The constant refrain on the FR religion forum from Catholics is that Luther was anti-Semitic, which coming from members of another religious group that was every bit as anti-Semitic, strikes many as hypocritical.
Those would be of great interest to me.
So Luther had no problem with a person of Jewish origin who followed Luther -- yet if they didn't listen to him, he called for fire and brimstone on them. Luther called Calvinists and Catholics the same -- essentially he was brilliant and had a massive ego (this is separate from his theological views - I'm talking about his person, and that's different from his theology) -- he basically hated anyone who didn't follow him
NO ONE until the 1800s hated Jews for their race. If a Jew converted to another faith, he was no longer a Jew
Modern day anti-semitism is based on a flawed understanding of Darwin's evolution. Various European and American people who knew a little bit of science (a little knowledge is a dangerous thing) came to the conclusion that races are "evolution" - starting from the "lowest races" such as sub-saharan Africans or Irishmen (yeah, the racist idiots considered the two equally "low") all the way up to the "Aryan superman" -- again a stupidity as "Aryans" are properly only Iranians or North Indians.
Luther wasn't an anti-semite like the Nazis and neither were Catholics in the Middle Ages. Both of these would have been appalled at the Nazi killing