Theres just something about twins.
Even a woman who seems strongly determined to abort her baby can have a total change of heart when she hears its not one baby but two.
Some of our favorite 40 Days for Life stories are about mothers of twins who were prayed out of having an abortion. So today, here are two stories about twins!
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Some of the men at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Cherry Hill struck up a conversation with a young man whose girlfriend had an abortion appointment. She was 16 weeks pregnant with twins.
After a while, the young woman came out of the abortion center and insisted she was going through with the abortion.
As she spoke to the volunteers, her concerns started to roll out. They already had a very young child. The place they lived was way too small. His job just didnt provide enough money. She didnt have a car. Shed made up her mind that abortion was her best choice.
Vigil participants offered to raise money to help meet their expenses. The father seemed encouraged and tried to get the mother to change her mind. But she went back into the abortion center.
At this point, a volunteer encouraged the dad to follow her in and love her out of there telling her that he would do everything he could to be the best father possible.
When he went in, he found her dressed in a hospital gown for an abortion. He had the courage to cause a scene! the team member said. He told her they should do the right thing and love their children.
They came outside and said there would be no abortion. The offers of help continued to flow in. A man said hed give them the car he was planning to sell. Another promised to go to his church for financial support.
Another volunteer exchanged phone numbers with the couple, and they hugged and left the abortion center. Later that day, the young man was offered the higher-paying job he had applied for.
This story is a perfect example of how our peaceful presence at the abortion facility is essential, the 40 Days for Life team member said. God uses us as his hands and feet to help save children and spread His mercy.