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Martin Luther: Defender of Erroneous Conscience
Crisis Magazine ^ | March 13, 2017 | R. Jared Staudt

Posted on 03/13/2017 8:58:52 AM PDT by ebb tide

Two trials, two appeals to conscience.

Trial 1: I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.

Trial 2: If the number of bishops and universities should be so material as your lordship seems to think, then I see little cause, my lord, why that should make any change in my conscience. For I have no doubt that, though not in this realm, but of all those well learned bishops and virtuous men that are yet alive throughout Christendom, they are not fewer who are of my mind therein. But if I should speak of those who are already dead, of whom many are now holy saints in heaven, I am very sure it is the far greater part of them who, all the while they lived, thought in this case the way that I think now. And therefore am I not bound, my lord, to conform my conscience to the council of one realm against the General Council of Christendom.

What is the difference of these two quotes?

The first, from the friar Martin Luther, asserts the primacy of conscience over the universal consent of the Church and the tradition.

The second, from a laymen Thomas More, notes the agreement of conscience to the faith of Christendom, the history of the Church, and the saints of Heaven.

Why are these appeals to conscience significant? I think Belloc is fundamentally correct in his assessment of the nature of Protestantism as a denial of religious authority, resting in a visible Church:

The Protestant attack differed from the rest especially in this characteristic, that its attack did not consist in the promulgation of a new doctrine or of a new authority, that it made no concerted attempt at creating a counter-Church, but had for its principle the denial of unity. It was an effort to promote that state of mind in which a “Church” in the old sense of the word-that is, an infallible, united, teaching body, a Person speaking with Divine authority-should be denied; not the doctrines it might happen to advance, but its very claim to advance them with unique authority.

The individual quickly emerged to fill the vacuum left by the Church, as the dominant religious factor in the modern period.

Martin Luther: Revolutionary, Not Reformer In this year of the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation, we have to take stock of the legacy of the renegade, Catholic priest, Martin Luther. What were his intentions? It is commonly alleged, even among Catholics, that he had the noble aim of reforming abuses within the Church.

In fact, Martin Luther discovered his revolutionary, theological positions about a year before he posted his 95 theses. Probably in the year 1516, while lecturing on Romans at the seminary in Wittenburg, Luther had a pivotal experience, which shaped the way he viewed the Christian faith. Essentially, his “tower experience,” resolved his difficulty of conscience. He saw God and His commandments as a moral threat:

But I, blameless monk that I was, felt that before God I was a sinner with an extremely troubled conscience. I couldn’t be sure that God was appeased by my satisfaction. I did not love, no, rather I hated the just God who punishes sinners. In silence, if I did not blaspheme, then certainly I grumbled vehemently and got angry at God. I said, “Isn’t it enough that we miserable sinners, lost for all eternity because of original sin, are oppressed by every kind of calamity through the Ten Commandments? Why does God heap sorrow upon sorrow through the Gospel and through the Gospel threaten us with his justice and his wrath?” This was how I was raging with wild and disturbed conscience. I constantly badgered St. Paul about that spot in Romans 1 and anxiously wanted to know what he meant.

Reading Romans 1, while in the tower of his monastery, Luther suddenly saw the resolution of his troubled conscience through faith: “All at once I felt that I had been born again and entered into paradise itself through open gates. Immediately I saw the whole of Scripture in a different light.”

As we see in Trent’s teaching on justification and the Joint Declaration of Faith, there is nothing wrong with the realization that righteousness (same word as justification) comes through faith alone, moved by the grace of God. The problem is the re-reading of Scripture and all of the Christian tradition in a different light through this realization. Luther’s troubled conscience and experience of faith led him eventually (as it took him a while to work it out) to reject many of the Sacraments, books of the Bible, and the Church’s authority all in the name of liberty of conscience. A great schism would follow from Luther’s personal experience.

The Significance of Luther’s Teaching on Conscience No doubt reforms were needed in the Catholic Church in 1517. Contrary to popular opinion however, Luther primarily sought to spread his understanding of the Gospel, not to correct abuses. Catholic practices became abuses precisely because they contradicted his tower experience of 1516.

One of Luther’s early tracts, Appeal to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (1520), lays out the implications of his view in more detail:

Besides, if we are all priests, as was said above, and all have one faith, one Gospel, one sacrament, why should we not also have the power to test and judge what is correct or incorrect in matters of faith? What becomes of the words of Paul in I Corinthians 2:15: “He that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man,” II Corinthians 4:13: “We have all the same Spirit of faith”? Why, then, should not we perceive what squares with faith and what does not, as well as does an unbelieving pope?

