Certainly. One of the biggest signs was increased immorality; we see how far and fast things fell during the Obama administration, for one sharp example.
Or, say, an actor having to apologize for saying a 3 year old shouldn’t be able to determine its own gender?
#36. Re “increased immorality” and how fast and far things fell during the Obama administration, you get a cigar for that observation.
Obama (I don’t give a damn if he was born the US, Kenya, Upper or Lower Slobbovia, Uganda, Weganda or Iganda.
What counts is that he was always a Marxist/communist of the Alinsky type but with a health background affiliation with key members/supports of the Communist Party USA (David Simon Canter, Don Rose, and their journalistic protege’, David Axelrod (whose parents were on the socialist Left, Milton Cohen CPUSA/DSA, Dr. Quentin Young, CPSA/DSA and O’s personal physician, Alice and Herb Palmer, CPUSA supporters, and Frank Marshall Davis - to what degree is still unknown re Hawaii.
Also remember that Obama was buddy buddy with Marxist psycho terrorist Bill Ayers and his just as psycho wife, terrorist Bernadine Dohrn and other members of the old SDS Marxist Left that later formed the Marxist New American Movement and the split-off wing of the old Democratic Socialists to form the very large and powerful present day Obama machine, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
Then there is O’s affiliation with wild man Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the so-called Christian preacher who ran the gamut from being a Marine to a Christian Marxists, a black reparationist (within N’COBRA), friends with Moslem extremist Louis Farrakhan and Christian psycho clergy Father Pfleger, etc.
Obama represents the convergence of the old Marxist Left with the Moslem Left, a process known as the “Red/Green Alliance”, of which noted researcher/author Cliff Kincaid has written a lot through his www.USAsurvival.org group.
Obama also was into drugs as a teenager, a great example to set for young blacks who live in some rough economic conditions, who lose the desire to learn because its easier to smoke dope and sell it than go to school, and who, like Obama hated the police (along with his pet racist Att. Gen Eric Holder) and the free enterprise system.
Yes, immorality (esp. with “Mommy babies” and no legal fathers around), raging alcoholism and drug use, a total disrespect for and breakdown ofthe family, education/teachers, law enforcement, and society in general (the Marxists in the educational system did their jobs very well) ARE THE RESULTS OF 8 YEARS OF OBAMAMUNISM.
At least President Trump recognizes these problems and is trying to fix them despite a hardcore Marxist Left Democrat Congress, wimpy/squishy Republicans, and a brainwashed, almost totally useless “Millenials” group of spoiled little brats and wimps.
Other than that, everything is fine Mrs. Lincoln.