In a very clear and deliberate delivery of how the GOPe establishment view those who do not want to accept Jeb Bush in the White House, the republican party elitist and BFF of Charles Krauthammer, George Will, outlines the acceptable parameters for Donald Trump supporters -those unwashed, unintelligent masses- to be good little Republicans.
Money quote (ie. Sunlight upon how the GOPe feel about you) at 04:33:
These are voters the Republicans want, the Republicans want all voters, and particularly these voters, but to say that he’s tapped into something;… {shaking head} … Henry Wallace tapped into something, with the far left of American Politics in the late 40’s; the John Birch society tapped into something, George Wallace tapped into something, and it was up to the grown-ups in the labor movement in the late 1940’s, and the grown-ups in the conservative movement in the 1960’s to read those elements the riot act, and say: come back in, but come back in on our terms because we are not going down the road you want to go”…
Notice – As George Will begins to opine with the visible display of his superiority, and fully present his disgust toward the base of the party, he glances toward Laura Ingraham – because Will is judging how far he can go displaying his inherent disdain of the insufferable “crazies”, “hobbits” and “whacko birds”.
Will is checking for Ingraham’s eye roll. (screen grab)