Actually, Rav Kaduri said Ariel Sharon would be the last Israeli PM before Messiah.
The following can’t be emphasized enough for those who CHOOSE to be left behind:
“The Bible says that the Church is going to be removed to meet Messiah in the clouds, while down on the ground the Jews and Israel actually meet the false Messiah known as Antichrist. The Jews have rejected the actual Messiah, Jesus Christ, so that means God will send them the ‘strong delusion’ instead to wake them up. That’s what’s coming for Israel next, so pray for them as they prepare to enter into the time of Jacob’s trouble.”
when Crist returns it wont be on a billboard, ALL will know!
The Jewish version of Messiah differs considerably from the Christian version. Even non-Jews have been declared Messiah from the virtuous things they did for Jews and/or Israel.
Persian ruler Cyrus the Great’s capture of the city of Babylon in 539 B.C was followed a year later by the end of the Babylonian exile, leading to the return of exiled Jews to their homeland, the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, and even the collecting together of ancestral texts into the Torah—the first five books of the Bible.
It was great enough that in Isaiah 45:1, Cyrus was declared as “the anointed”, which is a meaning of the word Messiah.