By your standard, I will feel free to enter your many private caucuses - where you go to get away from any criticism of your church.
But an inactive Catholic, correct?
By your standard, I will feel free to enter your many private caucuses - where you go to get away from any criticism of your church.
Hey, that's good....I don't see how you can be denied to post on the Caucus threads.
Well played, sir!
Pinging former Roman Catholics (or as salvation notes...they are always Roman Catholics)
KR: By your standard, I will feel free to enter your many private caucuses - where you go to get away from any criticism of your church. FIXED IT.
Been there done that.
Tried it and got uninvited to participate on (aka: unceremoniou9sly booted from) the thread faster than you would believe.
Then the new RF rules state that you have to be an actively participating member of something or other in order to be on caucus threads.
IOW, a good enough Catholic.
So they claim on one hand that they want us back and encourage us to *swim the Tiber* and reject us in the meantime.
It seems to have not occurred to anyone, that if you genuinely want someone to come back, you stick your nose up in the air at them and tell them they have to make the grade to rub elbows with them again.
But nothing less than expected from a works based, you have to be good enough to earn anything, belief system.
Mary? And not JESUS?
Do tell.......