“...Abortion and Massachusetts style gun control are impossible for any true republican to support...”
SWAMPSNIPER, you are right the money... To my mind, ANY politician who tries to refuse ME the right to protect my neighborhood, my family, and my life, is a dirtbag of the Nth degree....and WORSE than the thug trying to rob or kill me.
Any politician who thinks its OK to stab a needle in a baby’s brain and destroy it before it can even be born is a sick waste of humanity, indeed...
What that tells me is that:
1. They conveniently FORGET or choose to not understand that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS who serve at OUR leisure, not theirs.
2. They care not one iota whether any of us lives or dies - as long as they get their agenda accomplished.
3. They are little two-bit dictators waiting for their one shot at fame - generally at some one else’s expense.
That’s about it. If a Pol doesn’t trust ME with my rights, and thinks its just FINE to destroy an innocent child’s life and call it a “choice”, why in the hell should I give him/her/it life and death authority over me?
Seems kinda simple to me...
xenohistorian just admitted that he is a neocon, it didn’t surprise me. They are the sort of “republicans” who see the GOP as an avenue to wealth. They figure that if they are rich enough they can buy the freedoms they won’t defend for us.
Can’t argue with that Hale. I agree.