 4:13:15 AM PST by MacDorcha
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To: noyce
and before you go and cry about how we're "not even listening to you" think of this, we are all here and talking because we all have an opinion. we formed these opinions through observation and the real world. as for some of us digging into you, keep in mind you DO have a right to say what you wish, but that does NOT mean we will listen to it, or even take you seriously.
9 posted on 03/09/2004 4:19:11 AM PST by MacDorcha
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To: noyce
Since March 9th, huh?

From Germany. (und ya ich sprechen Deutsch, I just prefer NOT TO!)

And your "about page".... that should have an anti-emetic alert posted to it, as I nearly barfed over my keyboard!)

If you'e not a trol to Free Republic, then welcome. If you are, prepare to see us bare our teeth... and ZOT you before I awake again. (It's 10.30 Tuedsay night in my part of Australia, I'm tired, and I need sleep... can someone alert the Viking Kitties for me if they are needed? Thanks...)
13 posted on 03/09/2004 4:36:30 AM PST by KangarooJacqui ("If you can't be a good example,you'll just have to be a horrible warning." - Kerry campaign slogan?)
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To: noyce
Are you quoting a Hanoi John speech? Here is some quotes to ponder:
The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation." - George Washington

“Experience proves that the man who obstructs a war in which his nation is engaged, no matter whether right or wrong, occupied no enviable place in life or history. Better for him, individually, to advocate 'war, pestilence, and famine,' than to act as obstructionist to a war already begun." Ulysses S. Grant

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague." Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman Orator - 106-43 B.C
14 posted on 03/09/2004 4:36:56 AM PST by USMARINE6 (All That Glitters is Not Gold...Some is Just Bright Yellow)
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To: noyce
This poem of mine was originally on last year. Somewhat ironically, the style I used -- the ghazal -- has its origins in what is now Iran.

Earth Could Have Been Fifty Worlds

Earth could have been fifty worlds, as easy as one, in those days,
When the speed of news was how fast a horse could run in those days.

Nations would rise and then fall, heroes live and die, all unknown,
Except for the wildest tall tales that ever were spun in those days.

Cables were laid undersea and the mighty rails crossed the land.
Word of the world faster went, racing ’gainst the sun, in those days.

The Earth became smaller. Still oceans kept people divided.
Doughboys were shipped “Over There” to fight WW1, in those days.

Airplanes crossed seas. Radios blared there would be “peace in our time,”
But Poland and Pearl Harbor showed there would be none in those days.

News of the world was broadcast from space to place by satellite,
But Earth was split in two by a Curtain of Iron in those days.

Copper and glass were woven into net to make fast the world.
Pulling front porch to door-post, strong the web is spun in these days.

We can buy, trade, talk, and make love around the world quick as thought.
9-1-1 found quick terror likewise could be done in these days.

There’s no “over there“ and we cannot go back, so we must choose:
A life filled with terror or freedom again won, in these days.

Celtjew loves the liberty and the high-tech vibe that it brings,
Despite the tough choices they bring for everyone, in these days.
15 posted on 03/09/2004 5:20:36 AM PST by Celtjew Libertarian (Shake Hands with the Serpent: Poetry by Charles Lipsig aka Celtjew
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To: noyce
Go Away Troll
17 posted on 03/09/2004 6:03:16 AM PST by trussell (Member: Viking Kitty Society;New Charter member: Troll Patrol...)
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To: noyce
Your opinion does not matter in the slightest. To anyone. See ya.
19 posted on 03/09/2004 6:36:12 AM PST by TheBigB (Going partly violently to the thing 24/7!)
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To: noyce; MeekOneGOP; StarCMC; Darksheare; radu; Old Sarge

If you're a poet
you sure don't show it
poems must be formatted
something you're not good at...
Me thinks you're a Troll
without an American soul
You signed up today
well here's to you
you're on your way...

Be gone with your doggerel!!

21 posted on 03/09/2004 6:44:12 AM PST by Soaring Feather (~ I do Poetry and party among the stars~)
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To: noyce; bentfeather; Argh; meowmeow; Constitution Day; 4mycountry; Poohbah; Grampa Dave; ...
Upon reading a pacifist's verse
Bemoaning all the worst
Of mankind's wars
And the incumbent horrors
Of pain and death and sorrow,
I couldn't wait until tomorrow
To tell you that poem really blows
And the dog ate mother's toes.
23 posted on 03/09/2004 7:06:30 AM PST by VRWCmember (Dick Gephardt is a <a href="" target="_blank">miserable failure </a>)
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To: noyce; VRWCmember
Look we have homocidal maniacs who want to kill us. We are preventing them from succeeding. Maybe you would get it if 9/11 had happened on your soil. Then again maybe you wouldn't.
28 posted on 03/09/2004 7:18:00 AM PST by NeoCaveman (New and improved is typically neither!)
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To: noyce
There is no reason in your opinion.

