Iron and clay is not a very stable foundation. Democrats think they can incorporate the least civilized, most unstable elements into America from abroad and tell you that diversity is our strenth. No, common sense will tell you that unity is strength. Without it we will crumble like that statue in Daniel’s vision.
True, racial diversity is not a strength. God gave each group of people their own place in the world, the book of Acts. The US deep state has been pushing false and misguided direction for a long time. The things the politicians on both sides say has been idiotic for a long time. Like, equality, diversity ECT. So much of the modern thinking is dumb and they try to use the bible to justify their ridiculous ideas, which are mostly concocted,because, of greed. The US left pursuing the right things a long time ago. To seek money and the love of it instead of the right things.
“Iron and clay” is a perfect description of ‘democracy’.
“True, racial diversity is not a strength. God gave each group of people their own place in the world, the book of Acts. “
The book of Acts says nothing about races as you incorrectly indicate.
Furthermore, europeans were admixture with East Asians right from the Magyar invasions of the 8th century and arguably earlier with the Avar and Hunnic invasions of the 3rd century.
And they have had sub saharan mixtsince 700 bc and Greek trade with Ethiopians.
Are you against interracial marriage??