The XXXA has nothing to do with the Lutheran Church... or with Christianity.
The Army of Satan continues to recruit new soldiers.
When my dear friend married a Lutheran 50+ years ago she and her family were all active members in the Lutheran Missouri Synoid. Good conservatives, but in his little town there was only an ELCA branch. Their two brilliant children are now grown and the result is predictable: Hard core lefties. Sad.
replacing the old 10 commandments with new ones
This pastor is a heretic!
The climate change God is going to throw at this planet during the tribulation is nothing compared to what we have now.
She must be referring to Jeremiah the Bullfrog instead of the OT prophet.
Satan can only parody God, so his “Jeremiahs” will always lack the righteous inner character and sound doctrine of one who is of Christ.
What is another word for female priestess?