Does the FACT that ‘if what they say does NOT come to pass’ even register with you?
Do you know just how much of latter day prophecy contained in the Bible has not yet come to pass???
If that was a criteria who in their right mind would still be Christian???
You either know how to recognize a prophet through the whisperings of the Holy Spirit or you don’t. That spirit does not speak with forked tongue or tell you something other than he would tell me. There are as you well know different spirits roaming the earth and you know who the God of this world is.
One of us is wrong on some points of Doctrine. I don’t believe that adds up to dead wrong in the spiritual sense for all believers end up in a kingdom of glory according to our scripture.
You can't shake hands with the Holy Spirit.
He(?) it(?) hasn't been worthy enough to get a fleshy body like GOD the Father has.