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Dr. Judith Reisman, Advises Catholic Church to Sue the Sex Experts for Medical Malpractice
Catholic C itizens of Illinois ^

Posted on 12/30/2002 9:39:02 AM PST by boromeo

Dr. Judith Reisman, Debunker of Kinsey Sex Research, Advises Catholic Church to Sue the Sex Experts for Medical Malpractice

Thursday, December 26, 2002

By Karl Maurer, Vice President

As the sex scandal in the Catholic Church continues to unfold, the most shocking aspect is not so much the abuse itself, but that molester priests were repeatedly given access to children, even after they were known to be child molesters. While the Bishops are in a large part responsible for the sex scandal in the church, there is a growing body of evidence pointing to an enormous fraud perpetrated on the Catholic Church by so-called sex "experts" who consulted to the Bishops and allegedly "treated" sex abuser priests.

What if these "experts", who claimed that child molesting priests could be reformed and then repatriated to their parishes, weren't really experts at all? What if they were quack doctors, who believed there was fundamentally nothing wrong with adult/child sexually contact? What if their so-called treatments never showed success, and in fact were never intended to stop child sexual abuse?

This is the thesis advanced by Dr. Judith Reisman, Ph. D., who believes that the entire field of sexology, established by the notorious Dr. Alfred Kinsey, is a fraud. Dr. Reisman also believes that the so-called treatments given to predator priests in Kinsey inspired therapy sessions were so grossly ineffective, that the Catholic Church and the victims of clerical sexual abuse have a legal claim against these sex clinics for medical malpractice. She is currently consulting with several attorneys regarding class action suits whereby the Catholic laity can seek damages.

Dr. Reisman, Ph.D. visited Chicago in November to discuss these issues and the second edition of her landmark book, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences at the invitation of Catholic Citizens of Illinois, a lay group founded in 1996 which offers a monthly luncheon and speaker forum open to the public.

After completing her doctorate studies in mass communication in 1980, Dr. Reisman entered an investigation into Dr. Kinsey . In 1998, she published the first edition of Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, which exposed Dr. Kinsey, for the first time, as an academic fraud and a bi/homosexual responsible for massive child molestation.

Long before the Catholic Church made the headlines for the child abuse scandals, Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the so-called father of the Sexual Revolution, was quietly employing child abusers and homosexuals as researchers. In spite of the fact that Kinsey was a bi/homosexual, criminally responsible for massive child molestation, and an academic fraud, he obtained the financial backing of the notorious Rockefeller Foundation. Kinsey's research was ultimately used to eliminate laws that banned pornography and sexual deviancy in all fifty states. In the process, he ignited the Sexual Revolution of the Sixties. Kinsey was so influential on American culture that in 1989 the National Research Council pronounced that American society could be divided into "Pre- and Post Kinsey" eras.

Dr. Reisman's investigation has revealed that the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University ("IU"), led by Dr. Kinsey, was responsible for the criminal sexual abuse of over 300 infants and children, the results of which were published in Kinsey's 1948 report on male sexuality. Dr. Reisman also revealed that Kinsey's female 'research' subjects would have included large numbers of prostitutes, the only women willing to candidly discuss their sex lives with him. For his "normal" male subjects, Kinsey used prison inmates, where homosexuality was rampant .

By performing his 'research' on a population on children, and men and women who were totally unrepresentative of the larger U.S. population, Kinsey's results were hopelessly flawed. Not only was Kinsey aware of this fraud, but his financiers at the Rockefeller Foundation were also aware. All parties knew that in the end, the 'research' needed to serve as evidence that sex laws needed to be overturned.

Dr. Reisman opened her lecture by showing a 1998 video "Kinsey's Paedophiles," produced by Britian's Yorkshire Television. The video was based largely on the results of Dr. Reisman's findings and documents the existence of known child abusers on Kinsey's research team, including a Nazi in Germany who had abused imprisoned children during World War Two. As of this time, no public television station in the United States has shown the program, in spite of being sent copies, and in contrast to the openly pro-gay programming frequently aired on public television.

