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Strong Warnings from the Founders and Early American Leaders for America
IFB ^ | 7/1/18 | Earl Taylor, Jr.

Posted on 07/01/2018 12:16:35 PM PDT by The Ignorant Fisherman

Dear Friends,

One of the most remarkable observations in the study of history is the caution and warnings that are always given by Founders of great civilizations. It seems that those who lay foundations for great civilizations are quite aware of the seeds of pride, selfishness, and contention in human nature which over time usually begin to manifest themselves in society--even good societies. These Founders, realizing the tendency of human nature to degenerate, have always closed their public ministries with solemn warnings of the dire consequences of departing from the lofty ideals they established. Moses gave the children of Israel the most sublime principles of government and human behavior, which would have led them to the most prosperous society ever. But he seemed to know that after his departure it would be difficult to hold. No doubt he knew from personal experiences that the Israelites would soon depart from his inspired counsel. He said: "For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against the Lord; and how much more after my death?" (Deuteronomy 31:27) He even predicted that they would eventually fall from being the most prosperous and blessed nation on earth into a state of slavery, devoured by other nations, and losing the great blessings of freedom.

The Savior's Sermon on the Mount contained principles of human behavior which, if followed, would have created the highest level of prosperity and freedom ever seen on the face of the earth. But before His ministry was concluded, He gave direct warnings concerning the fate of those who would reject His teachings. As a result, few groups have seen more persecution in the history of the world than those who turned from His true gospel.

When the American Founders set up the first free people in modern times they knew it was risky business. They all realized that any man-made institution -- even under the inspiration of the Almighty -- would be subject to foibles and human weaknesses of those who worked under its canopy. Nevertheless, these men who master-minded the United States of America had the highest aspirations for the great nation they were founding. It was only in their quiet, more somber moments that their apprehensions concerning the future of America came out in concrete phrases and words. Strong Warnings from the Founders and Early American Leaders Many state constitutions include words similar to what is contained in the Arizona Constitution: "A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is essential to the security of individual rights and the perpetuity of free government." ( Arizona State Constitution , Art. II, Sec. 1) Just as we need to periodically review the principles the Founders gave us so should we periodically review the warnings they uttered about the temptation of a free people to use this freedom to give license to human weaknesses and thus pulling down a great civilization.

In Dr. Skousen's The Majesty of God's Law, he includes a whole chapter outlining some of the most powerful warnings of the American Founders. The rest of this letter is drawn from Chapter 32 of this book giving the Founders' quotes and Dr. Skousen's comments. The Warnings of Benjamin Franklin Franklin served as one of the foremost architects in structuring the Constitution, and while most of the Founders were congratulating one another on their remarkable charter of liberty, Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight.

"I agree to this Constitution ... and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."

All of this went along with Franklin's basic philosophy of sound government; namely, that no people can remain free if they become wicked and immoral.

When a society decays to the point where people begin to fear for their lives and their property, the demands for a police state have always been inevitable. The Warnings of George Washington One of the most significant doctrines set forth in the Farewell Address was Washington's extremely insightful warning concerning the peril of allowing candidates to be nominated and national policies to be promoted by competing political parties. In fact, he prophesied exactly what would happen if the American leaders ever fell into the seductive trap of trying to run the nation with opposing parties. He said:

"They serve to organize factions ... to put in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority....

"Let me ... warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party...." Almost prophetically he anticipated the encroachment of one branch of government over the others.

He said:"It is important ... that ... those entrusted with its administration ... confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department any encroachment upon another.... The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create ... a real despotism."

Nothing aroused the wrath of Washington more than arrogant bureaucrats actually changing the fundamental structure of government by sheer despotic assertion of administrative power. He said: "If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpations; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed." The Warning of John Adams Among the warning voices of the Founders none was more forceful in proclaiming the need for a virtuous people to make the Constitution function than John Adams. He said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." The Warnings of Thomas Jefferson During his two terms as President, Jefferson detected some evil and subversive trends which were luring the American people away from the original Constitution. Notice how direct he was in pointing the finger of accusation at the judiciary for corrupting the original constitutional plan: "Our government is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit, by consolidation first, and then corruption.... The engine of consolidation will be the federal judiciary; the two other branches the corrupting and corrupted instruments."

In other words, the Supreme Court uses its judicial mandates to draw more and more power to Washington; then the Congress and the Executive use this new power to shatter the Constitution and corrupt the dual federalism which was designed to balance the political powers between the government and the states.

