Maybe when people like Soros, al Sharpton and bambaboy and his muslim buddies quit paying the simpletons to riot....
Each other?
What percentage of Blacks are inner-city ghetto rats?
There must be some decent rural/suburban people out there.
Not anytime soon because of them is convinced that the other is the reason why it’s killing each other.
There really is not a lot of precedent for racial mixing without violence.
Possible. But we all know at somempoint one particular race will get up, start throwing chairs and stuff, and threatening the other races.
We all know who that’s going to be.
I would think that Obama, Holder, Sharpton and the rest of the race pimps have made life pretty uncomfortable for honest and self determined black people - especially, conservative ones.
Liberals are always going on about finding the "root cause" of social problems. Liberalism is the real root cause of all the problems plaguing America.
One sided conversations are not conducive to much understanding.
Besides what is the goal here? Multiculturalism? Wanting to get along somehow is one thing but insisting we destroy cultures and people to achieve it is quite another.
Not as long as one race works and pays the bills while the other race, sucks it all up and demands more.
The masses of the races will but the instigators need to be drawn and quartered.
No, not ever in any meaningful way.
Has this ever really occurred at any time in recorded history?
There wasn’t much to sit down over before obamy.
I read a great letter to the editor of a local paper years ago. I would give credit to the author if I remembered who it was. He didn’t invent the phrase but it was the first application of the phrase that I’ve ever seen.
When we stop seeing race there will stop being racism. We’re all Americans. The left won’t let it go because it keeps otherwise conservative people voting Democrat out of fear and, sadly, desire for favoritism. The right is defensive and protective (of the the money and earned opportunity being swiped from them).
The left treats blacks like they are the Special Olympics. They act like they are disabled and must have a handicap benefit. I would feel insulted if I were them. Greed and envy come into play, which is not unique to blacks but they are seizing the opportunity handed to them by liberals. As long as that is the game plan of the left, racism will thrive and bitterness will deepen.
The left fears a cure. They depend on race bitterness to turn out the vote.
Was the title for this intentionally incoherent?
Also, how can you have a racial “dialogue” when no one is allowed to say “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am racist — here’s why.”