All these and many other texts should make us bold and free, and we should not allow the Spirit of liberty, as Paul calls Him, to be frightened off by the fabrications of the popes, but we ought to go boldly forward to test all that they do or leave undone, according to our interpretation of the Scriptures, which rests on faith, and compel them to follow not their own interpretation, but the one that is better….

Thus I hope that the false, lying terror with which the Romans have this long time made our conscience timid and stupid, has been allayed.

Luther never condoned license (though he did condone Philip of Hesse’s bigamy), as he said his conscience was captive to the Word of God, but he did separate the decision of his conscience from the authority of the Church. This proved absolutely foundational for Protestantism and modern, religious experience.

Father of the Modern World The claim that Luther stands at a crucial moment between medieval Christendom and the modern world is not contentious. This is need for care, however. His separation of faith and reason and insistence on the spiritual nature of the Church, in my opinion, did quicken the advance to secularism. However, Luther did not directly intend the creation of the modern, secular world as know it. Yet his stand on conscience and his individualistic interpretation of faith did lend itself to modern individualism, which I would even say is the heart of modern culture.

Cardinal Ratzinger suggested that Luther stood at the forefront of the modern movement, focused on the freedom of the individual. I recommend looking at this piece, “Truth and Freedom” further, but his central insight on Luther follows:

There is no doubt that from the very outset freedom has been the defining theme of that epoch which we call modern…. Luther’s polemical writing [On the Freedom of the Christian] boldly struck up this theme in resounding tones…. At issue was the freedom of conscience vis-à-vis the authority of the Church, hence the most intimate of all human freedoms…. Even if it would not be right to speak of the individualism of the Reformation, the new importance of the individual and the shift in the relation between individual conscience and authority are nonetheless among its dominant traits (Communio 23 [1996]: 20).

These traits have survived and at times predominate our contemporary religious experience. The sociologist, Christian Smith, has noted in his study of the faith life of emerging adults, Souls in Transition, that an evangelical focus on individual salvation has been carried over into a new religious autonomy. He claims that…

the places where today’s emerging adults have taken that individualism in religion basically continues the cultural trajectory launched by Martin Luther five centuries ago and propelled along the way by subsequent development of evangelical individualism, through revivalism, evangelism and pietism…. Furthermore, the strong individualistic subjectivism in the emerging adult religious outlook—that “truth” should be decided by “what seems right” to individuals, based on their personal experience and feelings—also has deep cultural-structural roots in American evangelicalism.

Luther’s legacy clearly points toward individualism in religion, setting up a conflict with religious authority and tradition. The average Western Christian probably follows his central assertion that one must follow one’s own conscience over and against the Church.

Luther’s View of Conscience in the Catholic Church The key issue in debating Luther’s legacy on conscience in the Catholic Church entails whether the teachings of the Church are subordinate to one’s own conscience or whether conscience is bound by the teaching of the Church.

I know an elderly Salesian priest who told me with all sincerity that the purpose of Vatican II was to teach us that we could decide what to believe and how to live according to our conscience. This is clearly the “Spirit of Vatican II,” as Gaudium et Spes, while upholding the dignity of conscience, enjoins couples in regards to the transmission of life: “But in their manner of acting, spouses should be aware that they cannot proceed arbitrarily, but must always be governed according to a conscience dutifully conformed to the divine law itself, and should be submissive toward the Church’s teaching office, which authentically interprets that law in the light of the Gospel” (50). Dignitatis Humanae, Vatican’s Declaration on Religious Liberty, holds together two crucial points, stating that one cannot “be forced to act in a manner contrary to his conscience,” (3) as well as that “in the formation of their consciences, the Christian faithful ought carefully to attend to the sacred and certain doctrine of the Church” (14). The Council upheld the dignity of conscience as well as its obligation to accept the authority of the Church.

The misinterpretation of the Council’s teaching on conscience as license found its first test case just three years after the Council closed in Humanae Vitae. Theologians such as Bernard Härring and Charles Curran advocated for the legitimacy of dissent from the encyclical on the grounds of conscience. The Canadian Bishops, in their Winnipeg Statement, affirmed: “In accord with the accepted principles of moral theology, if these persons have tried sincerely but without success to pursue a line of conduct in keeping with the given directives, they may be safely assure that, whoever honestly chooses that course which seems right to him does so in good conscience.”

Conscience also stands at the center of the current controversy over the interpretation of Amoris Laetitia. I’ve already written on how Amoris stands in relation to the Church’s efforts to inculturate the modern world in relation to conscience. Cardinal Caffarra claimed that the fifth dubium on conscience was the most important. He stated further: “Here, for me, is the decisive clash between the vision of life that belongs to the Church (because it belongs to divine Revelation) and modernity’s conception of one’s own conscience.” Recently, the German bishops, following those of Malta, have decided: “We write that—in justified individual cases and after a longer process—there can be a decision of conscience on the side of the faithful to receive the Sacraments, a decision which must be respected.”

