“So, for clarity, would you also describe unlearner as being guilty of bearing false witness?”
No, I have not. I have stated my opinions. And I have cited the facts about what you stated. And I have made a clear case for how I reached my conclusions. And if they are false (i.e. wrong and incorrect, since it is a true fact that they are my opinions), then you can PROVE them to be false by stating the opposite. And if you do, I will make a clear retraction stating that my assumption was false that you consider burning heretics at the stake to be justifiable. I will not need to repent of bearing false witness because what I “witnessed” (the precise statement I quoted from you) is correct, and it would then be only my conclusion that proved to be incorrect. But I will certainly admit my error if you can bring yourself to delay no further and clear this matter up.
It is a terrible form of hypocrisy to preach repentance in the name of Jesus for the very sin you are openly committing.
I answered every syllable of every word of your broken-record, falsely-accusing post. Yes, you are falsely accusing me of falsely accusing you. When you refuse to state your true position, which is supposedly different from the conclusion I’ve drawn about you, the “false witness” label is nothing more than name calling. As Jesus said, bear witness of the evil. Prove me wrong, and I’ll concede that I’ve misjudged you.
You said that Tyndale was executed for heresy. You did not say he was murdered or that he was executed on the dubious grounds of so-called heresy. No, you’ve given specific examples of how Tyndale’s theology is different from yours and that of other Christians. You have argued that Tyndale was not merely accused of heresy, but he is, according to you a heretic. And, as far as the justifiability of such executions, you have not denounced them, but have instead cited scriptures which justify the killing of those who engage in false religion such as idolatry.
Any reasonable person can see that the position you are hiding (because it is so repugnant you can not state so openly) is that men like Tyndale deserved to be burned at the stake for their heresy against the belief system that you hold to. And all you have to do to correct my conclusion, if it is wrong, is to just simply state the obvious: it was wrong to kill Tyndale for holding beliefs that deviated from those of his accusers.
What conclusion about your beliefs do you expect people to make? That you are a fan of Tyndale? That you support his efforts to translate the Bible? I draw a conclusion, state how I did so, and you are accusing me of being a false witness for doing this. If my inference is wrong, explain the fault in my logic. What other logical conclusion can a person reach? If my conclusion is wrong, then change my mind by stating plainly that it is not your position. Otherwise, stop with the “bearing false witness” nonsense. It is your own words and stubborn refusal to answer that are witnessing against you.
I have explained in explicit detail exactly how I reached my conclusion about your position. I said plainly what I saw, i.e. witnessed. I explained my deductive reasoning behind the conclusion I drew about your views.
Then I gave you not one or two, but several opportunities to simply state otherwise, but you refuse.
In Biblical terms, that means you “confess not.”
I cited the Bible passage that explains this.
Either you are simply skipping everything I’ve said, or you are doing this knowingly.
Either way, it has become more than a mere difference of opinion. It is blatant dishonesty on your part. I am now starting to come to the conclusion that you are not even aware of this but are deceiving your own self because you can not bring yourself to verbalize the true belief that you have. Thus you appear to have a desperate need to lash out at the one who draws it to the surface. You are frightened by the implications of your own deeply held beliefs. You do not want to acknowledge them because they are frightful.
Again, these are not things I am “witnessing” against you. They are simply things I feel to be true about you. I do not claim, and have not claimed, the ability to look into your heart. Whether I am right or wrong, God knows. And you may possibly know, too (if you are honest with yourself).
If you truly and sincerely want me to acknowledge that the conclusion I have drawn about you is false, then you can simply go on the record right now, for the first time, and state plainly what your position is.
That will prove my assumption wrong.
The assumption I stated about your views is based on your statements, which I did plainly see on this forum, and which you do not deny, and you have not renounced or recanted. It remains my opinion about you. It may not be an observable fact. But it is a fact that it is my opinion. And you disliking and being angry with my opinion of you does not constitute “bearing false witness.”
It is perfectly up to the reader of these posts to judge for his or her self whether my assessment is reasonable or unreasonable. I contend that it remains a reasonable conclusion because any reasonable person being accused of such a position would outright deny it rather than just claim the accusation has no observable basis, which is the only argument you’ve given. Otherwise show me and I will happily recant and admit my error. But you can not show me where you’ve posted this because such a statement from you has yet to happen.
Or go ahead and do so now, and you can WIN the argument. I am ready to happily concede that my conclusion about your views is wrong. But you’re going to have to state them. Don’t hide them under a bushel.
Jesus did not defend Himself against His accusers. He went like a lamb to the slaughter. But Paul gave a defense when he was accused. Jesus knew He was supposed to lose the phony trial against Him. And remember that Jesus gave no reply at all. He did not call His accusers false accusers (which they were). He simply allowed their accusations to stand. But Paul did not. He gave a strenuous defense. It served no purpose to let his accusers win. It serves no purpose for you not to defend your position and beliefs, unless your goal is hide them behind phony outrage.
It appears you are angry with me because I hold a poor opinion of you based on the conclusion I came to from your own words. For this reason alone you are attacking me. Sure, the conclusion I openly shared is hurtful. But it should be hurtful if it is true. It is a highly offensive view to hold that justifies killing people for heresy. If that is not your position, clear your good name and say so.
I asked if you also felt that Joan of Arc was executed for heresy? That’s a simple question. You confessed not.
I asked if you consider Tyndale’s death to be murder? You confessed not.
I asked for you to condemn the killing of Tyndale. You confessed not.
“No, I have not. I have stated my opinions.”
This is what you wrote: “But you are justifying rather than condemning burning people at the stake for disagreeing with your theology.”
If I say, “You, unlearner, justify child molestation rather than condemning child rape” is that TRUE or FALSE?
I’m sure you’ll say it’s false. (And I agree with you.) And if you demanded I substantiate that accusation, I would fail terribly - just as you did - because it is patently false and there’s no logical way anyone could not know it is false simply by looking at your posts.
Here’s something else that is false and completely obvious just looking at my posts: “But you are justifying rather than condemning burning people at the stake for disagreeing with your theology.”
I asked you to: SHOW. ME. WHERE.
And you failed to do so - of course! It’s patently false and cannot be written off as an opinion. It’s a falsehood. It’s bearing false witness.
Also, posting obvious and in-vain attempts at deflection simply won’t work. Your feelings don’t matter. Tyndale was executed for heresy. That’s a fact.
And before you whine about my not having answered your irrelevant and entirely deflective questions let me remind you about Tyndale’s psychopannychism. Be honest: Did you even know he held that heretical belief? You don’t have to answer that (and it’s pretty obvious you won’t). There’s a good chance even your sect would consider it a heresy. If so, that means even your sect knows Tyndale was a heretic.