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Dangers of False Doctrines
The Baptist Corpsman | 24 dec 02 | by Darren Morrison

Posted on 12/24/2002 4:49:47 PM PST by RMrattlesnake

Dangers of False Doctrines

By Darren Morrison

1 Timothy 4:1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2. Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3. Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truths. Heresies leave people hopeless when they think they have hope. They are things that sound good and true but lead to destruction. The cults of the world will use some truth, like putting poison in honey. They will tell us that certain meats are a sin to eat or that all meats are sinful. They will forbid us to marry or tell us when and to whom we can marry and even what we can do in the marriage bed. Telling priests they cannot marry is found nowhere in the bible. If your church has a doctrine that is found nowhere in the bible, then how to you weigh it as truth. The bible is our counterweight on the scale of truth, because we must weigh everything with the bible. If the bible says it, it is truth. If it is not found in there then it is false or trivial. If it were important for us to know it would be found in the bible.

This is a time of theological confusion and compromise. A time when so many people have turned aside the truth to follow after things that fit their personal beliefs. How often do I meet a person involved in a false doctrine say that the religion they are involved with matched what they believed so they joined. Psalms 58:3. The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Therefore if the bible is true, and it is, we must not follow after our own judgment.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. You see the bible warns us clearly about the false doctrines out there and we must be aware of them. Romans 16:17. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. So the word of GOD also instructs us what we are to do here and that is to mark them and then avoid them.

Titus 1:13. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14. Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. So we are to rebuke them, this also includes the person sitting next to you in church that will tell you false doctrines or fables. Within the patriot movement there are many fables today. So I do not have to wary about old Jewish fables so much but there are many fables out there told by so-called people of our faith. I was told that Christians we going to have to run and hide when the government comes to give out small pox vaccines. This is a fable and the bible doesn’t tell me to run but to stay and feed the flocks or to stay and preach the gospel.

Ephesians 5:11. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. That means we are not to allow the Jehovah witnesses into your house for tea. We can talk to them at our doorstep. But don’t let them into your house for discussion.

2 Thessalonians 3:6. Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us. This may seem harsh in the standards of the world, but it is there so we don’t get caught up in their heresies or follow them into rebellion.

2 Timothy 3:5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. We are told in the word of GOD that we ought to turn away from those who turn toward false doctrines that deny the power of Jesus over sin and salvation.

2 John:10. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 11. For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. As I said do not let those who come with another doctrine into your house. Don’t bless them or offer then money. Tell them the truth, that which cometh from the word of GOD. Do not fellowship with them whatsoever. They are dangerous. 2 Thessalonians 3:14. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

Titus 3:10. A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;. We need to reject them that are a heretick. Of coarse we should witness to them in love, but not befriend them to the point were they can influence us.

2 Corinthians 6:17. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. We are to be separate from the world and we must remember to be separate from those who have a false doctrine.

From the time of the early church even when the apostles were still walking the earth there were false doctrines. To us many false doctrines are obvious, but some are less obvious. Some can come from the person who visits your church. Some can grow inside people in your church many even next to you. Some times those who come to your door have false doctrines sometimes you hear it on Christian radio stations as well. Sometimes rebellion toward the government is told as if it were part of Christian doctrine, which it is not. Beware fellow believers. False doctrines are so thick these days. There are even churches out there that ordain women as Deacons and Bishops when the bible teaches otherwise. There are longhaired hippy-like Christians who want to live according to their way instead of GOD’s way. There are those who marry homosexuals and even ordain them as preachers. There are churches that teach the most loony doctrines. If the bible says it, believe it and if it doesn’t don’t. Beware brothers and sisters.

Read your bible and pray every day. Attend a church where the bible is the only doctrine taught there, one where they teach out of no other books. I would recommend an unaffiliated independent fundamental Baptist church. Once you find a church that has the doctrine of the bible submit to it.