Dr. Reisman noted that, "the members of the Catholic Church have a unique opportunity during this catastrophic challenge to help the entire nation to pull itself out of the very tragic place it has fallen into." In addition to a catastrophic loss of faith within the Church hierarchy, the hidden source of the current child sexual abuse scandal "is the constant stream of immorality in the media and popular culture that has polluted the nation and the Church. The main source of the sexual scandal today is Dr. Kinsey's sexual revolution."

Dr. Reisman pointed out that the media's use of the term ephebophilia to describe the abuse by priests is an intentionally misleading manipulation of language. "The main problem has been priests having sex with boys. Ephebophilia can by definition be heterosexual or homosexual assault. What we see today are almost exclusively homosexual assaults of boys, 'pederasty', and it has a long history. Ephebophilia has no validity in terms of what is taking place in the Catholic Church."

"The idea that homosexuality is not about pederasty and abusing boys is not sustained by the data," said Dr. Reisman. "One of the most notorious lesbian activists, Camille Paglia, noted how ridiculous it is that the American public is being conned into believing homosexuality is not about boys. Maintaining one's youth through the sexual abuse of boys, that is the history of homosexuality going back to the ancient Greeks."

As for the current propaganda alleging children are 'born gay', Dr. Reisman stated, "There are no scientific data confirming children are born homosexual. Historically and cross-culturally, the data confirm the exact opposite, that homosexuality is environmentally created and can be reversed." However, cautioned Dr. Reisman, in cases of pederasty, pedophilia, and other forms of sexual child abuse, there are no data confirming reversal or rehabilitation, as the recent experiences of the Catholic Church have demonstrated.

A publication by the North American Man Boy Love Association, co-found by the notorious Boston child molester Rev. Paul Shanley, cited Kinsey as the father of the pedophile and pederast movements. The article stated , "Gay liberationists in general, and boy lovers in particular, should know Kinsey's work and hold it dear. Implicit in Kinsey is the struggle we fight today."

Dr. Reisman highlighted the recent statements of Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, who has insisted, "questions should be asked about the clinics and treatment centers used by Bishops, and the faulty counsel by various kinds of sexologists, psychologists and other assorted 'experts' who advised recycling predatory priests."

In response to Bishop Bruskewitz's call, Dr. Reisman has developed a proposal mapping out the legal strategy for suing the "treatment centers" that accepted predatory priests fraudulently promising to rehabilitate them. The report was recently hand delivered to Pope John Paul II. "We have to face the fact," noted Dr. Reisman, "that just as there are closet pederast priests, and even Bishops, there are pederast therapists," and they have been misleading the Church for decades. As of this date, there has been no response from the Vatican regarding Dr. Reisman's proposals.

Dr. Reisman noted that legal precedence for culpability of therapists for fraudulent malpractice has already established by a $5.7 million award in 1984 against one such center, which had established a record for treating and releasing sexual predators who continued to prey on children after they had been allegedly "cured."

Referencing a growing mountain of evidence, Dr. Reisman declared it a well know fact that for decades parish school children, seminarians and priests in the Catholic Church have been counseled and taught using Kinsey's perverted and fraudulently derived theories of sexuality. In fact, "They (seminarians) have been taught the Sexual Attitude Restructuring (SAR) process that was created at the Institute for the Study of Advanced Sexuality in San Francisco, which was founded by Dr. Wardell Pomeroy, Dr. Kinsey's one time lover. Pomeroy who not only endorsed wife-swapping and homosexuality, but has also extolled the virtues of child sex and even bestiality."

We often hear of predatory priests who were "treated in California" and later released. What the media fails to mention is that they were treated at Kinsey based centers where the 'experts' all believe homosexuality is completely natural, and that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with adults who prefer to have sex with children, according to Dr. Reisman.

In fact, notes Dr. Reisman, Kinsey's 'research' was not designed to simply liberate America from outdated and restrictive sexual morality, which is a common misconception. "Kinsey meant to undermine the legal protections for the institution of marriage," writes Reisman in her book, and the legal legacy of Kinsey's efforts is an accelerating desent of our culture into pornography, protected by a perversion of laws governing freedom of speech.

