So what were the keepers of the LCMS' curriculum doing between the time when CPH published its white washed "scholarly" edition of OTJATL and the 1980's.... other than mandating children be indoctrinated by having them regurgitate Martin Luther for an hour every morning?
Funny how the LCMS "appology" was made in 1983(?) but, between 1983 and 1987, the subject of OTJATL never came up even once in the classrooms, or the dorm rooms, or the locker rooms, or the bar rooms.... where LCMS college students discussed ALL things.
Meanwhile, today, the LCMS "leadership" ICONifies Luther, the drunken anti-Semite, as if all the angels dance in heaven when he farts.
Funny how you could POSSIBLY know what was discussed in every classroom, dorm room, locker room, bar room of every LCMS college students for decades!
I grow weary of trying to reason with someone who seems to want nothing more than to condemn EVERYTHING Luther ever taught because he held to some wrong-headed (for today's society) ideas about Jewish people from 500 years ago. Think what you want, doood! Adios.