TOPICS: Apologetics; Evangelical Christian; Theology
KEYWORDS: cults; falsedoctrines
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As I mentioned the Bible refers to the church of God or the church of Christ... How does this work in the context of the name telling a great deal about a church?...And to answer your question I attend University Heights Church of Christ. If I were to move to a new town and knew nothing of the churches there I would not look further than the name for starters when attempting to find a sound church.

Gee PFKEY, I took out my handy search engine and I found absolutely no references in the Bible for any "chruch" being called the "Church of Christ." So, your insistence on bilical perfection in the name of a church is clearly misplaced.

Now if you wanted to get technical about this, then you could probably, according to your so-called biblical standards, attend a church if it were to be called the "Church of God" since that name is used several times in the Bible as a reference to the body of believers in general.

Now if you wanted to be totally and completely Scriptural then you could legitimately use the name that the Lord used when describing some churches. Jesus referred to the seven Churches in Asia Minor as "The Church at Philadelpia..." etc.

So, I suppose if you wanted to be pharisaical about the names, then you could probably safely attend something in your city which would be named "the Church of God at University Heights" or perhaps "The Church at University Heights" but clearly you should not be going to such an unbliblically sounding Church such as the "Church of Christ."

My suggestion, if you want to be consistent with your pharisaical strict interpretation of the scripture is that you change churches and find one in your neighborhood called "the Church of God at University Heights" or "the Church at University Heights." (but then again it might be simpler--especially if you feel that you are being fed at the church you attend-- to simply change your attitude.

Now in regard to the church building. Again, other than the Temple and some mentions of the synagogue, there are no references in the new testament as to how a "chruch" ought to look. But again if you are going to be a strict pharisse on the subject I suppose you could insist on gathering outside on a hillside, Like Jesus did when he preached, or perhaps in people's homes, or in a synagogue or in some building constructed according to the directions given for the Temple. But as it stands right now, if you want to be perfectly biblical, then I would suggest that unless you are meeting outside or in a synagogue, then your building is not up to your own pharisaical "biblical" standards.

Just because some entity calls itself "the Church of Christ," does not mean that they have the personal stamp of approval of Jesus for their doctrine. A Church by ANY name can either preach the Gospel correctly or preach a perversion of the Gospel. It really depends on what they preach rather than what they call themselves.

BTW are you a member of the International Church of Christ? Or do you consider them a cult?

41 posted on 12/28/2002 8:27:55 AM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: Jael
The depths to which you will reinvent or misconstrue Scripture for your own needs are truly frightening. Your posts should come with a warning sign for any Christian or future Christian.
42 posted on 12/28/2002 11:01:06 AM PST by Scupoli
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To: Desdemona
If you emulated Jesus Christ, you would witness. A good work towards someone never saves them. Only the Gospel does that.
43 posted on 12/28/2002 2:14:47 PM PST by Jael
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To: Scupoli
I posted from Scripture. Why would that cause you to attack me?
44 posted on 12/28/2002 2:21:21 PM PST by Jael
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To: Jael
" 2. Making the sign of the cross .....300 AD" Do Protestants not make the sign of the cross?
45 posted on 12/28/2002 3:17:43 PM PST by BlackVeil
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To: Salvation
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made flesh." Genesis Isn't that the Gospel of St John?
46 posted on 12/28/2002 3:20:41 PM PST by BlackVeil
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To: BlackVeil
you pagans are hilarious

.. pass the popcorn
47 posted on 12/28/2002 4:27:45 PM PST by ALS
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To: P-Marlowe
Gee PFKEY, I took out my handy search engine and I found absolutely no references in the Bible for any "chruch" being called the "Church of Christ." So, your insistence on bilical perfection in the name of a church is clearly misplaced.



Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.

Now if you wanted to get technical about this, then you could probably, according to your so-called biblical standards, attend a church if it were to be called the "Church of God" since that name is used several times in the Bible as a reference to the body of believers in general.

You touch on a very good point here. The church is a body of believers not a building.

Now if you wanted to be totally and completely Scriptural then you could legitimately use the name that the Lord used when describing some churches. Jesus referred to the seven Churches in Asia Minor as "The Church at Philadelpia..." etc.



saying, "Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Per'gamum and to Thyati'ra and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to La-odice'a."

