What about the p.s. of spam? Hey wait, can't Doc Steve name us patron saints of things?
The luncheon meat? That would be covered in general under the PS of meat or the PS of canners.
Hey wait, can't Doc Steve name us patron saints of things?
For a nominal donation.
(See, none of you non-Catholic guys thought of this, did ya?)
You unwittingly raise an interesting issue. These long diatribes of Ignorant are, by his own admission, unaltered and unreferenced cut-and-paste jobs from other sources. They required no thought on his part. He just reproduces them, en masse, onto the web and expects us to read them.
That sounds like spam. And Ignorant's pro-Torah.
Something's not right here, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. This just doesn't sound kosher me.