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Posts by Chiltepe

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  • Obama: U.S. Has Fallen 'Short of the Ideal' in Afghanistan

    01/11/2013 5:47:07 PM PST · 23 of 26
    "So, you know, I think that, have we achieved everything that some might have imagined us achieving in the best of scenarios? Probably not."

    Emphasis added to illustrate what an absolute JELLYFISH our pathetic president is! He can't even say outright that he fell short, he has to weasel-word it to sound like he accomplished everything he could, and that's plenty good enough. Anyone who thinks differently is part of some fringe that had wildly unrealistic expectations. Wipe his hands, move on to the next cocktail party to schmooze with Hollywood starlets, and forget about the whole thing.
  • The Case of the Missing White Voters (7,000,000 of them!)

    11/08/2012 1:07:41 PM PST · 134 of 148
    Chiltepe to CharlesWayneCT
    The democrats have learned that among that large group, it’s pretty easy to find a few million who can be swayed to vote because of some really stupid, trivial cause, like “preotecting our birth control”. And if you make it easy enough for these lazy people, like coming to their house, registering them, bringing them an absentee ballot, and then taking it from them, these people WILL vote. Or if you give them some free food and a bus ride on election day, something you can afford to do if you are in an inner city with large apathetic populations. So that’s what they do. If the media ridiculed them enough for their lies, calling on people to vote like it’s sex would hurt them with the caring part of the population, but the media protects them. If a republican tried to target a subgroup of apathetic people with a call to protect them from affirmative action (a call which would easily gets us 2 million extra white votes), the media would be non-stop recriminations, and it would be a wash. That’s where the media comes in. It prevents Republicans from doing any sort of crass micro-targetting, while giving democrats cover. The media doesn’t even REPORT what is said in spanish language advertising, and doesn’t report what leftist radio people are saying.

    This is absolutely true and needs to be in the forefront of people's minds when they consider what went wrong and how to counter it. The problem, however, is that white people--particularly traditionalists--tend to be too polite and have a "play by the rules no matter what and humbly accept the results" attitude, even when the deck is stacked against them. Also, everyone is terrified of being seen as racist, and will meekly submit themselves to almost any ignobility to avoid the accusation. That's a mass psychosis that needs to be dealt with like a child's night time fear of the boogyman before we can make meaningful progress.
  • The Big Elephant in the Room

    11/07/2012 7:04:43 AM PST · 22 of 44
    Chiltepe to Sacajaweau
    95% of the black vote, 65% of the hispanic vote, Bubba loyalists and plain white dumb people aka sheep. The most racist election ever. Simple demographics.

    This explains the election in a nutshell. If the Republican Party thinks it can win elections solely general appeals to virtue, the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, and economic reason--while the Democrats continues to fan the flames of naked prejudice, ignorant fear, and resentful racial solidarity amongst "minorities"--then the grand poobahs of the Party will always be left scratching their heads on election night.
  • I’m a White Republican Raising a Black Child: Deal With It

    04/29/2012 12:36:30 PM PDT · 118 of 125
    Chiltepe to DNA.2012
    I don't recall addressing your pot shots the first time you foamed at the mouth in my direction, papertyger, but it appears you you've latched on anyway, so here goes....
    Ironically, it's your own prejudice and speculation based on nothing that is showing through. You want what you want, and how dare anyone offer a critical word to the contrary. But I used to volunteer in an orphanage when I lived in Central America. I've seen your type, and heard from the other workers many times over about your type, coming down from America looking for a cute new plaything. It's such a "hassle" to adopt in the U.S., and all the "good ones" are already taken, after all. "Who wants to sit on a waiting list for a crack baby? Har har!" Wink, nudge! I've heard it all. In some cases your birds of a feather thought if they flashed some cash around they could just buy a baby and walk straight out the door. In other cases your buddies just went shopping elsewhere. "Now remember, Henry, he can't be too old... and we want him to look just so." Every now and then the village your kind was skulking around in would catch wind of things and turn out en masse to give a going away party of sorts, with stones in hand.
    Look up "baby stealing in Guatemala." A couple of years ago even the usually corrupt Guatemalan government had to bow to public outrage and announce that it would crack down and severely curtail the export-to-America adoption industry. GOOD!
    You resent the adoption process being so difficult, do you? My God, one shudders to imagine what would happen if it were made easier.
    And what about our already out of control immigration problem, or does that not matter either when you're the one on a shopping trip?
    No, you aren't trying to "feed a hungry person," as you put it. There are obviously far more effective ways of doing that, like Child Fund for one, so don't try to use that as a shield. Your interest here is yourself. Your problem isn't so much that you can't express yourself without cursing, or even telling people what opinions they're entitled to hold, it's your own sense of supreme self-entitlement. Unfortunately, you are far from unique.
  • Federal Judge Enforces Sharia-Compliance in Ohio Prisons

