The shaking of the heavens and earth in Haggai is clearly of the shaking or overthrow, of Jerusalem so that the treasures fo all nations, the Church could be revealed.
The shaking of Jerusalem in 70 AD cleared the way for the unimpeded growth of Christs Church.
The Quackers and Sheikers are just half-truth cults that lit on one verse out of context, just like the Pre-Trib rapturists, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Adventists
The Holy Spirit works in many people at many levels of spiritual development and soul growth.
I’ve had university professors attending my lectures at the divinity school start shaking violently as they heard the words flowing through me and observed demonstrations of the Holy Spirit at work. It’s not me. But through me.
Their shaking was the diminishing of their ego identity which was full of their knowledge as a possession to which they were attached. They realized that the knowledge they owned was not necessarily true. They had to let go of the old to make room for the new. Truly the humble, the meek the empty who are not full of themselves can receive the Holy Spirit.
Do not listen to or believe my words, but enter a prayerful meditation and ask for the Holy Spirit to enter you and guide you. Jump in and learn to swim. You will not drown. The fear quickly dispenses as God’s Love in the Holy Spirit casts it out.