Well you sure do not operate on the word of God..so what is your foundation?
Like the DemocRATS that you hear calling Rush who claim to have come from a "long line of DemocRATS", they are AFRAID to go against their "DemocRAT family tradition" (the foundation on which their house of cards is built). They FEAR they will be outcasts in their own family and among their friends if any one of them even happens to hear them talking to him.
But as Marx wrote, those who would rule over others must have these sorts of lazy, dependency minded "useful idiots" who don't feel comfortable unless they have someone else do their "critical thinking" for them, and tell them what to believe and what to do.
The proof of how foolish they are is the fact that they *feel* they won't be held responsible for their weak-minded decisions to depend on what others tell them if those *others* turn out to be wrong.