    04/28/2012 2:33:27 PM PDT · 15 of 33
    Chiltepe to therightliveswithus

    So this devout Muslim is concerned about faithfully maintaining every peccadillo of his religion in prison, but he had no problem doing every thuggish thing imaginable to land in prison in the first place? Such people should not be catered to. At best it’s his way of saying “F you!” to “da man” and trying to waste society’s time and money more than he already has. But one has to wonder who is the bigger threat to society in the end: The stupid thug who screams for attention; or the judge who, with a wink and a nod, demands that the thug be listened to.

  • Paul Ryan Suddenly Decides That He Hates Ayn Rand

    04/28/2012 1:50:06 PM PDT · 31 of 89
    Chiltepe to Cringing Negativism Network

    Careful, CNN, you’ve given name to one of the elephants crowding the modern conservative room... you can expect howls of astonishment and calls for your head. But honestly, as damning as it sounds, protecting our industrial base is inconsequential if we won’t even protect our own borders.

  • Cantor-allied Young Guns Network urges non-Republicans to vote in Lugar race

    04/28/2012 1:13:46 PM PDT · 12 of 56
    Chiltepe to Maelstorm

    I’ve always had a gut feeling that this Cantor guy isn’t really a conservative. You can just look at him and listen to his voice to get that feeling before you learn anything about him. In that respect, I lump him in the same category as Lindsey Graham. He seems a little light in the loafers, if you know what I mean.

  • Wiener Faces Scrutiny After Visiting Filipino Sex District (Another Wiener Sex Scandal)

    04/27/2012 9:58:37 PM PDT · 33 of 54

    Honestly, I don’t see how it matters if this guy is enjoying a bit of LBFM r&r in the warm South Pacific. It apparently doesn’t matter to his girlfriend. The photographer seems like the real creep in all of this. All you have to do is look at his own hipster-ish picture to know that he is an ultra-liberal crusader, and it was dumb of Weiner to place any trust in the guy. A lot of the comments have been hilarious, though. :)

  • ‘Carrier killer’ program goes ahead (Taiwan)

    04/27/2012 9:28:40 PM PDT · 7 of 8
    Chiltepe to sukhoi-30mki

    What would save these ships from being obliterated in a hurry by Chinese aircraft as soon as they got anywhere near the carrier’s zone? Wouldn’t a number of small subs be much harder to detect and therefore more effective? Or is this a desperation move on Taiwan’s part given that no one will sell them new subs?

  • Newt a “RINO among Rinos”?

    04/27/2012 9:18:15 PM PDT · 18 of 42

    Heck, Newt was my boy going back to the ‘08 election when I halfway wished he would have tossed his hat in the ring, but figured he wouldn’t (and didn’t) because it was a Democrat year. When he started making noises about running this time around I was pleased, but immediately he started playing games with us. He not only threw traditional-American conservatives overboard, but he couldn’t even wait till the formality of the primaries were concluded before he started winking at Mexicans over amnesty! Then there was the way he tut-tutted Paul Ryan over spending cuts. Can you imagine all the positions he’d be yielding to the Left as a part of some triangulation scheme where he’s too clever by half?

  • US Wants a Stake in Israel’s Iron Dome Technology

    04/27/2012 9:01:36 PM PDT · 11 of 21

    I’m just amazed at how, at the same time that much of the Left is becoming openly anti-Israel, some conservatives have let themselves get to the point where they are more pro-Israel than pro-America. Neither path is a good one.

