all pedophiles should be shot
Hard to defend ones self after years.
Big money law suits from these type of allegations always makes me wonder.
No new epidemic at all has taken over America.
Ubiquitous cameras have ripped away the self imposed veil that Americans used to use in order to not believe what they did not want to believe.
People wanted to believe that rape and sexual abuse were rare. Certainly they wanted to believe that the perpetrators of those crimes were strangers rather than teachers, clergy, childcare workers, police, or family.
Welcome to the blue pill.
This was ephebophilia, not pedophilia. Still evil in any case.
According to the researcher George Webb, these pedo networks always want to turn people in the police departments in order to corrupt the police department. When the specific officers are located, look at their history and see who they were protecting and what they were turning a blind eye to.
Pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated. They must be permanently removed from society by whatever alternative that may require.
divikkm, allow me to respond. In the west, politically correct nonsense called diversity has schooled the ignorant to accept the deceptive notion that all people regardless of cultural beliefs and practices are equal and must be accorded equal respect and acceptance. Consequently the civilized world as we have known it to be since the Renaissance has now become a breeding ground and a mecca for savages. This will continue unless and until the savages are either forced by law to abide by the rules of civilized society or are exiled or are exterminated. To understand what I’ve said here go to your local library and check out a copy of Theodore Dalrymple’s book entitled Life At The Bottom, and/or his other important work entitled Our Culture - What’s Left Of It.
Another Penn State?
I seem to recall you defending roadside rectal probing by police once.
So it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to bet you’d excuse this too.
Probably should have, blogpimp.
Calling it “pedophilia” is just politically correct obfuscation. Call it what it is. It is the homosexual rape of minors which is the classic way a minor is “imprinted” as a homosexual. The rape of minors by homosexuals is perhaps the most vile unreported atrocity in America. And yes, homosexuals have political power, have permeated every profession including law enforcement and the military. They use all their power and influence to protect and cover for one another.
It is awful. But let’s keep this in perspective. The reason that laws exist against pedophilia is because pedophilia had been with us for as long as man can remember. So throw the book at them. But don’t wrong your hands and pretend this is unprecedented or new.
Libturds demand to have gays as scoutmasters, what could go wrong?
God is Not our Focus and the Federal government along with the State governments are working against Gods Laws, So yes, of course the Obvious Ill-moral society is having major problems, which will continue to get worst, for we are not addressing the Root of our Decay!
We are Working against Gods Order and in doing so we have dug our own pit. The Beast of the Federal government MUST be slayed and a Return to Small republics with Focus on Gods Laws and Order, Not the order of Men and Men’s will.
Helping to chart this Path back to a Moral Peoples’s with a Focus on God is Veritas Radio Network!
The Enemy is within and until we deal with that Enemy we will Never be able to Deal with the Enemy’s outside the Nation.
Know this:
Return to God, a Moral people and Christendom! Anything Else if for Not! When you see the reunification of Christians into the One True Faith the Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church the End to the Darkness will be Assured... Until then PRAY for All the Lost Souls!
God Bless
This was sexual abuse of a teenage boy.
It is NORMAL (ie 50% or more of the demographic group engages in sexual pursuit of minors). This was in the stats for homosexuals in human behavior class decades ago and is still in the stats today (I asked).
Of course adults set children up not to be wary of homosexuals. Today we have a headline of the Disney movie with homosexual characters having a record opening.
I know of one pedophile in Louisville who was incarcerated and within a week had a permanent colostomy. Folks around here don’t like this kind of stuff.
I was a Sheriff Explorer in Santa Cruz County.
Something odd about this story.
Pedophilia involves pre-pubescent victims.