Posted on 04/28/2011 7:11:50 AM PDT by Bean Counter
The Fall of Jim Robinsons Free Republic Website
I want to report and expose a devious and vicious campaign that is currently underway on the so-called premier site on the Internet for conservatives, Free Republic. Ironically, the target of this campaign is fellow conservatives, especially conservative bloggers, completely removing any justification from Free Republic for promoting this kind of action.
I moonlight as a conservative blogger, though I write for Examiner, which is a news website run by the Clarity Media Group. I have been familiar with Free Republic for several years, and I had been lurking there since about 2003 or 2004. In 2008, after being horrified and shocked by the media-assisted victory of Barack Obama, I decided to register on Free Republic in order to do my fair share as a conservative activist, working to expose his disreputable actions as POTUS. This consisted of me posting columns from my blog along with posting an equal amount of news articles from a wide variety of news sites around the Internet on Free Republic.
I only started regularly posting columns from my blog on the Free Republic website in October of 2010, and this process went fine and uninterrupted until very early March of 2011. At that point, without warning and completely abruptly, a cowardly and anonymous user by the name of humblegunner began stalking me by harassing me and spam-posting slanderous accusations without fail in the thread of each column from my blog that Id post on Free Republic. Apparently, humblegunner is extremely slow on the uptake because it took him five months to figure out that I was posting my blog columns on Free Republic.
The harassment from humblegunner was characterized by an ultra-basic modus operandi. The anonymous coward humblegunner would work himself into a frenzy by showing his obsession with the term blog pimp. Apparently his favorite word in the whole universe (which shows his immaturity and lack of any taste), blog pimp is the all-purpose false accusation that Free Republic operatives use when they want to condemn fellow conservatives in order to establish the basis for permanent banishment from the site. In this way, Free Republic also uses a strategy that is sinisterly similar to the Saul Alinksy strategy of demonizing and ridiculing ones enemies in order to take away their credibility.
For several days in a row, this anonymous coward called humblegunner was always one of the first to post on the thread to my blog columns on Free Republic. Besides harassing me and other Free Republic members who were interested in reading news and analysis, he would also resort to making up demonstrable lies as part of Free Repulics policy of attacking and destroying conservative bloggers. For instance, he would relentlessly spread the libel that the site I write for,, is full of viruses. He would also issue blatantly illegitimate challenges, such as childishly demanding that I post my whole blog column on Free Republic instead of just an excerpt. He did this despite knowing 100% for certain that Free Republic was already threatened in 2009 with legal action by a lawyer from In September 2009, General Counsel Deborah Shinbein wrote a threatening communication to Jim Robinson. The lawyer was upset that Free Republic members were posting entire Examiner articles on the website, with the clear instruction being to only post Examiner excerpts in order to avoid lawsuits.
So, in effect, humblegunnerwho I suppose is actually on owner Jim Robinsons side, even though his actions are self-defeating and make no sense whatsoeverwas actually insisting that I help get Free Republic into legal trouble by posting my whole columns from instead of just excerpts from them. humblegunner was actually insisting that I post copyright violations of on FreeRepublic, showing the absolute stupidity of that website. This clearly verifies how he would just post any type of fraud in the threads of all my blog posts in order to destroy the ability of interested readers to absorb the information in peace.
As if this permitted conservative-blogger sabotage thats endorsed by Robinson isnt enough, the sheer viciousness from several other anonymous cowards just like humblegunner should convince you just how extreme the self-defeating, intra-conservative hostility on Free Republic really is. Based on the mistreatment I experienced from humblegunner, I can say that hes the sort of unofficial ringleader (more like an anonymous coward who thinks hes a legend in his own mind, actually) of a band of equally anonymous cowards on Free Republic. This band of anonymous cowards works in the same manner that humblegunner does: They all excitedly throw the libelous phrase blog pimp around and start viciously assaulting whomever conservative blogger they target, like a pack of wild dogs (hiding cowardly behind Free Republic anonymity, of course) suffering from herd mentality syndrome. Its just that they are such sheeple who cant think for themselves that they actually need humblegunner to stir them up into a frenzy before they jump into action and join him in his destruction of conservative bloggers.
Their screen names on Free Republic are TheOldLady, JoeProBono, Daffynition, Allegra, DeoVindiceSicSemperTyrannis, paulycy, Bean Counter, 50mm, and Salamander. This list is by no means complete, but these anonymous cowardsmost of whose profiles are empty and dont feature their real namesare the most vicious offenders, all sanctioned by Robinson, of course.
There also needs to be something said about the idiosyncratic manner this band of anonymous cowards goes about their mission to destroy and libel conservative bloggers on Free Republic. Their modus operandi, as a group, can only be described as equally insane, immature, and absolutely hateful to the extreme. Without fail, the intra-conservative hostility and sabotage begins with humblegunner making the first libelous and hateful comment; then he puts out a ping to alert his fellow anonymous cowards to join in the attack by posting countless, libelous comments that subtract from the topic of the blog post. These conservative traitors even have a childish name (which gives them endless pleasure) for this sabotage: They arrogantly call it a thread hijack. This involves them spamming the thread of any conservative bloggers blog post with dozens and dozens of hateful comments that have nothing to do with the topic of the post. The perverse and devious intention is obvious: to discourage any interested conservative from leaving a thoughtful comment hence, a thread hijack.
