Posted on 08/02/2009 1:35:53 AM PDT by rxsid
Edited on 08/06/2009 12:10:02 AM PDT by John Robinson. [history]
Ah, c’mon. It’s fair to say that Hawaii’s computerized version of the original leaves a lot out. No doctor, no hospital, no attending witness. If we applied the same standard to history, we could never look at original texts, because the record keepers would claim we had no standing.
CHeck out signup date and posting history (something like five or six comments, they tell the story).
The typing looks normal, it's the printing fonts on what would be a blank form before it is filled in by the typist.
I was also worried about those, until someone posted an old British bc to the thread, that shows a very similar, crisp looking font that could easily pass for modern.
That settled my mind a lot.
There won’t be any race war. there might be some rioting. But that’s WAY different than a race war.
As a matter of fact, there was NO document title on that scribd page originally. It would appear that someone on scribd has added it after the fact, and has changed it along the way (?, and then removing it for example of changing along the way).
That's all well known now, except maybe the Barry Soetoro part, which is trivial. It's no reason to keep the BC "private".
No there's something else. But I sure can't fathom what it might be if it's not something that makes him ineligible.
It could be as simple as the fact that the long form states exactly who is father was, along with his father's birthplace. Once released, that becomes "official", and could lead to an ineligibility, based on not having two US citizen parents. Could be he's keeping that fact "unofficial", so that it can't be used to attack him "officially".
Sort of like Chester Arthur keep his father's lack of US Citizenship at the time of his birth secret, going to far as to burn many of his papers. Of course Arthur's father did become a citizen, and had been what we would call today a legal permanent resident alien. Unlike BHO Sr, who was merely a visitor in the US on a student visa.
Thank you for the undate on birth days and ages. I think I saw that explained on an earlier FR thread, but cannot recall exactly. One way to spot the oabamnoid agents is to see which lies and forgeries they try to protect and assert are authentic.
Comprehensive Hawaii CoLB report here:
Hawaii refuses to verify president’s online COLBs
Officials mum on images released by Obama’s campaign,
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
In response to a direct question from WND, the Hawaii Department of Health refused to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama’s short-form Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, posted online neither the image produced by the Obama campaign nor the images released by
Janice Okubo, the public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, also had no explanation for why Dr. Chiyome Fukino’s initial press release last October and subsequent press release last week also avoided declaring the posted images to be of authentic documents...
It makes sense that in order to get the divorce, she had to produce proof of the child; an American court would require that since the child is mentioned in the petition for divorce. If she didn't have a copy of the birth certificate in her possession, she would have to write to get a certified copy, and they would date the document on the day it was issued. It was received & filed before the divorce was granted in March.
My point was, how interesting that she wrote to Kenya to get the certified copy of the document and not Honolulu!
Look very carefully at the current exhibit at Orly’s site. The “6d” is much more sharp and darker than the 7s next to it. The “0” in the 47044 is not a zero, it is a schmutz “O”. The “E” in EF Lavender is sharper and darker than the “F” next to it.
If the bowl of petunias was over 35, had lived in the US for over 14 years, had won the electoral college vote, and was a natural born citizen, then yea I guess after the bowl of petunias took the oath, which might prove difficult, since they can neither talk nor write, it would be President.
Presidents are not "sworn in" in a formal sense, even though it's commonly put that way. The Constitution merely requires that they take the oath, sometime before entering office, it certainly doesn't require that the Chief Justice do the "swearing in", or that it be done in a big public show, or even orally.
Look it up.
Ah geez, you’re going to have to come up with some sort of sign by which you can be identified as conservative. We sure wouldn’t want you to get shot. I think we can work this problem out. I always wondered how they could distinguish Catholics from Protestants in the heat of battle.
Wow! 5700+ posts,226K views. Impressive.
My first typwriter lacked a number “one” and a number “zero”. You used a lower case ‘L’ for the number one and an uppercase “O” for the zero. I think they were all like that until they came out with automatic carriage return.
Guess we need a flow chart. Afraid it would be about as complex as Pelosi's health care plan. Thanks for all your work on this.
The important point, if the BC is real, is that Obama is participating in a COVER-UP that makes Nixon's Watergate a small time fraud. It's coming out, bit by bit and FReepers and FR, more than anyone or any other website will find the true details as we have a robust give and take that throws out the outliers and tries to gain a consensus supported by incontrovertible facts.
In 1961, they would not have known the baby was a boy. No sonograms, at least not routine ones, in '61. My two kids, born in '74 and '80 did not have sonograms.
A book with more than 5,000 pages?
Everything happening now makes Watergate a laughable practical joke by comparison
Now we have a big hub bub about hacking and which one is the right one.
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