Solipsism. A billion people, each with their own personal jesus relationship means a billion jesuses.
No, it does not mean a billion Jesus’s. There is an explanation on my essay site in the current essay posted there.
Is this similar to:
A billion people, each with their own ideas about what god(s) is(are) like, means a billion (or none) gods?
One Jesus to whom one billion people can relate and grow into the likeness of.
Jesus meets people where they are and takes each one on their own growth path in Him.
Do you really have any understanding of what growing in the likeness of Jesus even means? Because I suspect not.
That is as logically fallacious as asserting that 50 members of a tribe with a relationship to its elder, with some variation of opinion about him, means 50 elders, rather than some difference of opinion about him. And the existence of those who clearly misrepresent who/what he is also does not mean there is necessarily more than one elder.