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To: StormPrepper

We have meeting houses all across the US, through Europe and the Asia, even the middle-east and islands in the ocean you didn’t even know existed.

Kid as for “the islands in the ocean” New Zealand rejected the early attempts of the mormons to plant their pagan religion in their 2 main islands, and for many decades the New Zealanders staved off the onslaught of the heretical beliefs to their Christian nation ...

The newspaper articles from New Zealand publications in the mid 1800s through to the early 1900s that exposed and condemned the lies of Joey Smith and his devotees are so numerous that not even you in your deluded smugness can deny reasonably the fact that Mormonism is anti-Christ and not based on Biblical tenets..

From New Zealand newspapers



Tonight at the Opera House a startling picture lifting the veil of secrecy from Mormonism and exposing Mormon secret practices that have startled the world will be presented under the title of “A Mormon Maid. Mae Murray is featured as the girl who was forced into a Mormon celestial marriage

This was the title applied to Brigham Young, the real guiding spirit of the Mormon successful settlement. He figures in “The Mormon Maid” as the crafty plot-maker whose threat to the unfortunate father decides the latter to marry another wife and conform to Mormon custom. “You or your daughter choose” is the warning made at the Council meeting, and so the father takes the terrible step. The film drama has caused more discussion than any screened for a very long time and in Australia its success was sensational. It is a wonderful production on which money was spent with a lavish hand, some of the, scenes being marvels of spectacular settings. Mae Murray is the heroine, and her work is beyond praise.

These were a band of iron-willed fanatics who guarded the entrances and exits from the Mormon settlement in its early days. They wore fantastic costumes of white with a heavy veil, and showing the “all-seeing eye” of the Mormon ritual. From these robes were drawn the costumes of the Ku Klux Klan. Every road and every pass was guarded by members of the “Destroying Angels” and no one could go in or out of the Utah settlement without their knowledge. These are utilised in one of the most dramatic incidents in “The Mormon Maid” the powerful picture drama which is to be shown.
(Grey River Argus, 24 April 1918, Page 4) (NZ newspaper)


Utah City, has been much exorcised by the success of the film drama entitled “The Mormon Maid,” to be shown at Hayward’s tonight. The film attacks with relentless severity the practices of the Mormon creed when it was at the, height of its power. In Australia, when the film landed, cables were received from the Mormon authorities endeavouring to block the showing of the film, and communications of protest were sent to Australian leaders. It will be remembered also that similar attempts were made in New Zealand.

The story is particularly sensational, splendidly produced and superbly acted. Dora (Mae Murray) the daughter of the Hogucs (Hobart Bosworth and Edythe Chapman), who live in the Mormon metropolis, loves Tom Ridgon (Frank Borzage), a young follower of the faith, who :s unacquainted with its darker side. Darius Burr (Noah Beery), a leading figure in-the church, looks with covetous eyes on Dora, and to gain his point forces Hogue to accept the faith by marrying him a second time. This so affects Nancy Hogue that she takes her life. As a consequence Hogue, Tom and Dora attempt to escape, but are prevented by the Destroying Angels, who forever guard the outskirts of the city. Hogue is believed to have been killed, and the young couple are taken captive. Darius then attempts to force Dora to marry him, and she, seeking the only avenue of escape, declares in public that she is not a virgin. Enraged, Darius has the girl taken prisoner and brought to him at a certain place. Rogue, who has not fled, appears in the garb of a Destroying Angel,, and, with the help of Tom, rescues Dora and kills Darius. They are then able to escape from the grip of the Mormons.
(Colonist, Volume LX, Issue 14772, 15 May 1918, Page 7) (NZ newspaper)



One of the Cook Strait cables has developed a fault, and is at present out of commission. The Tutanekai will be sent to make a search for the fault as soon as she can be commissioned, and the weather moderates.

Because of the fault, telegraphic work with the South Island is showing few hours’ delay.

The Mormons have seized the favourable opportunity presented by the war to revive their activities in Great Britain for securing young women as adherents to their faith and despatching them to Utah, writes the London correspondent- of the Melbourne Age. For some years before the outbreak of the war Mormon missionaries were busy in European countries, conducting quietly by means of religious services and visits a proselytising campaign. They called themselves Latter Day Saints, and made no reference to polygamy. Their efforts met with so much success in Great Britain among working-class girls and domestic servants that strong feeling was aroused, and organisations were formed to counteract their influence.

