What Gloria Steinem, Phil Donohue and Oprah hath wrought...
Your husband doesn’t have to earn your respect
The Matt Walsh Blog ^ | February 22, 2014 | Matt Walsh
Posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:16:21 AM by 2ndDivisionVet
I can’t tell you where I was or who was there or when it happened....
In the service we were taught that loyalty is earned respect is given. The idea was that the insignia on your shoulders earned you the respect that was due the rank - grudging as it may have been. However, a true leader earns the loyalty of their folks.
I think what we are seeing in society is a lack of understanding between respect and loyalty. Respect your spouse with every effort, and earn their loyalty by doing the right things.
A blog post with full content posted. No pimping here!
Disrespect for men is a joke to us now. "
This is very true, and it's detestable. I don't know why a woman would get married in the first place if she thought of her husband as a lower species, which often seems to be the case these days.
But let's face it. The husband in the article is a weak, intimidated puppy for tolerating such crap in the first place. He ALLOWED himself to be gutted, emasculated, neutered, etc., and apparently makes a habit of doing so.
Men need to BE men and stop tolerating mistreatment from such women.
There are people like this of both sexes.
Nobody respects a person who denigrates their spouse in public. It’s humiliating not just for the spouse but for all who have to hear it ... and they pay it forward.
I knew a man who would do this to his wife at social gatherings thinking he was being funny. His wife just sat there with her head down. There was nothing but disdain from the others for this man but few spoke up. One time a man in the group did speak up and told him he was not being funny and was spoiling the party for everyone and asked him to leave. Of course, this just humiliated the wife further as she had to leave with him. Everyone felt sorry for her.
But this incidenct didn’t stop him. I encountered him several more times doing the same thing whether is wife was there or not. It seemed to be his main way of joking around with people. He never noticed that no one was enjoying it. It just made him look bad and weak.
Because he was in a a related profession as mine I was in a position to suggest him and his firm to my clients on projects. I regularly DID NOT suggest him or his firm for consulting jobs. I did not want to work with him because I did not respect him personally. I wondered if he would go off like that about his wife to MY clients and make me look bad too.
I am sure I am not the only one who did this. I only regret that I did not have the courage to confront him directly.
There is a price to pay for boorishness but I doubt most boors are aware that they are shooting themselves in the foot.
She disagreed with everything he said.
She contradicted nearly every statement.
If a man speaks in the forest, and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?
I was one of the lucky ones. There were several years that I thought my wife might actually BE an angel. Later, I met her parents, just as nice. Some people are just good natured 24/7... Ok, angel...
He mentions a lack of respect and also porn, but the proximate cause for both is the same thing: children are no longer socialized to the other gender while growing up.
Girls and boys learn about the other gender by watching ridiculous comedies and dramas, and by looking at porn. What could possibly come of this? Instead, children need to be raised from a young age with children of the other gender.
And they need to be chaperoned while doing so. The purpose of this is for them to become socialized with each other, something that does not happen in school or church, because adults in both cases are compelling them to do other things that take up all of their time.
If you want a real life illustration of the problem, look at dogs that are not raised with other dogs, but with people. When they are mature, they still want to mate, but at the same time, the dogs they want to mate with are not of their “pack”, so are seen as outsiders, or even as enemies.
Most children are raised this way, strongly segregated from the opposite gender and kept busy, then at the age of 17 or 18 they are *expected* to spontaneously start dating, and a few years later get married, and have children.
In the vast majority of cases, this will NOT happen, or if it does, it will be a parody of a marriage that will fall apart. Which happens a lot. Resentment will exist on both sides, as well as bitterness, a lack of understanding or sympathy, and awful expectations.
Oh, yes, that is the “porn” part. Even married porn stars say that their real relationships at home are nothing like how it is portrayed in porn.
This is where a decent human would have calmly addressed them both, then told the husband and wife clearly that any sane person would divorce such an abusive spouse, and would stay clear of them henceforth and forever. It would be the same if the abuse went the other way, or it it went both ways at different times.
If we resort to all out warfare, the worst thing that happens is that she will put the toilet paper on the dispenser backwards.
Just had our 37th anniversary.