Lots of people would agree.
The problem is, should someone whose crimes consisted of fudging his tax return a couple of years, or maybe shoplifting a candy bar when he was nine, share Hitler's punishment???
Technically, if you have driven 22mph in a 20mph school zone, the driver also has sinned.
The issue isn’t eternal damnation because of our sin, but because we don’t have a righteous spirit and have been condemned since the Garden of Eden. We escape condemnation by salvation.
Study Jesus’ retelling of the widow’s mite.
Or how He says “if you are faithful in small things you will be faithful with big things”...
IOW, if you steal on a small level, you will be prone to steal on a big level, and the amount of your theft is in direct ratio to your place in life. I.e. the widow’s mite was all the money she had to live on, yet she gave it to God.
The widow’s gift, Jesus said, was in reality much more than the gifts of those who gave more monetarily but not sacrificially.
The issue of, say, fudging a tax return, is about how much you trust Jesus to be your real provider in life. If you don’t trust Him to ultimately be the one taking care of you, then you are more prone to cheat on taxes.
I.e. your cheating is in direct ratio to your lack of faith in Christ.
Sin is relative to the sinner in these types of cases. Though for the issue of rape, or sexual abuse, it appears that Hell is a place for rapists to be raped themselves. Forever. And ever.
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” is a directive and dire warning.