In my case, I was victimized by this vicious mistreatment from this pack of Free Republic anonymous cowards over a course of a few days in the first week of March, 2011. When I didnt back down and defended myself against their hate and libelas I had every right to do because I was faithfully following the blog-posting rules on the site, which demand that columns are excerptedthat just bitterly angered them more and caused them to beg the moderators to ban me, which they did. Clearly, the expectation on Free Republic is that all conservative bloggers, who are viciously libeled and mistreated by the band of anonymous cowards (the blog police, as Warner Todd Huston so appropriately calls them), surrender and let themselves be personally attacked in the most vicious way imaginable by so-called fellow conservatives. Apparently, conservative bloggers have to endure this dehumanizing mistreatment just to have the privilege of posting on Free Republic. I was not going to lay down for a bunch of conservative traitors who wanted to treat me worse than garbage, which is why I defended myself against their hateful and libelous attackswhich is what ended up getting me banned, of course.
Some of the posts by this blog police against me included You seem obsessed with the sex and men. Strange, unless youre a queer; ROTFLMAF at your dumb ass! Is your face turning blue or red lil feller?; He seems very angry. Thats quite understandable for a postpubescent boy under 5′ 4″. From his keyword spam, he seems to be suffering from delusions of grandeur as well; Lol. You are one crazy blog pimp; Cut back on the retard pills. Youre starting to drool again. Thus, anyone can see why I chose to defend myself in the face of that vicious assault by those cowards.
It also has to be pointed out that these traitor-conservatives are pitiful in what they do. Their modus operandi is to gang up on a conservative blogger and then, like a pack of wild animals, take turns verbally insulting and provoking him, again, all sanctioned by Robinson. That produces the kinds of extremely hostile comments such as the ones above. However, in my case, after I started defending myself, they began to back off, just like with all bullies when you start fighting back against them. And then, like the cowards they are, they actually petitioned and begged one of the Free Republic moderators (another nameless coward) to ban me because I had gotten too uppity. After I was banned, their lowlife attitude came to the forefront again, as they only felt confident enough to start attacking me again at that pointwhen I was already banned and couldnt even defend myself!!! Truly, that is the mark of absolute lowlife cowards.
After this expose against Free Republic, which is already backed up by the experiences of Mr. Huston and Anthony Martin, a fellow Examiner writer, Im calling on all conservatives to boycott that screwball website. Robinsons website is a poor operation that has no funding and desperately relies on the contributions of members (suckers?) to keep financing more intra-conservative hatred and personal attacks. In fact, it is downright hilarious that, currently, Free Republic is trying to raise money in their Freepathon (read: asking for a handout), but they are struggling to get anywhere!! Their existence cant be justified in any way, shape, or form since there are other conservative websites who do activism a whole lot better than Free Republic and dont feature the same kind of hateful and low-minded savagery from the aforementioned cowards on that website. So Im urging all conservatives who thought about wasting their hard-earned money to finance Robinson and Free Republic to think twice. Before my experience on that good-for-nothing website, I thought only the liberals at websites like DailyKos and Democratic Underground were the epitome of raw, unadulterated viciousness and off-the-chart hatred. Now, I know better. I have the proof that Robinsons Free Republic is every bit as hateful and savage as those leftist fanatics. Except in Robinsons case, hes actually condoning traitorous, intra-conservative destruction in what I can only opine is a mentally ill policy. ______
I had a ping list.
I’ll slap you on there.
One is a remix, the other is the normal version...
Choose one but choose wisely!
Well, everyone who clicks will click both anyway.
To his point, has more pop-ups and tracking cookies than most sites I've seen. It is almost readable if you don't have a pop-up blocker turned off. Complaints about Examiner articles don't just happen here. I've seen the same complaints at forums on eGullet, Southern Living, HGTV, ParcBench and other sites. For example, I just went to Dallas DIY Mechanic on (just chose a random one so as to not seem like I am picking on the poor author of this article) and one article had at least 8 tracking cookies. Techrepublic a while back had an article in which they referred to Examiner as 'trojan territory'. Virus may be the wrong term but it the cookies and pop-ups make that site as annoying as hell... oh yea, and no matter how they shine it up, it is still a pay-per-click blog.
The big point though with some of these whiny bloggers is they simply don't respect the sites they post on. This isn't a FR thing. You can find complaints about bloggers 'pimping' all over the web. Every private site has the right to set standards for how they want things posted. FR has many, many, many bloggers who respect the site and don't hear a word from those who call out spammers. I only recall a handful of major zots for spamming- folks like Anthony Martin, Grant Swank, and Warner Hudson. All of them posted hundreds of articles with little or no interaction except attacking other members of the site who were critical of them (especially Hudson). I have a feeling the real zots came from how they treated other members, not for directly spamming.
Dude, did you miss anyone?
“When you care to b-slap some badguy, do it the rude way!”
What’s that?
“.410 rocksalt to the arse!”
No *
Sometimes I have time, other days no.
It’s weird.
Please don’t do this again1!! I can’t stop the hystercal laughing,just too much!!!
For you mister shenker.
Hope you’re creeped out by it.
Thanks in advance.
Survival of the fittest is always a bi_ch at best.
I just think there needs to be more civility...
Wow, I may have to try that! I hate orange fingers
Frito-Lay must singlehandedly keep the orange dye industry flush.
After your comment, I had to look at Salamander’s homepage myself.
I HAD NO IDEA!!! (Backs away slowly and carefully)
I saw that picture on a milk carton. In the “spoiled milk” section.
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