Having read the title however I was reading the artical for any HINT as to why you would title it Back-Asswards like you did
Christains understand Non-believers ALL to well.
We're ALL sinners saved by Grace alone. Period.
Some of us fall into Sin ( or choose to go willingly ) and it's only the Lords mercy which keeps us from His Judgement.
I think people become Christians when they get to see both inside the hall and out.
It's the non-saved folks who don't have that experience IMHO.
In my experience, God didn't open the doors to Heaven and let me in, He opened the doors to Hell and let me out.
This bears repeating......
God didn't open the doors to Heaven and let me in, He opened the doors to Hell and let me out.
I believe G-d has shown that to all. Do you believe otherwise?
Believing as I do, I still don't understand why anyone chooses to stay out.