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To: Elsie
I showed that the scripture reference given did NOT match up with what was typed immediately before it.

No, I don't believe you did make that point so as to be clear and disambiguous, confronting the issue squarely and stating your point of view.

But now that you have made your approach a bit clearer, I believe you probably failed to see what is obvious to the student of the OT process of atonement with the blood of animal sacrifices (which could never take away sin, only be accepted in lieu of the human sinners' blood), which process was a foreshadowing of the one-time atonement of Christ offered after He arose out of the midst of the dead ones, also a substitutionary offering of His Blood in place of my/your/all of his faithful servants.

Reviewing the closely-related context of Hebrews 9:

Verse 18 Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.

The whole substance of the writings contained in the Book we call "The Old Testament" is this: it is about The God's promise to withhold the slaughter of a sinning human on the basis of allowing a slaughtered non-sinning animal to take his place, with the gathered substance of life--the blood of the victim--an evidence of the inability of the victim's body to sustain animation.

All the writing in that Book is merely a description of how this old first unilateral promise/will/covenant/testament played out. Going on:

Verse 19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people, 

In doing so, Moses, authorized by The God, instituted a more formal structure to this Covenant/Testament; with the sprinkled blood staining all the elements that henceforth would come under the coverage of this "insurance policy" so to speak, thus God's signature as to the validity of the unilaterally imposed agreement.

Verse 20  Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you. 

The blood of the slaughtered animals is symbolically the inked "fingerprint" of The God, ratifying the Covenant/Testament/Will/Statement-of-intention as applied by His chosen agent to the person of each of the humans falling under it.

Verse 21  Moreover heMoses sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry.

  This makes the Tabernacle--the place of The God's Residence on earth--and all its furniture and utensils come under the agreement as well.

Verse 22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. 

The only acceptable ink of the signature is supplied by the exsanguination of an otherwise undamaged, innocent, unwilling, but necessarily compliant victim.

Verse 23a  It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; . . .

Under this First Testament, once all the precise instructions had been implemented, and everything was in place (including The God settling in and glorifying the Most Holy Inner Sanctum), all the sacrifices and blood-letting took place outside the Tabernacle, except for one matter: once a solar year, the God-Appointed High Priest was to bring in the blood of one of the substitutionary victims, right into the Holiest of All, to present it to The God, showing that the Covenant/documented Testimony, of which a copy of it was placed in a side pocket of the Ark of the Testimony, had not been forgotten.

And in the ark was also was the tablets bearing the symbol of the God-given moral law engraved permanently in stone, as well as the still-living and budding staff of the first High Priest Aaron, together with a noble pot containing uncorrupted manna. Over this closed Ark box was the Golden Mercy Seat, upon which this single priestly representative of all those sinners covered by the Covenant, was to re-sign his commitment, and that of the people as their agent, thus renewing and receiving another year's extension of the agreement.

But the signing could only be consummated in the shed blood of a perfect, innocent, compliant lamb. The killing of this lamb, and the distribution of its blood, also recalled the passing over of the death angel, many years before.

But all this precise temporarily renewed ritual of atonement was to illustrate how the final, not-ever-to-be-repeated maturity and final accounting of the Will and "life insurance policy" of the Testator, God-in-Man, was to be carried out.

Verse 23b . . . but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 

Looking back at what was a mystery to Moses and all of Israel for some fifteen hundred years, the writer of Hebrews reveals that indeed, in Heaven there were, are, and always will be a true Ark of the Covenant, whose deadly contents are covered and hidden by the covering of the symbol of The God's attribute of Mercy, which is the Kapporeth (Heb.), the Hilasterion (Gk.), the Mercy Seat (Eng.), heretofore unstained by Blood until the Messiah Jesus arose out of the dead ones. As the earthly pattern of it was yearly the recipient of the blood of the sacrificed lamb, so now at the Great and Final Accounting in Heaven, before the Mighty God, must the True Kapporeth there receive the burden of the perfect, ever-living, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb of God, the Son, as the vicarious Offering in the place of every son of Adam, that the Blood of the True Covenant be accepted, and the wrath of The God against humans be placated.

Verse 24a  For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; . . .