There now.

30 posted on 03/09/2004 7:20:36 AM PST by Conspiracy Guy (The word "Tagline" needs to be added to Free Republic's Spell Check.)
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To: noyce; aculeus; general_re; BlueLancer; Poohbah; hellinahandcart; Coop
Welcome to FreeRepublic.

Inspired by your profile, I make this musico-poetic offering.

31 posted on 03/09/2004 7:24:22 AM PST by dighton
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To: noyce

We Owe You

We owe you all for all you do,
You risk it all each day.
We’d like to send our deepest thanks,
To you we’d like to say.
You are our bravest and our best,
We’re proud of all of you.
You serve your country selflessly,
Your country knows this too.
So know that while you’re far away,
This nation backs your fight.
With your hard work and God’s Dear Grace,
This all will come out right.
So please stay safe and do your best,
Our hearts are with you there.
We hope you know that here back home,
The people really care.

Conspiracy Guy December 2003

34 posted on 03/09/2004 7:37:38 AM PST by Conspiracy Guy (The word "Tagline" needs to be added to Free Republic's Spell Check.)
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To: noyce

Freedom isn’t free you know,
It isn’t even cheap.
Many paid the highest price,
So freedom, we could keep.
Soldiers fought and soldiers died,
In many foreign lands.
In forest deep and thick with snow,
And even desert sands.
We fought at sea and in the air,
The battle rages still.
We must back our troops today,
And show we have the will.
To stay the course until it’s done,
And then again we’ll see.
That freedom still belongs to us,
But never is it free.

Conspiracy Guy 12/15/03
35 posted on 03/09/2004 7:39:19 AM PST by Conspiracy Guy (The word "Tagline" needs to be added to Free Republic's Spell Check.)
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To: noyce
Here's one back at ya ...

"Over the Hills and Far Away" - modern version;

Four thousand dollars on the drum,
For those who’ll volunteer to come
And enlist to fight the foe today,
Over the hills and far away.

O’er the hills, we will attack
Afghanistan and then Iraq;
George Bush commands and we obey,
Over the hills and far away.

When duty calls me, I must go
To stand and face another foe;
But part of me will always stray
Over the hills and far away.

O’er the hills, from sea to land,
Iraq, and then on to Iran;
George Bush commands and we obey,
Over the hills and far away.

If I should fall to fight no more,
As many comrades did before,
Then ask the pipes and drums to play
"Over the hills and far away".

O’er the hills, pro patria,
Iran and then Arabia;
George Bush commands and we obey,
Over the hills and far away.

Then fall in, lads, behind the drum,
With colours blazing like the sun,
Along the road to come what may,
Over the hills and far away.

O’er the hills we will advance,
Through Belgium, Germany, and France;
George Bush commands and we obey,
Over the hills and far away."

37 posted on 03/09/2004 7:57:37 AM PST by BlueLancer (Der Elite Møøsënspåånkængrüppen ØberKømmååndø (EMØØK))
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To: noyce
Or try this one instead ...

Take the children and yourself
and hide out in the cellar.
By now the fighting will be close at hand.
Don't believe the church and state
And everything they tell you;
Believe in me, I'm with the High Command.

Can you hear me,
can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running,
can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me,
can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running,
can you hear me calling you?

There's a gun and ammunition
just inside the doorway;
Use it only in emergency.
Better you should pray to God,
The Father and the Spirit,
Will guide you and protect from up here.

Can you hear me,
can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running,
can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me,
can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running,
can you hear me calling you?

Swear allegiance to the flag,
Whatever flag they offer;
Never hint at what you really feel.
Teach the children quietly,
For someday sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still.

Can you hear me,
can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running,
can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me,
can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running,
can you hear me calling you?

Silent Running
(Mike and the Mechanics)

38 posted on 03/09/2004 8:02:09 AM PST by BlueLancer (Der Elite Møøsënspåånkængrüppen ØberKømmååndø (EMØØK))
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