Here are some facts to share:
95% of all CO2 creation comes from volcanoes around the world. Animals accounts and other natural phenomena account for 2%. Human industrialized behavior accounts for 3%.
The US has the cleanest air and water in the world and the toughest EPA regulations. Many of the signers of the Paris Accord have abysmal pollution - see Brazil, Mexico, India, China.
The Paris Accord is merely a money grab to penalize the US for success - income redistribution.
Climate change (remember global warming, before it stopped warming?) has been going on for millions of years and will continue for millions of years. It is a natural phenomenon of a living planet.
Climate is different than weather. An occasional snowstorm on Florida or a hurricane hitting Massachusetts is weather, not climate.
I asked my step-mother, who didn't believe that "An Inconvenient Truth" was a work of fiction, about it, and she blamed it on SUVs. I tried to explain that SUVs on earth couldn't effect climate on Mars, but she refused to believe it.