In the earthly sphere, only a Hebrew, a Levite of the line of Aaron, and appointed as High Priest of all the nation, was permitted by God to enter the Holy of Holies, bearing the sin-covering lamb's blood, to place it first for his own sins, and after that for the sins of the people under the Covenant. Jesus, when He appeared on earth, counted as of the tribe of Judah, though a rabbi, could not under the law enter even into the narthex, let alone the innermost chamber; but the manmade earthly temple was only a symbol of, an antitype of the one in Heaven.

Verse 24b . . . but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: 

The Risen Messiah, a Man now ordained as the Highest and Last of the High Priests, ascended and appeared as the Perfect Son of Man to propose that The Mighty God accept the True Blood of Him as also the Lamb of God, to satisfy The God's Righteous Demands againt Humans for the Sin occasioned by The Fall, and the multitude of sins proceeding therefrom.

Verse 25-26a Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; 
For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: . . .

The OT priests had to offer sacrifices every day, for a thousand years. The annual duty of the High Priest's Yom Kippur performance was not so often, but still, a thusand times or more. But this was not for Jesus, not ol was He the Perfect Sacrifice, but as the Perfect High Priest He only had to perform His Yom Kipur duty once, then when His work was approved, He sat down at the right hand of the Judge, His Father.

Verse 26b . . . but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared2X to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. 

Actually, this counts as two appearances, one in the world for His Cross-death, and after that once in Heaven to deposit His collected Holy Blood upon the Heavenly Mercy Seat for the payment of the sin-debt of all humanity, thus demonstrating that He, The Perfect Sacrifice, had died and shed His Blood as the Sacrifice, and brought it into Heaven as The High Priest Intercessor on behalf of all mankind, to show that the Sacrifice had been effected.

Verse 27-28 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
  So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time withoutapart from the sin question sin unto salvationthe deliverance of the earth and its population from the control of Satan, and the institution of His Own Kingdom

Jesus will appear on earth once more, the second time as The Son of Man and Son of God, as the Messiah and Lord, Prince of Peace, to install His Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace.

What you want to remember here is that the whole theme of the New, Second Testament is that, following the pattern of remission of sins as showed in the Old one, is that only Jesus' entry into Heaven as our High Priest with His Blood, and the application of it on Heaven's Mercy Seat, is indispensable to the forgiving of a person's sin, and for the reconciling transaction in which IF one commits the entire burden of one's sin to Jesus, THEN God will justify the person by imputing ALL of Jesus' righteousness to that person, judicially declaring the person NOT GUILTY, and beginning the process of narrowing the gap between our standing before God, and our state in compliancy with His imputed character.

That could happen only because of the application of Jesus' Blood as the payment for man's sin debt.

Thus the writer of Hebrews through plain-literal and figurative-literal reveals to the New Testament Hebrew that which was a mystery in the writings about the Old Testament, that prophesied the coming of the Messiah and the nature of His Work.

If you propose that the verses I quoted were not about the application of Jesus' Blood to the Mercy Seat of Heaven, you would be very greatly mistaken.

I like to post scripture that sheds light onto an otherwise darkened glass.

I don't always like to, but sometimes I feel I have to, and it can be a burden. especially when the person critiquing come in from the side, doesn't just lay his/her position plainly and clearly, then comes back afterward and makes a big issue hyperinflating the differences.

Doing so; I invite others to comment on my apparent misapplication of such.

Yeah. That's what often turns out to be so burdensome.


696 posted on 07/04/2018 12:46:32 AM PDT by imardmd1 (Fiat Lux)
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To: imardmd1
That's what often turns out to be so burdensome.

It would NOT be so burdensome if Scripture actually said; in one place; what takes SO many bits and pieces; from various places; to try to come up with.

... the OT process of atonement with the blood of animal sacrifices (which could never take away sin, only be accepted in lieu of the human sinners' blood),
Sounds so much like Mormon Blood Atonement.
....that once in Heaven to deposit His collected Holy Blood upon the Heavenly Mercy Seat ...
If you propose that the verses I quoted were not about the application of Jesus' Blood to the Mercy Seat of Heaven, you would be very greatly mistaken.
I've yet to see any verses of how Jesus' blood was collected at the cross to be deposited anywhere!

...doesn't just lay his/her position plainly and clearly...
I think I've been VERY plain and clear: Scripture does NOT say; plainly and clearly; these things that have been asserted by various words: OLD; NEW and IN BETWEEN.

699 posted on 07/04/2018 5:21:56 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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