" The "Sex Offenses" section defining "normal sexuality" of The Model Penal Code of the American Law Institute ("ALI") that changed all our sex laws was 100% the work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey," Reisman noted. "The ALI is the educational arm of the American Bar Association ("ABA") which educates our lawyers. If you are being taught fraud in your law school, via Dr. Kinsey, how can one be expected to go into a courtroom and argue effectively?" It was the introduction of Kinsey's sexology 'findings' into major law schools, via the ALI Model Penal Code, that began the process of repealing state laws, according to Dr. Reisman.

Kinseyites in all the top the law schools, according to Dr. Reisman, published law review articles demanding we lighten our allegedly repressive sex laws. "It was a small cabal of lawyers, psychologists, and Kinsey," said Reisman. "These people went about quietly, state by state, creating commission reports on sex that were forwarded to the state legislatures. The legislatures then responded by implementing the ALI/MPC recommendations. Prostitution, "contributing to the delinquency of a minor, sodomy, all of these laws crumbled when Kinsey 's fraudulent data were presented to state lawmakers."

"Kinsey broke down the structures that were put into place in our society to protect children, women, and the family structure," Dr. Reisman observes. " Look at the data regarding sex in the late 1940's. Abortion was illegal and contraception was difficult to obtain, especially for a single person. If what Kinsey was saying about the commonality of co-habitation, sex out of wedlock, prostitution and promiscuity were true, we would have had epidemic rates of "illegitimacy," sexually transmitted diseases , rape, and child sexual abuse. In fact, there were no such epidemics, because nonmarital sexual activity simply did not exist on anywhere near the scale Kinsey claimed.

Dr. Reisman noted, "Kinsey said he found that children were 100% orgasmic, even babies. 96% of our men are male sex offenders, 50% of husbands and 26% of wives were adulterers, and 90% of all single pregnant girls were having abortions… He claimed that the majority of all American men and women were bi-sexual…Which begs the question -- how does he know all this?" Dr. Reisman speculates that Kinsey's Midwestern university credentials were critical in suppressing protest. In her book, Dr. Reisman includes public relations photos and campaigns that were used to give the public the impression that Kinsey was an otherwise normal and serious scholar, and the con worked. "Nobody asked how he knew about the children's orgasms," noted Dr. Reisman, "because it was assumed that Kinsey's university research was scientific, and guess what? It wasn't scientific at all. It was fraud!"

"What's the fallout?" asks Reisman, "Just look around. If law and society say that out of wedlock births are OK and sadomasochism or bestiality are just alternative lifestyles, how can law and society say that any kind of obscenity is wrong? You can't make pornography illegal if its OK for people to be doing anything they want outside of marriage. If that's the case, then why isn't it OK to simply photograph and sell it?"

How does all this relate to the Catholic Church?

"The human sexuality disciples of Alfred Kinsey today counsel the Catholic Church," warned Dr. Reisman. "They train its children as future nuns, priests, brothers and bishops and they are Kinseyans, without question."

Kinsey disciple, Dr. Fred Berlin, from Johns Hopkins University, has been a major advisor to the to the Catholic Church since 1985, when he was identified as an expert in the treatment of pedophiles. Dr. Berlin was recommended to the National Council of Catholic Bishops ("NCCB") in a document known as the Peterson/Doyle Report, which has been cited as a warning of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests that was ignored by the NCCB.

The problem with the report is that it recommended the Bishops turn over all of their problem priests to sexual treatment centers, specifying Johns Hopkins, which was based entirely on the perverted and fraudulent treatment methods of Kinsey. While it is often said that the Bishops did not act on this report, it is clear that indeed they did send pedopriests to these centers for repair, or cures.

Both Dr. Berlin and Dr. John Money had been recommended to the Bishops by the authors of the Peterson/Doyle Report. (Peterson later died of died of AIDS.) Peterson wrote, "Drs. Money and Berlin are considered by me and most people the field as the two U.S. experts (and are) mental health professionals with good success in the treatment of such disorders." According to Dr. Reisman, Berlin and Money are peddling Kinsey's bogus sex science.

