Forget the polls. Look at the odds. The gamblers are betting against Trump... the drift has increased in the last 2 weeks. If you believe in Trump, you can make your money 400% in less than 100 days!
Did the mainstream media report the rally for Trump last Sunday in an A.M.E. Church in Charlotte?
Have to worry about the electoral vote!
I am alive enough years to remember that it USED TO BE ‘none of your (*) business who I am voting for, and if you insist on asking, I’ll re-arrange your face’!
Now, with all these wanna-know’s busy-bodying into everybody’s everything, should I be honored with receiving such a call, i either tell them, ahem, (bless ‘um you!), or that i am not voting at all, which really gets their goat.
Here’s something else...
Traditional black democrat voters have never had a black man as President for 8 years before. What did it get them? Nothing. It has exposed the Dem lie - that they care for the “poor working person”. No, they just want your votes, that’s all. They never actually DO anything for you.
#BLM is not supporting Hillary. This is not good for her across the black population.