Sorry, I really don’t FEEEEEL like “facing” or “understanding” a destructive and success averse culture.
if those are the leaders of Ferguson, whites and law-abiding people of all races need to get out.
May I be unkind? perhaps the HOR could defund Obamaphones and the protestors wouldn’t be able to organize their mayham.
Shove it up your collective Obamaholes.
You are where you are at because of you, not me.
Trying to define the fight, eh? It’s against THUGS and depravity....not against a color....but that doesn’t fit the DEMOCRAT meme...
The perpetratoers of this shit should be arrested. THIS actually IS “yelling fire in a crowded movie theater.”
Dear Ferguson protesters: Thank Democrats for decades of hopelessness. Their New Deal, Great Society, and welfare has kept you subservient, dependent on government, and living in “The Hood” which they created. Your only hope for a better life has been through drugs and crime. You’ve been treated as second-rate citizens by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Obama, Sharpton, and the remainder of the liberals who traded your poverty and measley government check for your vote. Time to wake up.
Oh brother.
Perhaps they'd prefer Liberia?
yeah, that’s what Dr. King had in mind. /s
It is supposed to rain in Ferguson Friday, Sat and Sunday.
Threaten me or my wife, and you will be facing the business end of my S&W .357 Magnum.
Does that include Jessie Jackson,who late one night heard footsteps behind him , looked ,
and was then relieved to find a white guy walking behind him ?
Chicago is an example of Face the Blackness they Fear in the Black community !
Here’s the answer, let’s pay reparations from Obama’s surplus.
At their own hand. If these idiots would only realize that they themselves are to blame. If they would only pull their pants up, stop the illegitimate breeding like rats, quit killing their own in utero and in cold blood, they could make tremendous progress in just 5 years.
Yet they want to blame Whitey. And as they "force" us to witness this "American Horror Story", they fail to realize that White America feels nothing but contempt for their patethic lies and phony grievances.
And we laugh our asses off at how culturally deranged these people really are.
Who do these moochers and looters think supports them financially?
Maybe all of the meanie whites should pull their gov funding, make them get to work so they don’t have time navel gaze about their blackness.
Things may not go exactly the way these dooshes think they will this time.
They sure like to jabber a lot. Reminds me of a certain animal that gets together for a good yammer-fest.
If they think White people caused all their problems, why do they also beat up on Asians?
The fact that I am not afraid to give a violent black “Lead Poisoning” shows that I have no fear of these bottom feeding urban predators.