Dr. Berlin himself has stated publicly that he would not turn over predatory child molesters to the police. In fact, in1988 the Maryland press reported there were at least 8 men accused of sexually abusing children under the care of Dr. Berlin. "Dr. Berlin has served as a witness for sadistic sex offenders, and has testified in court that such men cannot control their sexual barbarism," observed Dr. Reisman. "But these deviants have no difficulty controlling their lust when they are in front of parents or legal authorities."

Dr. Reisman noted that, "Dr. John Money has written in the Journal of Paedophilia that sex between men and boys is a perfectly viable activity, it's really good for the boys, and he says he would never report a pedophile (to the police). This is the man in charge of training and curing priests!" Dr. Money also claimed that the Johns Hopkins clinic was not created to repair sex offenders but to give "lee-way for judges," as an alternative to jail.

In fact, Peterson's assessment of Money and Berlin's success was false. They had demonstrated no success in 'curing' child abusers. Another Johns Hopkins and Kinsey influenced 'expert' who impacts the Catholic Church is Dr. Paul McHue. Dr, McHue was appointed by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops ("USCCB") leader Bishop Wilton Gregory to the Catholic oversight board responsible for overseeing the implementation of various sexual abuse reforms. His role on the board is stated to have been to provide expert advice on the psychological treatment of clerics accused of sexually abusing children.

In a story critical of Johns Hopkins 'treatment' of pedophile priests, the Maryland press revealed that Dr. Berlin had been subverting the child abuse reporting required by state law with the full approval of his boss, Dr. Paul McHue. Dr. McHue was in charge of the treatment center at Johns Hopkins when Dr. Money was forcing boy patients at Johns Hopkins to engage in incestuous child pornography, which was revealed in the book As Nature Made Him, a book about trans-gendered operations performed at Johns Hopkins.

"I don't want to impugn the Bishops," said Dr. Reisman. "One of the reasons I focus on the Peterson /Doyle report is because I believe that document intentionally mislead the Catholic Church. This document told the Bishops to turn over all of their pederast priests to professionals…(The Peterson/Doyle Report) claimed they could cure the child abusing priests knowing they couldn’t. Whether Father Doyle understood this reality is another question. On the less generous side, just as we have closet pederasts in therapy profession, we have closet pederasts among the bishops. The problem is that these pederast bishops can influence other bishops and as a result, compromise the entire structure. In the end, there's simply no justification for Paul McHue being on an advisory board designed to curb child sexual abuse."

The Peterson/Doyle report also said, quoted Dr. Reisman, that, "the Catholic Church had to get away from its "extreme moral judgmentalism" and the only way was to transfer the sex offenders to specialized clinics, so they could be trained and repatriated. But you can’t very well train and repatriate a pederast priest if you believe that pederasty is OK, can you?"

Kinsey's influence on the Catholic Church is far deeper than the bogus treatment facilities responsible for recycling predator priests. The Kinsey Institute is the curator of the 'science' Kinsey created, and responsible for spreading it. To the extent that Kinsey's views on sex have been nearly universally accepted as truth, they have infiltrated public and private schools, and even been introduced into U.S. seminaries.

In his best selling book, Goodbye Good Men, author Michael Rose records the testimony of dozens of seminarians exposed to radical programs featuring hard core pornography while they were in the seminary. Remarkably, these programs continue in seminaries all over the world. Dr. Reisman contacted Rose after reading his book to make sure Rose was aware that these programs were products of the Kinsey Institute, and specifically, the Sexual Attitude Restructuring (SAR) program. The SAR as shown in Kinsey training centers is a barrage of pornography on multiple screens, which is consistent with the programs described by shocked seminarians. In addition to seminarians, hundreds of orthodox priests who have been adjudged as "too rigid" have been forced to enter SAR programs at indoctrination centers across the country.

Just how has the Sexual Revolution spawned by Kinsey changed our culture? Dr. Reisman cited the statistics recently released by the U.S. Department of Justice. From 1976 to 1999 there has been a 1,311% increase in child sexual abuse. Roughly 400,000 children are prostituted annually in the United States. 67% of all reported sex abuse victims are children, and 34% of those children are under 12 years of age. 64% of all forced sodomy victims are boys under the age of 12 and age 4 is the most common age.

