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To: Protagoras
Oh, so you've had other nics ? Been banned a lot, dear ? Too ashamed of your previous , early postings ? A known disruptor / malcontent, who had to leave ? You'd better check my sign-up date, then , you should know that I lurked from the begining of FR. Talk about " delusions " ... YOU are a master of them !

I'm a " lightweight "? ME ? In what universe ? ROTFLMAO ! No one, except those who can't debate me and win, thinks that I am a " lightweight ", an " useful idiot ", a " joke ", or " childish ", pumpkin. As for the village idiot ... you'd better go back home, your village needs its IDIOT and misses your cretinous rants !

You can't debate me, dear ; you aren't well enough equiped. I enjoy a " good " duel of wits ; however, you have none. You threw down the gauntlet, so the topic would be MY choice. Wanna start a thread and try it out ? The rules are that neither you, nor I can use Google, CCP anything, would only be able to write what one knows, must state sources ( from memory ! ), and use NO ad hominems/insults/others to help. You couldn't last 15 minutes, with these rules.

BTW, just WHAT are you doing posting in the daytime ? Didn't you claim that you have a job and that others, here, are here all of the time, because they either work for the government, or don't work ? Goofing off, are you ? ; ^ )

Tsk, tsk, tsk ... the people giving you appoplexy here, are going to wind up in jail ? Talk about TALIBANISIC mentality ! You are worse than the Taliban / mullahs ! How dare anyone disagree with you ? They must be criminals, dangerous, and worse. Hey, big boy, you are an hillarious font of laughter. Thanks for the laughs; you're quite the hoot ! LOL

383 posted on 02/25/2003 1:43:13 PM PST by nopardons
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To: nopardons
Been banned a lot, dear ?

Never been banned.

I'm a " lightweight "? ME ?

Probably not in the poundage catagory. I'm guessing a fat old bag. LOL

I am a " lightweight ", an " useful idiot ", a " joke ", or " childish ", pumpkin. As for the village idiot

And that's just what your friends here think of you.

And please stop calling me dear, I have enough old bags calling me that.

As to posting during the day, I operate a company, I own it. I have organised it so well I have delegated the mundane tasks to other competent people and have semi retired into merely managing the money. It bores me so I amuse myself by dispatching the intellectually challenged like you on the internet. Sometimes I stop long enough to make a few thousand bucks for laughs but return to this when I can't think of any way to spend it. LOL

I need to earn enough to support the government employees here who post on the taxpayers dime all day.

Now go back to watching your soap operas and the Oprah show while your hen pecked husband is out making enough to keep you in chocolate turtles.

LOL, great fun indeed! LOL

388 posted on 02/25/2003 3:57:35 PM PST by Protagoras
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