Philadelphia is one of the seven churches in Asia Minor not a collection of the seven churches. A small point but noteworthy none the less.

So, I suppose if you wanted to be pharisaical about the names, then you could probably safely attend something in your city which would be named "the Church of God at University Heights" or perhaps "The Church at University Heights" but clearly you should not be going to such an unbliblically sounding Church such as the "Church of Christ."



And I was still not known by sight to the churches of Christ in Judea

My suggestion, if you want to be consistent with your pharisaical strict interpretation of the scripture is that you change churches and find one in your neighborhood called "the Church of God at University Heights" or "the Church at University Heights." (but then again it might be simpler--especially if you feel that you are being fed at the church you attend-- to simply change your attitude.

Those are all good sounding scriptural names. Here is one of my farovite.



For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus which are in Judea; for you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews

Now in regard to the church building. Again, other than the Temple and some mentions of the synagogue, there are no references in the new testament as to how a "chruch" ought to look. But again if you are going to be a strict pharisse on the subject I suppose you could insist on gathering outside on a hillside, Like Jesus did when he preached, or perhaps in people's homes, or in a synagogue or in some building constructed according to the directions given for the Temple. But as it stands right now, if you want to be perfectly biblical, then I would suggest that unless you are meeting outside or in a synagogue, then your building is not up to your own pharisaical "biblical" standards.

I learned something new and interesting, the word synagogue doesn't appear on the OT. However, the OT in excrusiating detail tells how the Temple is to be constructed. Starting around Ezekiel 40.4 you can read about the law of the Temple. As we know the Law was given to Isreal and we are bound to it so a Temple would not seem to be a good choice.



For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.


What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!

In stricking contrast to the detail given for the construction of the Temple you will find no mention of the construction of a similar structure i.e. building or temple in the NT. Is this an oversight? I think not. Rather, that a meeting place for the saints is just that, a meeting place. The building or lack thereof is of no importance.

Where I find a building a telling sign of a churches soundness comes into play when I see that man has taken upon himself to speak where God was silent. Meaning that a meeting place for the saints is being promoted as some sacred or holy place by the addidion of alters or idols. That somehow the building in and of itself is the dwelling place of God or Christ.



For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Just because some entity calls itself "the Church of Christ," does not mean that they have the personal stamp of approval of Jesus for their doctrine. A Church by ANY name can either preach the Gospel correctly or preach a perversion of the Gospel. It really depends on what they preach rather than what they call themselves.

Very true. As I said the same thing in my previous reply, you can call yourself the church of God, the church of Christ or the church of Jesus Christ and be unsound. The name does not give the church its soundness but it is still telling and insightful for what you are likely to encounter if you choose to attend a service.

Look at all the churches of the world who neither identify God or Jesus in their name. They distiguish themselves from one another by some man made creed or doctrine.

BTW are you a member of the International Church of Christ? Or do you consider them a cult?

Not familiar with the international church of Christ. Are they a cult?

48 posted on 12/28/2002 7:43:40 PM PST by PFKEY
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To: Jael
Men in the ministry are required to be married

Eh? Required? Paul was not married, and even wished that others might follow his example of celibacy. And if Paul was not in the ministry, we would be hard pressed to find someone who is!

49 posted on 12/28/2002 7:44:34 PM PST by Cleburne
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They distiguish themselves from one another by some man made creed or doctrine.

Baptism is a man-made doctrine? Catholicity- unity or oneness quite literally- is a man made concept? Congregating together- invented by man? Surely you would not think so, even if you disagree with the doctrine of said denominations.

And as far as buildings go, our worship is to be ordered and reverential, and attuned toward God. While I will agree that some buildings simply do not convey this, and some better than others, I have seen reverential, devotional-feeling- if you won't mind the phrase- churches ranging from simple nineteenth century Baptist churches at the edge of the wilds to great soaring cathredals with deep cloisters and beautiful tapestries and embelishments. Granted, neither extreme is mandated in Scripture- but I don't see where they are prohibited, either.