In 1999 the US Department of Justice reported 58,200 cases of non-family child abductions, two thirds reporting sexual abuse. 35% of these kidnappings were of boys, commonly abducted and sexually abused by homosexual men, who represent only 2% of the total population, according to Dr. Reisman.

Dr. Reisman concluded, "The ultimate source of the child sex abuse scandal in the Church can only be understood by studying Alfred Kinsey, the bisexual, pornographically obsessed pederast guru, and his disciples who currently counsel church and secular leaders."

For more information about Dr. Reisman, see To order a copy of Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, do so at the website or call, The Institute for Media Education at 1-800-476-0975.

Karl Maurer is the President of Aquinas Consulting, CPA's and Management Consultants, and is the Vice President of Catholic Citizens of Illinois ( He may be reached at

TOPICS: Catholic; Religion & Culture
KEYWORDS: catholicchurch; clericalabuse; michaeldobbs; sexabusescandal
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To: Calvinist_Dark_Lord
Although that was primarily a Charismatic Hoax, we Protestants have for years been forced to deal with the fact that 98% of Protestant religious programming comes from a branch of Protestantism that is only 23% of the whole.

Interesting point. The root of the problem is in some special legal status for religious broadcasting. I read something about it a few years ago. The one thing I remember is that all of this fundamentalist broadcasting followed on the heels of the passage of a piece of legislation which granted special status to religious broadcasting.

The other problem is the tax-exempt status of religious and quasi-religious groups. I think it's better to tax them all. It will take money away from the Benny Hinns of the world and will help to smarten up the liberal clergy of every religion.

121 posted on 01/06/2003 5:26:34 AM PST by Aquinasfan
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To: saradippity
I returned to get my degree in the late sixties,and was constantly questiioning the "profs" about what happened to the "facts",I had read not even five years previously. I was a "favorite" student!!

I wish I heard some of those conversations. It makes me think of my poor sister who attended a teacher's college in the early '80s. She didn't have a hint of a whiff of a clue about the festering pile of doo doo that was her "psychology" textbook. It boggles the mind to think how these books come together.

I happened to read through it a few years ago. It explains a lot about our culture and explains why I think most people would be better off not going to college at all.

122 posted on 01/06/2003 5:37:51 AM PST by Aquinasfan
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To: heyheyhey
There is at least one more -- the works of Christian charity. The Biblical support for it is quite clear.

And don't forget the most important function of The Church: to bring everyone the grace that leads to salvation primarily through the Sacraments.

Sanctifying grace, the title to salvation, is peculiarly the grace of those who are united to Christ in the Church: it is the birthright of the children of God. The primary purpose of those actual graces which God bestows upon those outside the Church is to draw them within the fold. Thus, even in the case in which God Saves men apart from the Church, He does so through the Church's graces. They are joined to the Church in spiritual communion, though not in visible and external communion. In the expression of theologians, they belong to the soul of the Church, though not to its body.

123 posted on 01/06/2003 5:48:18 AM PST by Aquinasfan
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To: Aquinasfan
The other problem is the tax-exempt status of religious and quasi-religious groups. I think it is better to tax them all. It will take money away from the Benny Hinns of the world and will help to smarten up the liberal clergy of every religion.

We in protestantism have mixed feelings about this. The 501 c(3) tax exempt status has been seen as of late as a tool for unwarrented interference in religious activities by government, and the restrictions have not been consistently enforced. It depends on what the "politics" of the group in question are. Some of us have rejected the 501 c(3), other larger ministries have considered it (such as Focus on the Family). Unfortunately, it is easier to get rid of AIDS than the 501 c(3), as the end result is that the ministry usually forfeits all of it's assets.

If you are Catholic and knowlegable in these matters, perhaps you can answer a question for me. It is my understanding that the Roman Catholic Church in the US is not organised under the 501 c(3), rather under older, eccliastical law. Is this correct? If so, what is that provision?

On the general issue, you may want to give that matter some consideration. It seems to me as if such a provision as removing tax exemption is much like sawing off the branch we are sitting on!

