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To: nopardons
Been banned a lot, dear ?

Never been banned.

I'm a " lightweight "? ME ?

Probably not in the poundage catagory. I'm guessing a fat old bag. LOL

I am a " lightweight ", an " useful idiot ", a " joke ", or " childish ", pumpkin. As for the village idiot

And that's just what your friends here think of you.

And please stop calling me dear, I have enough old bags calling me that.

As to posting during the day, I operate a company, I own it. I have organised it so well I have delegated the mundane tasks to other competent people and have semi retired into merely managing the money. It bores me so I amuse myself by dispatching the intellectually challenged like you on the internet. Sometimes I stop long enough to make a few thousand bucks for laughs but return to this when I can't think of any way to spend it. LOL

I need to earn enough to support the government employees here who post on the taxpayers dime all day.

Now go back to watching your soap operas and the Oprah show while your hen pecked husband is out making enough to keep you in chocolate turtles.

LOL, great fun indeed! LOL

388 posted on 02/25/2003 3:57:35 PM PST by Protagoras
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To: Protagoras
Still here?

You are beyond pathetic.

389 posted on 02/25/2003 7:39:04 PM PST by Kevin Curry
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To: Protagoras
Oh goody, more personal attacks from a mordant cretin, who hasn't the brains of a slug, and is uglier and more slimey than one. LOL

By banned, I meant have a short time out; which, BTW, you acknowledged having been given. Please have your keeper explaian the written word to you, more carefully.

Fat ? no, I'm not. An old bag ? Nope, wrong again.

Unlike YOU, I have friends; both here and in the REAL world. Pity, dear, that you don't. LOL

You are a mind reader ? Isn't that interesting ...since you haven't gotten anything correct, about me, my friends, or Jim Robinson. You're really too, too, TOO funny, to take seriously and your whitless, juvenile " barbs ", aren't even on the level of a clever second grader.

Your pathetic delusions of granduer, as well as your projecting, are indeed symptomatic of deep and serious psychological problems. You're probably too far gone, for anything other than confinement to do you any good. Add to that, your mysogeny, and you're a real " winner ", dear. How long have you hated your mother ? Bed wetting problems, the source of your other abject inaddequecies ?

Oh, so YOU watch soap opers and Ophrah ? Tell me, dear, since I don't , do they fulfill you and satify ?:-)You would be so much better off, if only you spent your time in other, less benighted endeavers.

Gracious, sweetums, you have a bunch of " old bags " running after your less than chaarming self ? Why is that ; do you show them your purloined supermarket cart full of picked up bottles & cans and tell them that you'll pay them, once you get the refund money ? ROTFLOL

Oh yes, you are SUCH a major player / BIG earner. Right and you are richer than Bill Gates and Donald Trump put together. Of course we believe you ..........

Since you have decided ( incorrectly ) that family members are also " fair play " , shall I denigrate your mother & wife ( IF you even have one, which is difficult to imagine ! ), too ?

I see that you have ignored my picking up the gauntlet, you threw down. CHICKEN ! You've been thoroughly exposed ... all hat and no beef; that's you. Quick with the dare and no follow through; the way you are in "the lists of love. " How's is it that even Viagra doesn't work on you ?

393 posted on 02/25/2003 8:51:57 PM PST by nopardons
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