No reason Noah didn’t live that long.
You can’t apply the conditions to day to those who were much closer in time to creation and had virtually uncorrupted DNA and lived in a different physical environment.
>No reason Noah didnt live that long.
>You cant apply the conditions to day to those who were much >closer in time to creation and had virtually uncorrupted DNA >and lived in a different physical environment.
Spot on! Furthermore, my philosophy of mortal life being a test, requires interaction with other people which creates opportunities for us to love our fellows and serve them OR love only ourselves and use our fellows. Back in Adam’s day, with a big empty world, people could wander off “east of Eden” without any human contact. They needed 900 years in order to achieve the same amount of social interaction that we get in 70.
And always remember the power of God.
Good post, BTW.