Now that the war has called up most of the young men in Great Britain, the Mormon missionaries are industriously spreading among the young women of the country glowing accounts of condition in Utah and the bright prospect of marriage. The European headquarters of the Latter Day Saints arc at Liverpool, and as Germany, which was a fruitful field for converts, is now closed by the war, the missionaries are redoubling their efforts in Great Britain to secure young women who are willing to cross the Atlantic.

(Grey River Argus , 19 July 1916, Page 3) (NZ newspaper)


(From the S«n Francisco Herald.) j We have received from one of the Apoitles to tht Gentiles in this city, an Extra of the Deseret News, containing the proceedings of the Special Conference of the Mormon Elders held in Salt Lake city. The report occupies ninetysix closely printed columns, and sets forth the peculiar doctrines of the Saints with more point and boldness than we ever remember to have seen before. President Kimball opened the conference with a grand flourish of trumpets, in the course of which he remarked I can say it with truth that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, a Seer, a Revelator, an Apostle of Jesus, and was ordained directly under the bands of the Apostles Peter, James, and John, and he died a Prophet, and Hyruavdied a Patriarch in Jesus, >^t father in Israel. Brother Brigham Yonng is the successor of Joseph Smith. Jesus sought to do the will of his Father in Heaven so it was our duty to do the will of Joseph and now it is the duty of us all to do the will of Brother Brigham, who reveals to us the will of God, which is his will. We will do his will as an Elder, as a Prophet, as an Apostle of Jesus Christ, holding the same keys that Peter of old held, the same that Joseph Smith held as an Apostle. You all believe this, don’t you, without an exception Well, if this is your faith, if this is your determination, I want you to manifest it by raising your right hands, and saying aye. (A literal forest of hands was the result of this call, and the spacious hall trembled when a simultaneous aye burst from the mouths of over 2,000 persons.) There it is, and it cannot be any other way.” But it was reserved for the great light of the Church, the immaculate Head of the Twelve Apostles, Orson Pratt, to announce fully, and justify the infamous doctrine of Polygamy. It ia rather new ground for me, he says, that is, I have not been in the habit of publicly speaking upon this subject; and it is rather new ground to the inhabitants of the United States, and not only to them, but to a portion of the inhabitants of Europe. A portion of them have not been in the habit of preaching a doctrine of this description consequently, we shall have to break up new ground. It is well known, however, to the congregation before me, that the Latter Day Saints have embraced the doctrine of a plurality of wives, as a part of their religious faith. He then argues that religious freedom is guaranteed by the American Constitution to all. Polygamy is a part of their religious faith therefore a law of Congress punishing it as an offence, would be unconstitutional. By the same reasoning, were the Thugs of India to transplant themselves to our territory, they might argue that the Constitution protects them in the free exercise of their religious notions. Strangling people is one of their religious notions; therefore it would be against strangling. Apostle Pratt then enters into what doubtless he considered a crushing argument, to show that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had a number of wives the Latter Day Saints are the direct recipients of the blessings and promises bestowed upon the Patriarchs therefore the Latter Day Saints ought to have a dozeu wives apiece. He says Abraham received the promise that his offspring should be as numerous as the sand. But, he continues, “it would have been rather a slow process, if Abraham had been confined to one wife, like some of those narrow, contracted notions of modern Christianity. I think there is only about a fifth of the population of the globe that believe in the one- wife system the other four- fifths believe in the doctrine of a plurality of wives. They have had it handed down from time immemorial, and are not half so narrow and contracted in their minds as some of the nations of Europe and America, who have done away with the promises, and deprived themselves of the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The nations do not know anything about the blessings of Abraham; and even those who have only one wife cannot get rid of their covetousnesi, and get their little hearts large enough to share their property with a numerous family. They are so penurious, and so narrow and contracted in their feelings, that they take every possible care not to have their families large; they do not know what is in the future nor what blessings they are depriving themselves of, because of the traditions of their fathers. They do not know that a man’s posterity, in the eternal worlds, are to constitute his glory, his kingdom and dominion 1” The learned Apostle continues the subject In a discourse of ten solid columns. He declares that it had been revealed to him that all the other nations of the earth were soon to be cut off, and the Mormons alone left, and that they should therefore increase and multiply as fast as possible that they might be strong when the ‘general rooting- up came. Therefore a man ought to have as many wives as he wanted, and therefore, Brother Brigham Young was right in parading through the streets with a great van filled with wives and children. After talking in this strain for three hours steadily, the brother wouod^ up by Baying We can only touch here and there upon this great subject; we can only offer but a few words with regard to this great, sublime, beautiful and glorious doctrine, which has been revealed by ths -Prophet, Seer and Revelator, Joseph Smith, who sealed his blood, and thus revealed to the nations things .that were in ancient times, as well as things that are to come.”