50 posted on 12/28/2002 7:54:14 PM PST by Cleburne
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To: Cleburne
Baptism is a man-made doctrine? Catholicity- unity or oneness quite literally- is a man made concept? Congregating together- invented by man? Surely you would not think so, even if you disagree with the doctrine of said denominations.

Baptism is certainly from God. Unity of spirit is certainly from God. Congregating in the sense of the meeting of the saints for worship and teaching is certainly from God.

Could a church with the words catholic or baptist be a sound church? Sure. However, as these names are known to us to denote a certain doctrine or creed a person can tell with a fair amount of certainty what the church teaches and practices.

And as far as buildings go, our worship is to be ordered and reverential, and attuned toward God. While I will agree that some buildings simply do not convey this, and some better than others, I have seen reverential, devotional-feeling- if you won't mind the phrase- churches ranging from simple nineteenth century Baptist churches at the edge of the wilds to great soaring cathredals with deep cloisters and beautiful tapestries and embelishments. Granted, neither extreme is mandated in Scripture- but I don't see where they are prohibited, either.

I think the prohibitions can be found in the scriptures that speak about the churches authority on where it is to spend the offering of the saints.

51 posted on 12/28/2002 8:18:27 PM PST by PFKEY
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All the churches of Christ greet you.

Touche'. :-) I didn't try that search.

I disagree with your statement that "all" the churches of the world who neither identify God or Jesus in their name distiguish themselves from one another by some "man made creed or doctrine." I dare say that one man's man made creed or doctrine is another man's biblical doctrine. Take the playing of musical instruments in church for example. You Church of Christ people are somewhat dogmatic about there being an absence of any type of musical instrument in church, yet you will find no "biblical basis" for that dogma. You instead argue from a point of the absence of any reference for it as a command from God that there be none.

I remember attending one of your churches once and was struck at the fact that the song leader started the song with a little tone whistle so that everyone could sing in tune. Now I dare say that there are no tone whistles mentioned in the new testament, so if your church were consistent, then no tome whistles would be allowed either. To me the whole thing is silly. To you it is sacred. Well, I dare say that what distinguishes the "Chruch of Christ" (TM) from others on this point is clearly a man-made doctrine.

I personally rely on Psalm 150 as my biblical reference for including all manner of musical instruments in song and worship. So who's got better biblical support? Which doctrine is more divisive, one which permits Christian Liberty or one which stifles the Spirit?

Finally, YES the International Church of Christ is a cult.

52 posted on 12/28/2002 8:30:42 PM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: P-Marlowe
I disagree with your statement that "all" the churches of the world who neither identify God or Jesus in their name distiguish themselves from one another by some "man made creed or doctrine." I dare say that one man's man made creed or doctrine is another man's biblical doctrine. Take the playing of musical instruments in church for example. You Church of Christ people are somewhat dogmatic about there being an absence of any type of musical instrument in church, yet you will find no "biblical basis" for that dogma. You instead argue from a point of the absence of any reference for it as a command from God that there be none.

I remember attending one of your churches once and was struck at the fact that the song leader started the song with a little tone whistle so that everyone could sing in tune. Now I dare say that there are no tone whistles mentioned in the new testament, so if your church were consistent, then no tome whistles would be allowed either. To me the whole thing is silly. To you it is sacred. Well, I dare say that what distinguishes the "Chruch of Christ" (TM) from others on this point is clearly a man-made doctrine.

You are correct in that musical instruments are not used in our worship. The biblical basis for that can be found in the same manner and example used regarding the temple. The OT tells us to use instruments. The NT makes no reference to instruments in worship. To do so would be to speak where God has not spoken. He tells us how to worship Him, we should not add to or take away from what he has told us.

The use of a tone whistle has been a hotly debated topic. I have attended churches that use them and churches that do not. I don't see this as an issue. In some churches the song leader will hum the tone other churches the song leader just begins singing. How would a church solve this issue if it were to be an area of contention. Simple, don't use a tone whistle.