Once Jefferson's distant cousin, John Marshall, became chief justice of the Supreme Court, Marshall set himself and his associates up as the "final arbiter" on all constitutional issues. Nowhere in the Constitution was the federal judiciary given the power to enforce its will on the states or the other two federal departments. Jefferson had the Supreme Court in his gun sights when he wrote: "The great object of my fear is the federal judiciary. That body, like gravity, ever acting with noiseless foot and unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step and holding what it gains, is engulfing insidiously the [state] governments into the jaws of that [federal government] which feeds them." The Warnings of James Madison Madison was known to be the philosophical soul-mate of Thomas Jefferson, but sometimes his contemporaries considered him somewhat paranoid and suffering from fears for the nation that would never happen. But the passing of time was to prove him more insightful than many of his contemporaries had thought. He said:

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely, for the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, the establishing in like manner schools throughout the union; they may assume the provision of the poor.... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America." The Warnings of Abraham Lincoln At the age of twenty-eight, Abraham Lincoln gave one of the great speeches of his life. He had been asked to speak at the Young Men's Lyceum at Springfield, the capital city of Illinois. He chose as his subject, "The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions." The date was January 27, 1837. Lincoln deplored the spirit of lawlessness that was increasing among the people. He said:

"There is even now something of ill omen amongst us. I mean that increasing disregard for law which pervades the country -- the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passion in lieu of the sober judgment of courts, and the worse than savage mobs for the executive ministers of justice. The disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it now exists in ours ... it would be a violation of truth to deny."

He was not afraid of invasion from without, but he saw the ominous possibility of self-destruction from within. He said:

"At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reaches us, it must spring up among us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide." The Warnings of Alex De Tocqueville In 1830 a young judge from France arrived in America. His name was Alexis de Tocqueville. He came to study the American system. He and his friend soaked up more information about the great American experiment in ten months than most scholars absorb in a lifetime.

Returning to France, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote a two-volume work entitled, Democracy in America . De Tocqueville saw the people of the United States passing through several distinct stages. First of all, he saw the strength of character and moral integrity that would make them prosperous. But as they became self-sufficient he saw that they would be less concerned about each other and much less concerned about the principles that made them a great people. This would leave them vulnerable to the manipulation of clever politicians who would begin to promise them perpetual security if they accepted certain schemes contrived by some of their leaders. He then described what modern students have been led to identify as "democratic socialism.":

"That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent, if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks on the contrary to keep them in perpetual childhood; it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing.

"For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances -- what remains, to spare them all the care of thinking and the trouble of living."

"After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp, and fashioned them at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. "The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided -- men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till [the] nation is reduced to be nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."

Are not these warnings sobering? Can we not see every one of them in fulfillment today? Yet in spite of all these dire predictions, the Founders assured us there is a manifest destiny for America that would cause her to rise from the ashes. It is this prophecy that keeps us going.

Is each of us doing all we can to help? Have you had a seminar for your friends in your area yet? Can you spare a little of your resources to help us continue?

Thank you for all you do or will do.


Earl Taylor, Jr.

From the National Institute for Constitutional Studies

TOPICS: Current Events; General Discusssion; Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: founderswarnings

1 posted on 07/01/2018 12:16:35 PM PDT by The Ignorant Fisherman
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman
"If Congress can employ money indefinitely, for the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, the establishing in like manner schools throughout the union; they may assume the provision of the poor.... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America."

And yet even some FReepers appeal to "general welfare" in defense of a federal program they favor.

2 posted on 07/01/2018 12:29:10 PM PDT by NobleFree ("law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual")
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

Our founders were not saints or gods. And they were geniuses for acknowledging precisely that and the frailty of human societies in general. They were not trying to create utopia, but the best government under God within the limitations of our human nature. We do well to adhere to their warnings, adopt their libraries, and educate ourselves in the manner they themselves were educated.

And the Old Testament is a good place to start.

3 posted on 07/01/2018 12:34:37 PM PDT by CondoleezzaProtege
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To: NobleFree

We had a real life demonstration of why they excluded the children of foreign nationals from being President and yet there are still people who insist that anyone born of one American citizen parent anywhere in the world is a natural born citizen.
They would make Anwar Al-Awlaki’s kids eligible just so their ineligible candidate could run.

4 posted on 07/01/2018 12:39:38 PM PDT by Lurkinanloomin (Natural Born Citizen Means Born Here of Citizen Parents__Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam, Know Peace)
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

Yes, in this fallen world the Creator’s moral absolutes and laws are best for a people and a nation to adhere. They were smart enough to understand that. They were truly genius and practitioners of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God!

We now reject that as a people and a nation in general.

5 posted on 07/01/2018 12:43:01 PM PDT by The Ignorant Fisherman
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

One can trace the downfall of every major Western society to the watering down of theology in churches and the diminishing role of Scripture. Especially neglect of the Old Testament and a rejection of the judgmental and moral attributes of God.

This spiraled into reworking New Testament teachings to fit a Marxist paradigm. Sound familiar? Rampant everywhere today even in so-calldd conservative churches. ‘Jesus did not come to save us from hell...but from poverty...’ And Satan has twisted the tenets of Christian compassion for his own gain.

Darwinism/Evolution theory led to the rejection of the Creation account at Eden, and so people substituted their own self-centered origin stories and myths in its place. Nazism was just paganism reincarnate.

6 posted on 07/01/2018 12:50:46 PM PDT by CondoleezzaProtege
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

“Our founders were not saints or gods. And they were geniuses for acknowledging precisely that “

Well stated

7 posted on 07/01/2018 12:57:14 PM PDT by DesertRhino (Dog is man's best friend, and moslems hate dogs. Add that up. ....)
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

Yes exactly and the redefining thereof (Isa. 5:20).

