1 posted on
03/15/2012 3:41:05 AM PDT by
To: Einherjar
I dont know about the rest of you, but being surrounded by a group of armed Marines is the safest feeling in the world.
2 posted on
03/15/2012 3:42:38 AM PDT by
To: Einherjar
4 posted on
03/15/2012 3:45:54 AM PDT by
("Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. " Pres. Ronald Reagan)
To: Einherjar
Heard all manner of spin on this. It remains, however, a disgraceful example of this administration's disdain and outright distrust of our military personnel. Only Third World dictatorships fear their military.
5 posted on
03/15/2012 4:01:58 AM PDT by
To: Einherjar
These American soldier have been putting their lives on the line for us all for a long time and along comes Panetta and company trying to cut their retirements and health care?
Yeah, it may be a good thing to take away these heros, weapons around panetta.
6 posted on
03/15/2012 4:02:56 AM PDT by
Joe Boucher
((FUBO) Hey Mitt, F-you too pal)
To: Einherjar
Disgusting example of photo-op spin. "Currahee Leon" makes his appearance cloaked in the mantel of the 101st Airborne. My stomach is churning...
8 posted on
03/15/2012 4:10:35 AM PDT by
To: Einherjar
Cover the Crucifix when Obama shows up at a church. Disarm a soldier when his henchman shows up. If this isn’t a revolution, sports fans, I don’t know what is.
10 posted on
03/15/2012 4:18:13 AM PDT by
the invisib1e hand
(knowledge puffeth; information deludeth.)
To: Einherjar
It doesn’t surprise me, the base where I worked at would send out e-mails and make public address announcements that told us to stay inside and away from the windows when AF One flew in and the President was traveling by motorcade.
It really shows how they, (Politicians), feel about us.
13 posted on
03/15/2012 4:40:28 AM PDT by
The Working Man
(No child left behind should be: No Child left a dime.)
To: Einherjar
No Big Deal is the quote:
No Big Deal when the Secretary of Defense is so frightened of his own troops that he has them disarmed in hostile territory.
Who are they BS’ing. Damned right that is a big deal.
If he is frightened he should stay home and cower, not appear in front of “real” men.
15 posted on
03/15/2012 4:52:30 AM PDT by
To: Einherjar
Paranoid politicians! It’s pretty bad when they don’t trust our own troops.
16 posted on
03/15/2012 5:02:37 AM PDT by
To: Einherjar
When combat troops are disarmed at a forward operating base in a war zone just to be in the same area as him, he should be getting the message that our troops support The Constitution first and he and his boss are lower than dog crap.
17 posted on
03/15/2012 5:04:25 AM PDT by
The Sons of Liberty
(Psalm 109:8 Let his days be few and let another take his office. - Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin)
To: Einherjar
I really wish the press would stop referring to Marines as “soldiers”. They are MARINES!
18 posted on
03/15/2012 5:29:54 AM PDT by
("Blazing Saddles" explains it all.......)
To: Einherjar
Win the Future did they start asking soldiers?
21 posted on
03/15/2012 6:11:55 AM PDT by
(Mohammedan law every woman must belong to a man will delay the end of slavery until Islam has ceased)
To: Einherjar
A man afraid of this own troops, for any reason, is not the man to lead the troops.
23 posted on
03/15/2012 6:19:15 AM PDT by
A Strict Constructionist
(We're an Oligrachy...Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. Thomas Jefferson)
To: Einherjar
This is the topic of a thread at Hot Air and a poster recommended anyone who wants vet feedback to go to Free Republic because the vets are legit here...
amen to that!
To: Einherjar
Imagine what would have happened if some Afghan soldiers came in and started shooting.
27 posted on
03/15/2012 7:41:46 AM PDT by
(Talent Without Ambition Is Sad - Ambition Without Talent Is Worse)
To: Einherjar
Leon Panetta is doing as Barack Obama wishes, disarming our Marines on the enemies soil.....it doesn't matter for how long it matters that the request was made at all.
Major General Mark Gurganus later said he gave the order because Afghan troops attending the talk were unarmed and he wanted the policy to be consistent for all. The General is not being truthful, he is playing politics.
(attack on Panetta's plane) ....and our Marines were asked to
lay down their arms?
30 posted on
03/15/2012 9:41:55 AM PDT by
To: Einherjar
They did not want to take a chance of one of our Afghan “friends” taking a shot at the secretary so they disarmed everybody....
To: Einherjar
I’m surprised the spineless Panetta even showed his face.
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