Another hotly debated topic is the use of overhead projectors or laptops and powerpoint presentations. Issue is solved in the same manner.

The guiding scripture for this is 1Cor.1

[10] I appeal to you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no dissensions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.

I personally rely on Psalm 150 as my biblical reference for including all manner of musical instruments in song and worship. So who's got better biblical support? Which doctrine is more divisive, one which permits Christian Liberty or one which stifles the Spirit?

If you adhere to the worship perscribed in the OT do you also observe all the Laws of Moses and the Prophets?

53 posted on 12/28/2002 9:15:43 PM PST by PFKEY
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To: P-Marlowe
P, I have gone back a read Psalms 150 and for the benefit of those who are reading our discussion if there are any I will include the Psalm.

Psalm 150

Ps.150 [1] Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! [2] Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his exceeding greatness! [3] Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! [4] Praise him with timbrel and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! [5] Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! [6] Let everything that breathes praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!

Now my question to you is this: Does your church use trumpets, lutes, harps, strings, pipes, trimbrels and cymbals? Do you dance during your worship service?

If you do not use all these instruments and dance during your worships services then are you in error or is there a scripture that says we can pick and choose amoung the scriptures as to which ones we will adhere to and which one we will ignore?

54 posted on 12/28/2002 9:25:51 PM PST by PFKEY
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To: P-Marlowe
Or might the answer be that we live under the NT and the commandments therein.
55 posted on 12/28/2002 9:36:37 PM PST by PFKEY
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Does your church use trumpets, lutes, harps, strings, pipes, trimbrels and cymbals? Do you dance during your worship service?

Yep. Pretty much all of them, and more. God created music and music essentially is organized noise. The Bible on 7 separate occasions commands us to "Make a joyful NOISE unto the Lord!

Now I'm not going to judge you in how you should make a joyful nose. I can tell you this. When I attended the "Church of Christ" and they sang a-capella, I was struck by the fact that I did not sense that they people who were making the "noise" were all that joyful about it. Now maybe it was just that church, or maybe it was a bad day for everyone there, but it clearly, in my mind, seemed like they were merely going through the motions and there was no emotion at all in their singing neither joyfil or sad, nothing. Just a noise.

Now if you can show me anywhere in the Bible where it prohibits the use of musical instruments in worship, then maybe I'll consider that you have a valid point. As it stands right now, your prohibition of instruments is silly. You might as well prohibit pulpits for preaching, pews for sitting, and tone whistles for starting the songs. Those aren't mentioned in worship either.

Until then it is clear that your attitude about things which are not mentioned in the Bible is similar to the Pharisee's reliance on tradition as superior to scripture.

The Bible commands us to make a joyful noise. In my opinion the level of volume should equal the level of joy and if an instrument can be used to make a noise unto the Lord, be it steel drums, trash cans, or electric guitars, then use it to the glory of God.

Now if you want to make a joyful acapella noise unto the Lord, then Hallelujah! Make it. Just don''t go around questioning the committment of other Christians because they feel called to praise the Lord in other ways.

Now if you could provide me with that Bible verse...

56 posted on 12/28/2002 10:29:19 PM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: Jael
**I was simply commenting on the fact that Catholics do not witness to people about Jesus. They don't try and tell people about Jesus so people can be saved.**

You can't speak in generalities like that about any denomination. There are Catholics like me who speak to people all the time about knowing that Jesus Christ saved them through His death and Resurrection.

Please don't try to put us in one big pot. The church is made up of all kinds of people including the priests and the hierarchy. Generalities like this then become only half-truths.
57 posted on 12/28/2002 10:52:01 PM PST by Salvation
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To: Jael
**Only heretical sects forbid marriage for their clergy.**

What is your authority for this surmised heresy?

58 posted on 12/28/2002 10:53:02 PM PST by Salvation
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To: Scupoli
Bump to your comment in #42!
59 posted on 12/28/2002 10:54:20 PM PST by Salvation
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To: BlackVeil
My mistake, but the right quote at the right time.
60 posted on 12/28/2002 10:56:40 PM PST by Salvation
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