Thanks for the ping! It was a very worthwhile read. To me it seems that as a nation, collectively, we’ve thrown off God now, moved outside His mercy, and passed into Hell. Of course there is a remnant of sincere Christians and people yet to be saved, but on the whole the nation has severed itself from the Lord and has gotten so far away from Him that His ways don’t make sense to most people.
And in the midst of this, the church has largely become more worldly in order to comply with the world’s demands, out of fear of persecution, which it must not have. It separates from the actual Body of Christ by doing that, preferring to try to have peace with God and peace with Satan in this world. When it can’t just keep Jesus out, it tries to force Him to be the tail and not the head, and there’s rejection of Him because He smells like death instead of life.
Thankfully, though, I do know a great many Christians here are disturbed by this. We may be scattered, but the Lord is sure to use us in the next part of His plan.
Yes, we are truly in the end times. Well. at least at the precubice of the beginning. So many Christians are so wrapped up into what the World has to offer, they have forgotten of what they give up to gain it.
You said it very well. We have many on our side, even if we are few in number by comparison. However, we must endeavor to fight the good fight.
In the past few years or more I have suffered greatly from writers block as I found myself mired in a swamp of despair and anger. In the past couple of years I kept regurgitating things I wrote and doing small changes just to share them, but nothing new was coming out of my grey matter.
However, the Lord woke me up from my stupor, and reinvigorated my mind. I am again on fire as the block God put on my writing abilities has returned with a vengeance.
I have rededicated myself to the Lord’s work and am in the process of following HIS lead as I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me instead of my own selfish desires.
God bless you sister.