When moral absolutes are rejected; disorder, lawlessness, violence, decadence, anarchy and ruin can only follow. All as you well stated. They hide behind euphemisms and compassion as they hide their deadly poison of lawlessness to corrupt and destroy! John 8:44!

8 posted on 07/01/2018 1:26:03 PM PDT by The Ignorant Fisherman
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman
Excellent article. I fear that America is headed towards the same destruction as other societies in the past. Yet...we should not lose hope because we have the promise of God:

    If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (II Chronicles 7:14)

It requires humility and a turning towards God and the forsaking of our collective sins against Him (i.e., abortion). That will be the ONLY way to heal our land and bring God's blessings back. I hope and pray we will.

9 posted on 07/01/2018 2:15:10 PM PDT by boatbums (The Law is a storm which wrecks your hopes of self-salvation, but washes you upon the Rock of Ages.)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman


10 posted on 07/01/2018 2:25:10 PM PDT by SE Mom (Screaming Eagle mom)
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

“Our founders were not saints or gods.”

They were neither, for sure. But when realizing the intricacies and beauty of the Constitution, it seems that, as a group, they might have been Divinely inspired to a great extent.

None of this could have come together without God’s hand. We were/are so blessed in that regard.

11 posted on 07/01/2018 2:31:02 PM PDT by MayflowerMadam (Have an A-1 day.)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman; V K Lee
Fine post, Fisherman. I see some similarities between Alexis de Tocqueville and the Grand Inquistor passage from Dostoevsky.

Alexis de Tocqueville

For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, and facilitates their pleasures.

The government manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances -- what remains, to spare them all the care of thinking and the trouble of living.


Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor

We [The Government] will give them that quiet, humble happiness, which alone benefits such weak, foolish creatures as they are, and having once had proved to them their weakness, they will become timid and obedient, and gather around us as chickens around their hen.

They will wonder at and feel a superstitious admiration for us, and feel proud to be led by men so powerful and wise that a handful of them can subject a flock a thousand millions strong.

Gradually men will begin to fear us. They will nervously dread our slightest anger, their intellects will weaken, their eyes become as easily accessible to tears as those of children and women; but we will teach them an easy transition from grief and tears to laughter, childish joy and mirthful song.

Yes; we will make them work like slaves, but during their recreation hours they shall have an innocent child-like life, full of play and merry laughter.

We will even permit them sin, for, weak and helpless, they will feel the more love for us for permitting them to indulge in it. We will tell them that every kind of sin will be remitted to them, so long as it is done with our permission; that we take all these sins upon ourselves, for we so love the world, that we are even willing to sacrifice our souls for its satisfaction. And, appearing before them in the light of their scapegoats and redeemers, we shall be adored the more for it.

They will have no secrets from us. It will rest with us to permit them to live with their wives and concubines, or to forbid them, to have children or remain childless, either way depending on the degree of their obedience to us; and they will submit most joyfully to us the most agonizing secrets of their souls—all, all will they lay down at our feet.

We will authorize and remit them all in Thy name, and they will believe us and accept our mediation with rapture. We will deliver them from their greatest anxiety and torture—that of having to decide freely for themselves.

12 posted on 07/01/2018 7:08:19 PM PDT by poconopundit (MAGA... Get the Spirit. Grow your community. Focus on your Life's Work. Empower the Young.)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

thank you Brother for this good post, it is sobering and inspiring at the same time.

sadly we live in corrupt version of our Founder’s brilliantly crafted federal gov’t, which was created expressly to function “by the People, of the People, and for the People” with authority derived through them from Christ.

we are now a “soft tyranny” as DeTocqueville put it. most voters in either spirit faction (party) are incapable of consistently executing their most basic duties in this Republic, let alone the high responsibilities envisioned for them by the Founders—having succumbed to the same corruption foretold by the aforementioned, or choked and befuddled by the legion of of ever increasing “to do” strands thrown round them by the legicrat spinners in their grand chambers. they don’t know how to draw real meaning from events via the imagination. they are no longer taught how to apply meaning to apprehend truth though reason. the great body of US citizens are now mostly the blind being led willingly by the corrupt.

still, God is on the throne! and the Founder’s Declaration and Constitution (His Constitution really), continues to task and frustrate the deluded pawns of the powers and principalities who rule here in the devil’s name.

more than two centuries down the line, we, a remnant now in this nation, can still shake them if we take Courage and fight on God’s side. “For if God is for us who can stand against us.” God continues to come to our aid. He hears our prayers. He covers our trespasses. He continues to bless our nation in spite of ourselves. Hallelujah! we can’t give up. we fight on under Jesus’ Holy Banner. Lord Jesus give us a “new birth of freedom under God.” may God save our children. and may God ever bless the United States of America. Amen.

13 posted on 07/01/2018 10:45:22 PM PDT by dadfly
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To: dadfly

DF, It is a powerful witness against our nation. these men were very wise! A nation cannot EXPONENTIALLY violate moral laws and survive. It goes against the established moral laws for this physical world established by our ETERNAL Creator.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Happy 4th my friend!

14 posted on 07/04/2018 5:37:04 AM PDT by The Ignorant Fisherman
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