124 posted on 01/06/2003 6:48:06 AM PST by Calvinist_Dark_Lord
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To: Maximilian; Litany
Litany also is in Milwaukee. I still believe that Archbishop Dolan is one of the Good Guys, but sure hope he eschews future Cheesehead-like stunts. The indignity and inappropriateness of the act are bad enough; what's even worse is the pandering for popularity that may be driving it. If you want respect, you have to act like you deserve it.
125 posted on 01/06/2003 7:00:44 AM PST by Romulus
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To: Calvinist_Dark_Lord
It is my understanding that the Roman Catholic Church in the US is not organised under the 501 c(3), rather under older, eccliastical law. Is this correct? If so, what is that provision?

Sorry, I don't know.

On the general issue, you may want to give that matter some consideration. It seems to me as if such a provision as removing tax exemption is much like sawing off the branch we are sitting on!

The priests that I know tend to be more liberal than the general population particularly regarding economic issues. Part of it is that many have never worked in the business world. Another reason may be that the Catholic Church receives a lot of money from the federal government. Catholic Charities receives as much as 65% of its budget from the government.

Two-thirds of Catholic Charities' $2 billion annual budget comes from public sources. Most, though, have set up non-profit arms to abide by federal non-discrimination guidelines.

And there's the rub. The Church has lost its missionary zeal and converted its Mother Theresa's into faceless bureaucrats. The State is killing the Church with "kindness."

I've thought about the issue a lot and it's a tough call, but I think losing tax-exempt status would be for the best. Suffering tends to purify and has always strengthened the Church. And I also don't want my Church beholden to the government.

126 posted on 01/06/2003 7:15:32 AM PST by Aquinasfan
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To: Aquinasfan; Calvinist_Dark_Lord
Are we talking property tax,individual charitable contribution exemptions or both?
127 posted on 01/06/2003 7:50:06 AM PST by saradippity
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To: saradippity
Those that give up the 501 c(3) give up all of it. There are some small groups in "remnant" Christianity (you know, the wackos on shortwave), who have forsaken the 501 c(3), and pay taxes on everything (those who pay taxes at all).

Were i to form a particular church, i would be inclined to structure such that it has no assets, and no budget, paying as it goes, renting facilities, giving the excess to various works so that there is a zero sum. When the government attempted to get complience to the "party line" by theatening to take tax exemption, the only sound heard in the church would be laughter at the foolishness of the heathen.

We have become vulnerable because of our material possessions in the churches.
128 posted on 01/06/2003 7:59:34 AM PST by Calvinist_Dark_Lord
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To: american colleen
Why do they go in for this pseudo-Asian crap when they have the mystical tradition of the Church?
129 posted on 01/06/2003 8:40:58 AM PST by RobbyS
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To: Calvinist_Dark_Lord
I begin to think you have the solution.
130 posted on 01/06/2003 8:42:24 AM PST by RobbyS
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To: RobbyS
I'm not sure - too much education? too much time? another way to balk tradition? a way to have some sort of human recognition (look at the "inventor," Keating and the many books he has written on meditation, TM style)?

I also think that lots of people are always searching for something and never satisfied with what they actually have, even if it is the real thing - love, companionship, jobs, marriage, God. It's a curse as far as I can see.

131 posted on 01/06/2003 9:06:57 AM PST by american colleen
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To: Aquinasfan
Absolutely right!
I didn't forget it; I thought it would be derived from the first two purposes of the Church mentioned in #51.
But right you are -- precise is better.
132 posted on 01/06/2003 10:31:45 AM PST by heyheyhey
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To: Calvinist_Dark_Lord
Were i to form a particular church, i would be inclined to structure such that it has no assets, and no budget, paying as it goes, renting facilities, giving the excess to various works so that there is a zero sum.

Not only is this suggestion practical, but it's Christian as well. Mother Theresa was famous for her policy of spending each day whatever donations they received and relying on Providence to take care of them tomorrow. Kind of like the manna in the desert.

When the government attempted to get complience to the "party line" by theatening to take tax exemption, the only sound heard in the church would be laughter at the foolishness of the heathen.

That sound you hear is my laughter -- thanks for the good suggestions and the humor.

