Uh, perfesser.
Obama has as much WHITE as black. I despise that part too.
Another Strawboss whose goal is to keep the college kids in slavery at the university plantation. If the college students were even one tenth as smart as they think they are, they’d rise up and run these leeching professors off the campus.
She has a nice smile. Code for homely.
I like black and hate Obama.
Now what you got?
And so Bush Derangement Syndrome is caused by racism?
People hate Bush because he’s white?
Ha! This is an obvious TROLL by the left.
Nice. Because it will HELP defeat the ‘O
How? WHen asked by pollster who they will vote for, they will respond Obams so they are not accused of racism.....meanwhile, in the privacy of the voting booth, they vote for the issues......!!!!
They’ve been predicting the ‘virulence” since Bambi announced. They haven’t documented bvery much of it, though.
As for his “style”, nobody likes to be condescended to, especially by an ass like Bambi
How long is this going to go on?
I was starting to feel weak and disoriented... I hadn't been accused of racism in almost 30 minutes!!!!
I feel normal again...
D&mn, I thought I hated him because he was an ignorant dork.
Silly me.
Glad there are “professors of insignificant studies” out there to keep me straight.
What an astoundingly ignorant thing to say.
We’ll see more of this as the left tries to make anyone voting against Obama a racist. Worked in 2008, why not?
suck it up cupcake the man stinks at being president..
Why dont I dislike Allen West?
Why dont I dislike Thomas Sowell?
Why dont I dislike Clarence Thomas?
That’s not even ONE of the reasons I don’t like him..
It's not the color of their skin, it's the content of their character.
Oh, yeah, don't forget Condi Rice, Ken Hamblin and Herman Cain.
Hey professor- I’ll swap him for Colonel Allen West ASAP you stupid moron.
Even if it were so, I have the right to judge, and like/dislike anyone I want, and all of these racist “professors” can like it or not.
And, no one has shown more disdain and hatred for whites as Obama himself.
She may be masking some latent racist feeling toward barack and is projecting her racism onto others.
She probably secretly doesn’t like Obama because he’s a man,too.
And he ate a dog!!!