I was once a faithful Mormon.
Royalty even.
BIC of the best of them.
Then one day I woke up and smelled - COFFEE!
It allured me; tempted me, teased me like Luck with a sore ankle.
I tried resisting.
I overcame the Little Factory; SURELY I could over come THIS!!
I prayed, I fasted, I even spoke in TONGUES mind you.
But; in the end; I fell.
Fell to the charms and wiles of a simple bean.
A bean; when roasted, ground and saturated with water; will produce one of the vilest liquids that Satan ever devised!
How many missionaries had to return because of this product from Hell?
How many bishops: fallen??
How many stake presidents: ruined?
Only eternity knows.
Law Against COFFEE?
The Hugh MANATEE-—
Is nothing Left?