Your random word generator is speaking pig latin again.
Your random word generator is speaking pig latin again.
Thank you very much for today's blessing! I didn't even have to address that post to you.
Your reply is the electron analogy I had described.
Top Gun:
The first time around, the backstory involved Maverick's rejection by the Naval Academy because of what happened that resulted in his father's death. The information was classified. He had hoped Charlie would know.
Here's that dinner scene where the topic comes up at her house, the famous "Top Gun" house, in Oceanside. "It's a big mystery":
(The specific conversation begins at min 3:10).
Spared the wrecking ball, in the fullness of time Charlie's house -- the Graves House -- came back to life as a hand pie shop named High Pie, to retain the memory of Top Gun. All finally dropped into place at the same time. The reno and new resort project and the release of Top Gun: Maverick had been delayed and delayed because.. COVID.
As I had mentioned in my "pig latin" post that reveals the hidden,
The Messiah is *the* Top Gun, even as the movie title in Hebrew indicates:
Nothing is random. That's the essence of the Megillah, of Purim, aka the flipped over story. "Venahafoch hu": because it all turned to the contrary for Haman & Sons -- the feckless, insecure, dysfunctional established order of who must be obeyed or else.
Just like the framed message on the wall in the photo at the pie shop article...
Looks like the key writing on that wall is the message adjacent:
Maximum Occupancy 23 Persons
Well, it's an upgrade from 8.
Join the Navi, see the world. Here are the last words of the "Old" Testament; i.e. the Christian order of the books:
Mal 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
The first time around, the backstory involved Maverick's rejection by the Naval Academy..