In light of the current controversy on conscience, it is troubling that Luther is now upheld as genuine reformer. The most troubling is from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in its Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and throughout the year 2017: “Separating that which is polemical from the theological insights of the Reformation, Catholics are now able to hear Luther’s challenge for the Church of today, recognising him as a ‘witness to the gospel’ (From Conflict to Communion 29). And so after centuries of mutual condemnations and vilification, in 2017 Lutheran and Catholic Christians will for the first time commemorate together the beginning of the Reformation.” The Vatican also announced a commemorative stamp (which to me sounds like the United States issuing a stamp commemorating the burning the White House by British troops).

Pope Francis has spoken of Luther several times in the past year, including in an inflight press conference returning from Armenia: “I think that the intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken. He was a reformer. Perhaps some methods were not correct.” In response I ask, what did Luther reform? Francis pointed to two things in his journey to Sweden. The Reformation “helped give greater centrality to sacred scripture in the Church’s life,” but it did so by advocating the flawed notion of sola scriptura. Francis also pointed to Luther’s concept of sola gratia, which “reminds us that God always takes the initiative, prior to any human response, even as he seeks to awaken that response.” While the priority of God’s initiative is true and there are similarities to Catholic teaching in this teaching (that faith is a free gift that cannot be merited), Luther denied our cooperation with grace, our ability to grow in sanctification and merit, and that we fall from grace through mortal sin. Francis also noted, while speaking to an ecumenical delegation from Finland: “In this spirit, we recalled in Lund that the intention of Martin Luther 500 years ago was to renew the Church, not divide Her.” Most recently he spoke of how we now know “how to appreciate the spiritual and theological gifts that we have received from the Reformation.”

It is true that Martin Luther did not want to divide the Church. He wanted to reform the Church on his own terms, which was not genuine reform. Luther said he would follow the Pope if the Pope taught the pure Gospel of his conception: “The chief cause that I fell out with the pope was this: the pope boasted that he was the head of the Church, and condemned all that would not be under his power and authority; for he said, although Christ be the head of the Church, yet, notwithstanding, there must be a corporal head of the Church upon earth. With this I could have been content, had he but taught the gospel pure and clear, and not introduced human inventions and lies in its stead.” Further he accuses the corruption of conscience by listening to the Church as opposed to Scripture: “But the papists, against their own consciences, say, No; we must hear the Church.” This points us back to the crucial issue of authority, pointed out by Belloc.

Conclusion: More Over Luther We should not celebrate the Reformation, because we cannot celebrate the defense of erroneous conscience held up against the authority of the Church. As St. Thomas More rightly said in his “Dialogue on Conscience,” taken down by his daughter Meg: “But indeed, if on the other side a man would in a matter take away by himself upon his own mind alone, or with some few, or with never so many, against an evident truth appearing by the common faith of Christendom, this conscience is very damnable.” He may have had Luther in mind.

More did not stand on his own private interpretation of the faith, but rested firmly on the authority of Christendom and, as Chesterton put it, the democracy of the dead: “But go we now to them that are dead before, and that are I trust in heaven, I am sure that it is not the fewer part of them that all the time while they lived, thought in some of the things, the way that I think now.”

More is a crucial example of standing firm in a rightly formed conscience. We should remember why he died and not let his witness remain in vain. He stood on the ground of the Church’s timeless teaching, anchored in Scripture and the witness of the saints. If we divorce conscience from authority, we will end in moral chaos. As Cardinal Ratzinger asked in his lucid work, On Conscience: “Does God speak to men in a contradictory manner? Does He contradict Himself? Does He forbid one person, even to the point of martyrdom, to do something that He allows or even requires of another?” These are crucial questions we must face.

Rather than celebrating the defender of erroneous conscience, let’s remember and invoke the true martyr of conscience, who died upholding the unity of the faith.

TOPICS: Ecumenism
KEYWORDS: francischurch
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To: vladimir998
My “about” page is all about truth.

Hypocrisy disgusts me.

141 posted on 03/15/2017 11:13:01 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: G Larry
Or, perhaps you can explain why you can’t find that in any modern translations today?

UH.... it's not needed?

142 posted on 03/15/2017 11:14:00 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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I know the Orthodox and the Catholics have issues, but don't know what the issues are or why, just that they each believe they are different from each other.

I'd suggest that you do some studying.