  • Hillary Clinton swills beer in Colombia (Team Obama running amuck...)

    04/15/2012 1:26:52 PM PDT · 24 of 28
    Chiltepe to Pride in the USA

    So our men in uniform are crucified for doing what they’ve always done—getting some tail in a tropical port of call—but the sec of state herself parties it up and dances around like a drunken fool and that’s perfectly ok. No image problem there.

  • Pro-Hitler Satire Targets Rutgers Jewish Activist

    04/15/2012 11:05:32 AM PDT · 5 of 9

    This reminds me of the Jyllands-Posten cartoon incident. Muslims didn’t understand or respect the concepts of free speech and a free press then, and Jews show the same disdain and bully-boy tactics when one of their own sacred cows is satirized. The ADL is basically a supremacist organization bent on undermining cherished civic rights and made to look legit in the media, much like CAIR.

  • Stephen Bannon: We’ll release the tapes Breitbart has of Obama’s college years in the next 10 days

    03/01/2012 11:34:41 PM PST · 26 of 92
    Chiltepe to Sarah Barracuda
    I want Obama and all of his radical buddies out of the White House, you get rid of the main cockroach and the rest of his minions will scatter.

    Scattering roaches do not disappear but search for a crevice to hide in, only to return at night to feed once again.
  • Alabama politician Bill Johnson caught in sperm donation scandal in New Zealand

    12/12/2011 1:09:43 PM PST · 29 of 38
    Chiltepe to notsofastmyfriend

    So the guy is a sperm donor? Big whoop. It certainly seems more natural than all the people who are capable of having their own children but adopt Third World babies. We have some of those in government, too.

  • The Meaning Of 'Allah Akbar!'

    12/01/2011 10:00:43 PM PST · 49 of 49
    Chiltepe to Will88
    those who wish to hide the true meaning of “Allah Akbar” by translating it as “God is great” in many news stories.

    I've long taken note of this disturbing white-washing of islam and islamist violence as well. It's just like when there is a mass looting or gang rape, and the media refers to the criminals involved as "youths." Those of us who understand media-speak know what that really means.
  • A Guide to SoCal’s Best Trick-or-Treating Neighborhoods

    10/30/2011 11:21:39 PM PDT · 5 of 9
    Chiltepe to BenLurkin

    Let me guess: These are all upscale white neighborhoods. Don’t go trick-or-treating elsewhere, because it’s a zoo out there. People ask what is becoming of our country, but in the cities it has already become. Welcome to Beirut.

  • Sarkozy: Jewish State a 'Silly' Idea

    10/06/2011 10:04:52 PM PDT · 32 of 40
    Chiltepe to Chiltepe
    Of course in Sarkozy's case he's simply pandering, as politicians are inclined to do. It's a forgone conclusion that if France had a dwindling 1% Muslim population and a growing 10% Jewish population he would be saying exactly the opposite.
  • Sarkozy: Jewish State a 'Silly' Idea

    10/06/2011 9:56:45 PM PDT · 31 of 40
    Chiltepe to Nachum

    Well, if the liberal-communists can get people to acting like America isn’t American, and Germany isn’t German, and England isn’t English, and Australia isn’t Aussie, etc, etc... I suppose anything is possible. Why not say Israel isn’t Jewish? It’s all part of the same post-national, one faceless mob of humanity, workers-of-the-world-unite rhetoric they’ve been spouting for years inbetween bong hits, after all.

  • On immigrant tuition, Marco Rubio sounds like a Rick Perry man

    09/26/2011 1:50:08 AM PDT · 78 of 109

    I see people arguing about whether you start stopping and deporting illegals, or simply start enforcing current law. Why not do both? I don’t buy the premise that keeps getting put out there in the media that we can’t possibly do anything about all the illegals here, all we can do is stem the flow of more coming in. Balderdash. That’s pure defeatism. We can flush the law breakers from their dens and send them packing, and if we want to continue to have an America that refers to more than geographic location, we MUST.