The following is extracted from a communication. of the Sydney Correspondent of the Melbourne Argus, dated 2nd April

Perhaps the most important event for some time past has been the arrival on Thursday of a batch of Mormon Missionaries, by the Pacific. There had been small.pox on board during the voyage, and the vessel was placed in quarantine on her arrival; but so long a time bad elapsed since the sickness abated, that she will.’according to the regulations, be entitled to pratique Some of the latter-day Saints/ as they call themselves, will probably land therefore towards evening but in the mean time we have no definite information as to their plans and destination some of them, of course, will^wend their way towards Victoria.

If the extracts in yesterday’s Herald, purport. ing to be from the Deseret News, a Mormon pub. lication of Salt Lake City, do not owe their origin to the inventive genius of the American scribe, the followers of the Nauvoo prophet have taken the bold step of proclaiming a plurality of wives as one of their religious ordinances. The faithful of the West, in fact, are to have the same indulgences in this respect as Mahommed granted to the faithful of the East. The Mormons have fyear* past been charged with secret polygamy, and have furiously denied the charge. It would seem that these denials must have been false, for the doctrine now openly proclaimed is based upon a’ revelation’ to the prophet Joseph Smith, in 1843, the year before his death. It was the prophet himself who was first accused of originating the spiritual wife doctrine, and it was the troubles arising from this^accusation, and the schism it occasioned, which led to the surrender of Joseph Smith to the authorities of Illinois, and bis imprisonment at Carthage, where, although the faith of a Governor and a State had^been solemnly pledged for their safety, he and his brother Hyrum were, on the 27th of June, 1844, most treacherously assassinated.

The mission of the ‘Latter-day Saints’ is not only to make converts, but to obtain recruits for the Mormon State of Deseret or Utah, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. All the faithful, therefore, are started off to the Great Salt Lake city the capital of their state—as soon after their conversion as possible. In Great Britain they have been Very successful, and there is an annual emigration of about 3,000 from thence to Deseret, the emigrants being chiefly farmers and mechanics of a superior class, each with a little capital in the shape of savings. They probably anticipate equal or greater success among the Australian gold diggers. A Mormon agent, who has been here for some time, has already made a few converts one of them, at least, a man of intelligence and respectability.

Long ago, in writing to you upon this subject I expressed a belief that Mormonism is destined to cause in the West as great changes as Mahomet* aniam has prpduced in the East. Like Mahomet* anism, its progress has been mainly accelerated by persecution.; but as the persecutions of the Mormons have been more severe than those of the Mahometans in the infancy of their faith, so the progress of the sect has been comparatively more rapid. It is scarcely to be credited that, within the last fifteen years, an American Governor could be found to decree unblushingly the extermination’ of a whole people, and that American soldiers could be found to indulge in the cold blooded massacre of men, women, and children yet such are the facts. And yet, in spite of all persecutio in spite of the murder of their leade* in 1844, and their own subsequent expulsion from Nauvoo, which they had built, to «eek a home in the wilderness, the Mormons have now a powerful and popular state, governed by their own. chief, and have sent forth zealous and active agents to every quarter of the globe. Mormonism then in 1853, is a thing not to be despised, nor is th« arrival of its missionaries in Australia an event to be considered unimportant.”

Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XII, Issue 591, 2 July 1853, Page 3


(From the Sacramento Union, May 22, 1852.)

The territory of Utah now presents an anomaly in American history, both in its social and political aspect. Last fall the officers sent by the General Government to preside over its destinies left there in a body, with the exception of a Mormon judge, because of the great enmity existing against the United States, and the deeply corrupt social system prevailing among the Mormon population. Nevertheless, Governor Young, although declared illegally elected, called the Legislature together after his own fashion, and went on in his caieer through the winter unchecked. The Secretary of State having left, he appointed a new one without troubling Congress in the matter, and carried on law-making in a manner peculiar to himself. If the august Legislature was in doubt upon any subject, he walked in without any ceremony, and after giving them a general blowing up,” they followed his dictation upon the instant, and decided for or against the law instanter. They soon dispensed with the Council and Lower House, and left legislation to about a dozen, who gathered ai’ound the Governor, and signed at his beck any required Bill. These are mostly mutilated statutes of other States altered to suit the views of the dictator, showing a woful lack of legislative mechanism. They have legalized polygamy, incest, and many other matters usually considered crimes among Christian communities.

