1 posted on
03/08/2015 11:57:02 AM PDT by
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To: Biggirl
Picked the cotton maybe,built the White House?No way.
2 posted on
03/08/2015 11:58:34 AM PDT by
Farmer Dean
(stop worrying about what they want to do to you,start thinking about what you want to do to them)
To: Biggirl
They didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.
3 posted on
03/08/2015 11:58:44 AM PDT by
(My gun has killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's car.)
To: Biggirl
It was your mother’s family who owned those slaves.
4 posted on
03/08/2015 11:59:00 AM PDT by
(Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne)
To: Biggirl
What’s this “we” crap, bammy? Do you have a rat in your pocket?
5 posted on
03/08/2015 11:59:02 AM PDT by
(Get out of my country now)
To: Biggirl
Huckster is the proper description of the Orator. His ancestors, to be precise, captured and sold the slaves that built the WH, his current residence. They continue that fine tradition even today.
6 posted on
03/08/2015 11:59:23 AM PDT by
Louis Foxwell
(This is a wake up call. Join the Sultan Knish ping list.)
To: Biggirl
We need a lot of infrastructure repair and we are only one amendment away from a large cheap labor pool. (Chuckle!)
To: Biggirl
When Gawea begins to quarterback for the NFL, that will give Justin Houston a chance to Sacagawea.
8 posted on
03/08/2015 12:00:27 PM PDT by
("There is no other name under heaven given among people by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12)
To: Biggirl
The Great Uniter speaks.
To: Biggirl
And brewed George Washington’s beer in the white house too?
11 posted on
03/08/2015 12:02:10 PM PDT by
("For by wise guidance you can wage your war")
To: Biggirl
No bammy, we’re the slaves who pay taxes and are called racist.
13 posted on
03/08/2015 12:04:15 PM PDT by
King Moonracer
(Bad lighting and cheap fabric, that's how you sell clothing.....)
To: Biggirl
There IS no slavery in your past, Mr President. Your father is from Kenya and you mother was a white female from Kansas.
Now, there is slavery in Moochelle's past without question.
But Mr President, you are a poser.
To: Biggirl
Hey! 0Bammy! You Didn't Build That! REMEMBER Somebody Else Did That For You! |
15 posted on
03/08/2015 12:05:19 PM PDT by
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: Biggirl
A) Nobody in the US has legally been a slave since the 13th amendment was passed. B) Nobody alive is that old. Plus, the White was built 50+ years before that amendment was passed. C) Obama is part white, and his father came from Kenya—I don’t believe that either his mother or father have slave origins in the US.
16 posted on
03/08/2015 12:05:56 PM PDT by
("In politics the middle way is none at all."- John Adams)
To: Biggirl
Is Obama starting his move for Reparations ?
18 posted on
03/08/2015 12:08:26 PM PDT by
To: Biggirl
Obama is not black, he's not the descendent of slaves (although there is speculation that the first freed slave in the US in the 1600s might be an ancestor of his mother). He's one of those people who got on the coat-tails of laws that were passed supposedly to compensate blacks for past injustices of their ancestors in the US. It would've been more appropriate for Michelle to give a speech about what Selma means.
Why do people put up with his fantasies, and stand there and cheer?
19 posted on
03/08/2015 12:08:33 PM PDT by
To: Biggirl
The White House was designed by an Irishman named Hoban, and built by IRISH and SCITTISH WORKMEN...
But hey, since when did Obama and the liberals ever let FACTS get in the way of a good rant??
20 posted on
03/08/2015 12:09:53 PM PDT by
(They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
To: Biggirl
This Obama can almost say things that are right and uplifting and patriotic, but he never gets there and turns everything in to a divisive leftist polemic.
To: Biggirl
Only if you were a slave in Kenya, Buttmunch.
23 posted on
03/08/2015 12:10:53 PM PDT by
To: Biggirl
Ahhh Selma. Like a dog humping your leg, liberals love to go there, and try to get one more thrill out of “da struggle”.
They walk across that bridge over and over again to run out a lay a claim to the glory days of Civil Rights. 50 years later, and where has any of it gotten us? Trayvon Martin? Michael Brown?
The truth that few want to acknowledge is that things have gone backwards since “Civil Rights”, and are getting worse. All we hear are excuses about why blacks haven’t improved themselves like we were told they would if they were treated equally.
All we are told is that, “we’ve come a long way, but have a long way to go.” In other words, they are going to continue taking what they want from us forever.
To: Biggirl
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