It helps to see what things actually led UP to Luther's day!

143 posted on 03/15/2017 11:18:32 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie
In all honestly, I wasn't raised around an understanding of Mother Mary, so I tend to have the same almost built-in Prostestant beliefs about Her, too, but not the hostility.

None the less, there She is.

From my own research, my guess is that whatever She is now, it is because Her Son and the Father wish it to be so.

In everything I've read so far, She is doing Her Son's Will, She is Satan's enemy, and that we would do our souls well to make friends with Her, too.

The material I've read attributed to Her is very consistent lthroughout time and what I've read is helpful.

Ymmv, but definitely be careful with what you say and think about Jesus' Mom.

144 posted on 03/15/2017 11:36:12 AM PDT by GBA (Here in the matrix, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.)
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To: Elsie
What, exactly, does it help "to see what things actually let UP to Luther's day"?

Again, I stay away from family arguments. They've been nothing but trouble for me all of my life. Nowadays, I'd rather break those chains than forge new links for them.

Blessed are the peacemakers...

Luther's day stuff is to me like spilled milk over the bridge that's long ago gone sour. None for me, thanks, trying to quit.

Besides, what I see happening now at the Vatican is more compelling and has far more impact on my life and afterlife.

Either way, lots of problems in high places, then and now. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was...

145 posted on 03/15/2017 11:49:35 AM PDT by GBA (Here in the matrix, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.)
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To: boatbums
I think we may sometimes need to first determine more clearly which brand of Catholic we are dealing with in this forums. Traditionalist who presume to judge the validity of modern Catholic teaching are those who, despite sometimes carefully nuances speech, typically deny salvation to Protestants and as being united with Chris by baptism, even such as "who honor Sacred Scripture, taking it as a norm of belief and a pattern of life, and who show a sincere zeal. " And of whom it is said, "lovingly believe in God the Father Almighty and in Christ, the Son of God and Saviour," and to whom Holy Spirit gives His gifts and graces whereby He is operative among them with His sanctifying power," even though it is said "they do not profess the faith in its entirety or do not preserve unity of communion with the successor of Peter." (Lumen Gentium [1964]: 16)

These traditional types seem to long for the days and means of the Inquisition, in which Cath. rulers were enjoined to exterminate the "heretics," and advocate for a Catholic monarchy under which Protestantism (they hope) could be (and sites like FR would be censored if they impugn the RCC), and thus these stand in clear contrast to how modern Catholic leadership overall understands prior teaching.

Of course, traditionalists who allege contrasts are correct that they exist, but which sets them in contrast to the modern RCs - who obey such historical teaching as states that their one duty is to simply follow their pastors as docile sheep, and which are the one whose interpretation of past teaching they are to obey - who typically affirm conservative evangelicals as brethren, and often try to minimize differences.

Both of which tell us we need their magisterium as a remedy for our divisions, though we traditional evangelicals are the most unified major group in core conservative beliefs, while as one poster wryly stated,

The last time the church imposed its judgment in an authoritative manner on "areas of legitimate disagreement," the conservative Catholics became the Sedevacantists and the Society of St. Pius X, the moderate Catholics became the conservatives, the liberal Catholics became the moderates, and the folks who were excommunicated, silenced, refused Catholic burial, etc. became the liberals. The event that brought this shift was Vatican II; conservatives then couldn't handle having to actually obey the church on matters they were uncomfortable with, so they left. ” Nathan,

146 posted on 03/15/2017 12:10:14 PM PDT by daniel1212 ( Turn to the Lord Jesus as a damned and destitute sinner+ trust Him to save you, then follow Him!)
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To: Elsie


To repair the discipline issues.

Bishops must visit or reside in the areas assigned to them.\
They may not preside over multiple areas.
No sales of indulgences.
Each diocese must have a seminary.

147 posted on 03/15/2017 1:01:00 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: Elsie; ebb tide

He moved those 7 books to the middle area of the Bible, between the OT and the NT.

The first text to omit them was in 1627 and it was an unexplained publisher decision.

The KJV began omitting them in the late 1800’s.

148 posted on 03/15/2017 1:04:44 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: Elsie

So what?

Those objectors are not proposing a new theology.

149 posted on 03/15/2017 1:09:43 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: Elsie

Are you unable to discern between theology and practices?

I defend ALL Catholic theology.

150 posted on 03/15/2017 1:11:41 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: Elsie

That’s pretty lame!

Christ also made the same admonition regarding the term rabbi, which translates “teacher”.

Is the NEA aware of your objection?

151 posted on 03/15/2017 1:14:13 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: JesusIsLord

If Scripture supports “both sides of the argument”, then ONLY “both/and” can be true.

