but he’s the pope, and Catholics are supposed to follow the pope. what do you call a Christian who protests the pope? A Protestant
Catholics follow Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Pope is supposed to as well.
Not blindly.
A protestant is someone who adheres to Martin Luther’s 93 theses.
A Pope speaks from the Chair of Peter, ex cathedra. He is to be well regarded for defending Doctrine and Dogma, from the Chair, as his words are proven already and re-enforce what is already known.
You are in error to imply fascitiously or seriously that the faithful are too stupid to recognize heresy when they hear it or will recognize it and will nevertheless follow like lemmings. Surely, you jest.
This Pope has done nothing ex cathedra and his controversial mouthings are just that— his personal babblings of opinion.
We have nothing to fear. Bergoglio is no match for the Holy Spirit. We are observers of a catastrophe it causes to the ignorant and foolish, the poorly catechized, for sure, but the Church is God’s own kingdom on earth.
Why do you think the Enemy wants her and mocks her so? There are wolves among the shepherds. The Devil recognizes where God resides and knows His voice. As was Israel, the new Israel, the Church, will be made small also, and surrounded by wolves and mockers, inside and out. Her name is Holy Mother Church, and she is and forever will be Catholic.