133 posted on 01/06/2003 10:43:12 AM PST by Maximilian
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To: Maximilian
Unfortunately, the idea is not mine! Take a quick glance at Psalm 2
134 posted on 01/06/2003 10:52:39 AM PST by Calvinist_Dark_Lord
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To: Desdemona; saradippity
Max, you misunderstand. Dolan IS one of the good guys.

Well, the "proof is in the pudding." We'll find out eventually whether he's one of the good guys or not.

I'm not willing to go beyond the evidence to make a judgement either good or bad. We have evidence of the living situation, we have the "cheesehead miter," we have his complimentary comments regarding Weakland. None of these are conclusive evidence of his involvement in the homosexual conspiracy. But neither do they inspire confidence.

If there is evidence of decisions he has made which were tough and unpopular with the PC crowd, then I'll be happy to consider that information as well.

135 posted on 01/06/2003 10:57:02 AM PST by Maximilian
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To: boromeo; Coleus; saradippity; RobbyS; Aquinasfan; All
Here are a couple of links someone has posted on a blogspot in response to Judith Riesman's assertions. Apparently they demolish her credibility, according to this person. I haven't given them anything but a cursory glance because I am off to work. Anyhow, thought you might be interested. I'm going to read them later.

here and here.

136 posted on 01/06/2003 1:27:52 PM PST by american colleen
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To: american colleen
They definitely don't demolish her credibility,they in fact confirm that when push came to shove they had to explain quite a bit of the data by claiming it was based on interviews with people who had observed children in these stages of arousal.These interviews were with parents and others who had observed (sex offenders) and it seems that they were "protected" identities.

He also states that some information was obtained from interviews with adults about their childhood memories of sexual experiences. Lots of holes and even a couple of admissions that Kinsey had intimated some things that were found to be untrue. Lot of it based on the observations of one man who Reissman,in her article,said was German and had either died in prison or was executed because after submitting all these observations he was later convicted of sexually abusing and killing a little girl,I believe.

I can tell you if I were defending my department,and most of the information came from the Chairman of the Kinsey Research Institute,I would have been embarrassed to have submitted so little of import. But I am sure he doesn't have to worry about funding because those who are intent on animalizing the world will continue to pour money into these psuedo-scientific studies that show what they want shown,true or not.

This is totally off the wall,but I would not be surprised if some of his data on children came right from Nazi files on experiments carried out in the concentration camps.Margaret Sanger was loosely connected somehow with Germany's pre-war plans for the Aryan nation.

Finally,there is one piece of information which does not look too good. The report says that Judith Reissman either sued or countersued the Kinsey Institute. The article says her lawyer dropped her and the suit was dismissed without prejudice,which it says means she can not file again. I would like to know the particulars on that.

The articles only dealt with the children and sex parts of the study,the poor research data and methodologies on adults was not addressed at all.

Which blog sites carried these articles?

137 posted on 01/06/2003 4:12:32 PM PST by saradippity
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To: saradippity
Thanks for your critique - I tried to access these sites from work (where I am now) because I didn't really have time to look at them earlier while at home... I got the firewall not-so-gently telling me that I could not access the site.

Anyhow, the article and the person who thinks the linked articles demolish Dr. Reisman posted on Dominic Bettinelli's blogspot . Mark Shea's blogspot took it up a few days ago but that conversation seems to be over.

I'm going to try to find out more about that lawsuit... that is kind of weird.

138 posted on 01/06/2003 7:04:01 PM PST by american colleen
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To: ELS; Siobhan; sitetest; livius; Romulus; Coleus
Some Info on McCarrick and Seton Hall University.
139 posted on 01/06/2003 7:35:52 PM PST by Coleus
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To: american colleen
Regarding the lawsuit, my guess is that the Kinsey Institute may have burned the relevant files. So it has become a historical mystery, sort of like Stanton's supposed role in the Lincoln assassination and beyonf the power of the court to settle. But if the Kinsey people want to prove their case, all they have to do is to do their own research and punlish it. If it is science, they should get similar results using the same methodology.
140 posted on 01/06/2003 9:26:53 PM PST by RobbyS
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