Under the foregoing legislation they have collected enormous taxes during the present spring from the Gentiles” who wintered at the Lake.

The latter have been compelled to pay taxes twice in eight months, and that to an extent of from five to six per cent, on each assessment. These funds were divided among the leaders without any secrecy or ceremony. Dry goods dcaleis were required to contribute, and the amount paid in finery to women of the various harems of those who conduct public affairs in Utah. Receipts are then given for the same by a quondam tax collector for the State of Desret,” irrespective of the organic act creating a territorial government.

At the general conference of the Mormons held in Salt Lake City in April last, they decided to continue Brigham Young as their Governor, even if the General Government should remove him. As the people are occupying the great half way station on the main inland route across the continent, their infatuated movement must demand the attention of the western portion of the United States, as the great bulk of travel must pass directly through the Mormon country.

The territory of Utah was divided into three judicial districts by the organic act, and one of those districts was presided over by a Mormon judge named Snow; and when the other judges left, Young had him declared judge over the whole territory, and he has so acted for some months past.

Polygamy prevails there to an extent equal to many of the tales of the Eastern romance. Governor Young has a seraglio of about thirty women, and another named Kimbal has above tlmt number. The Twelve Apostles” among them have from half a dozen to a dozen females each and all of the principal ones among them are vicing in the same object. This was not originally a part of their system, but has sprung up within the last few years bince their expulsion from Nauvoo. This practice has been established at the Lake by a most dreadful system of force and espoinage, and in a manner that would astonish you, if all the tales connected therewith could be brought to light. Many of the earliest of the sect are leaving, because of these disgusting proceedings, whenever they dare to do so; but until lately Governor Young forbade any to leave the valley except with his consent and the present season he has denounced with spiritual vengeance all who should depart without his knowledge. If he had not done so, more than half the population would have left this spring. On the Ist of May, Governor Young, accompanied by about one hundred men, left Salt Lake City, intenfling to visit the southern end of the valley, for the purpose of founding a settlement on the Rio Virgin and adjoining country.

Mormonism. The following letter to a friend in England, from a Welsh miner, named Evan Powell, who had been enticed to join the Mormon brethren, is dated. St. Louis, Dec. 7, and its truth mayvbe relied on Myself, together with my wife and child, have been ill here foi five months, and now I am somewhat better, but 1 have lost all my comforts, for I have buried both my wife and child in the same grave in Illinois. lam now living at Missouri. It is very unhealthy here, and I beg of you to use all your influence to persuade my friends to stay where they are, rather than suffer themselves to be blindfolded into such a system of

roguery and plunder as Mormonism. It is nothing but a mere humbug— l have found it to my heart’s sorrow. It would have been better for us not to have been born than to have come here to be Mormons. They will take all from you at home, and starve you when you come here- if they have the chance, and take your wives from you. Their Chief, Bingham Young, has twenty-four wives, and nineteen of them have infants at their breasts at present, and those lower in office than he have a smaller number, in proportion to their office, according to their station. Some have fourteen, some seven, and others different numbers. And now they are trying their best to insult the officers of the United States who have left their places and gone to Washington, and as the Congress is now sitting, we shall hear what they will do. The Mormons are very unkind one to another. I had to dig my wife’s grave myself. She had a decent burial, but the Mormons did not put their hands to help at aIL The men who gave them so much money had promises of land and everything else when they reached here, but they have been left to die in the workhouse. I wish to tell you also, thafi the Sabbath is no more regarded here than any other day. There is gaming of every description here on the Sabbath such as horse-racing, rolling the ten pins, playing cards, &c. and the leaders of the Mormons indulge in these to a great extent, together with dancing, swearing, and every thing else that is beyond decency.-^- Cambridge Chronicle.

Otago Witness , Issue 83, 18 December 1852, Page 4 (New Zealand newspaper)

250 posted on 05/14/2017 2:31:58 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Tennessee Nana

WOW! Someone has been doing her homework! Happy Mother’s Day, Nana.

265 posted on 05/14/2017 4:33:32 PM PDT by MHGinTN (A dispensational perspective is a powerful tool for discernment)
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