152 posted on 03/15/2017 1:16:59 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: Elsie


Because it is not true, or supported by the full extent of Scripture.

153 posted on 03/15/2017 1:18:24 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: G Larry
If Scripture supports “both sides of the argument” ....

Again, I pose to you this question, "how do you view Christians who believe their salvation is in the finished work of Christ alone?"

154 posted on 03/15/2017 2:28:48 PM PDT by JesusIsLord
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From my own research, my guess is that whatever She is now, it is because Her Son and the Father wish it to be so.

No; it's whatever ROME wishes her to be!

For instance............
The way it's written:
Galatians 4:4-5
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.
The way Rome teaches it:
Galatians 4:4-5
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a....
Ark of the Covenant,
Cause of Our Joy,
Cause of our Salvation ,
Comfort of the Afflicted,
Destroyer of Heresy,
Ever-virgin ,
Favoured Daughter of the Father,
Gate of Heaven,
Health of the Sick,
Help of Christians,
Holy Mary,
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of Virgins,
House of Gold,
Joy of the Just,
Mirror of Justice,
Morning Star,
Most Holy,
Mother Admirable,
Mother Inviolate,
Mother Most Amiable,
Mother Most Chaste,
Mother Most Pure,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of Divine Grace,
Mother of God,
Mother of Good Counsel,
Mother of Mercy,
Mother of Orphans,
Mother of Our Creator,
Mother of Our Redeemer,
Mother of Sorrows,
Mother of the Church,
Mother of the Poor,
Mother of the Word,
Mother Thrice Admirable,
Mother Undefiled,
Mystical Rose,
Nova Eva (the New Eve),
Our Lady of Compassion,
Our Lady of Confidence,
Our Lady of Victory,
Our Lady, Star of the Sea,
Our Mother of Perpetual Help,
Queen Assumed Into Heaven,
Queen Conceived Without Original Sin,
Queen of All Saints,
Queen of Angels,
Queen of Apostles,
Queen of Confessors,
Queen of Families,
Queen of Heaven,
Queen of Martyrs,
Queen of Patriarchs,
Queen of Peace,
Queen of Prophets,
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
Queen of Virgins,
Ravisher of Hearts,
Refuge of Sinners,
Seat of Wisdom,
She Who Shows the Way,
Singular Vessel of Devotion,
Spiritual Vessel,
Spouse of the Holy Spirit,
Tabernacle of the Lord,
Temple of the Most Holy Trinity,
Throne of Wisdom,
Tower of David,
Tower of Ivory,
Treasure House of God's Graces,
Untier of Knots,
Vessel of Honor,
Virgin God-bearer,
Virgin Most Faithful,
Virgin Most Merciful,
Virgin Most Powerful,
Virgin Most Prudent,
Virgin Most Renowned,
Virgin Most Venerable          born under the law, to HELP redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship; sooner or later; and not spend TOO much time in Purgatory.

155 posted on 03/15/2017 3:06:10 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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In all honestly, I wasn't raised around an understanding of Mother Mary, so I tend to have the same almost built-in Prostestant beliefs about Her, too, but not the hostility.

In all honesty; I find in hard NOT to be 'hostile' when a mere human is elevated so high as to be almost GOD-like; siphoning off praise and adoration that should be directed towards GOD alone!

Let's try some easy math:

There are approximately 1.2 billion Catholics world wide;

If merely 1% of them  'ask' Mary for help just once each day;

that means that 12 million separate prayers are headed Mary's direction every day.

Given that there are 86,400 seconds per day... (24 hours times 60 minutes times 60 seconds)

...that means that Mary has to handle approximately 139 'requests' per second!

Purty good fer someone NOT 'divine'!

156 posted on 03/15/2017 3:09:41 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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Besides, what I see happening now at the Vatican is more compelling and has far more impact on my life and afterlife.

How so?

Francis isn't changing any doctrine or infallible teachings of the church.

Is he??

157 posted on 03/15/2017 3:11:06 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: G Larry
He moved those 7 books to the middle area of the Bible, between the OT and the NT.

This is evidence of...

For one thing, he tossed seven books out “his” bible.


158 posted on 03/15/2017 3:14:19 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: JesusIsLord

I view them as mistaken.

I pray that by Grace, through Faith, that their life’s works abide the commands of Scripture and that were repentance is necessary, they have reconciled themselves with God.

159 posted on 03/15/2017 3:14:48 PM PDT by G Larry (There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
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To: G Larry
Those objectors are not proposing a new theology.

And you are stating that Luther did?

160 posted on 03/15/2017 3:15:18 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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